
Watch Former KGB Spy, Professor Oleg Kalugin
Watch Former KGB Spy, Professor Oleg Kalugin
Ever wanted to talk to a real cold war KGB spy? Here's your chance to hear Professor of Counterintelligence and former KGB Intelligence agent, Oleg Kalugin discuss the nature of Cold War espionage in the Soviet Union the rise of corruption within the USSR, the fall of Communism, and post-Soviet leaders. This is anedition of Conservative Roundtable, the nationally broadcast conservative television program hosted by Howard Phillips, and produced by The Conservative Caucus and Art Harman. Please visit our websites: www.ConservativeUSA.org http www.NAUWarRoom.org http www.SaveMannedSpace.com http www.Twitter.com Subscribe and share! Like us on Facebook! Click the "subscribe" button to receive notices when we add new programs. Our YouTube channel is www.youtube.com

Cold War Spies, KGB Agent Aldrich Ames
Cold War Spies, KGB Agent Aldrich Ames
CIA traitor and KGB double agent Aldrich Ames.

The KGB in America: History and Operations - Documentary Film (1981)
The KGB in America: History and Operations - Documentary Film (1981)
thefilmarchive.org DVD: www.amazon.com The KGB (КГБ) is the commonly used initialism for the Russian: About this sound Комитет государственной безопасности (help·info) (Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti or Committee for State Security). It was the national security agency of the Soviet Union from 1954 until 1991, and its premier internal security, intelligence, and secret police organization during that time. The contemporary State Security Agency of the Republic of Belarus uses the Russian name KGB. Most of the KGB archives remain classified, yet two on-line documentary sources are available. The GRU (military intelligence) recruited the ideological agents Julian Wadleigh and Alger Hiss, who became State Department diplomats in 1936. The NKVD's first US operation was establishing the legal residency of Boris Bazarov and the illegal residency of Iskhak Akhmerov in 1934. Throughout, the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) and its Gen.-Sec'y Earl Browder, helped NKVD recruit Americans, working in government, business, and industry. Other important, high-level ideological agents were the diplomats Laurence Duggan and Michael Whitney Straight in the State Department, the statistician Harry Dexter White in the Treasury Department, the economist Lauchlin Currie (an FDR advisor), and the "Silvermaster Group", headed by statistician Greg Silvermaster, in the Farm Security Administration and the Board of Economic Warfare. Moreover, when Whittaker Chambers, formerly Alger Hiss's <b>...</b>

How To Brainwash A Nation
How To Brainwash A Nation
This amazing interview was done back in 1985 with a former KGB agent who was trained in subversion techniques. He explains the 4 basic steps to socially engineering entire generations into thinking and behaving the way those in power want them to. It's shocking because our nation has been transformed in the exact same way, and followed the exact same steps. Please join the campaign to end this insanity at The Kick Them All Out Project www.KickThemAllOut.com

The KGB Psychic Files
The KGB Psychic Files
Video of the KGB's bizarre psychic experiments, KGB ghost hunters and more with original KGB footage and interviews.

Dont know if this is real , from the kgb ufo files

Supposedly KGB Alien/UFO Footage
Supposedly KGB Alien/UFO Footage
Supposedly KGB Alien and UFO Footage

The Secret KGB Abduction Files - UFO Docu (Roger Moore)
The Secret KGB Abduction Files - UFO Docu (Roger Moore)
This video, moderated by Roger Moore, discusses evidence of KGB involvment in UFO research after the second world war. It looks at possible Alien involvment in the building of the pyramids, as well as video evidence of a crashed saucer. FAIR USE NOTICE: The material on this channel is provided solely for educational and informational purposes. It may contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Infringement of copyright is not intended. The material is made available to help educate people about health related issues. It is believed that this constitutes a 'FAIR USE' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17, section 107 of the US Copyright Law. The material is distributed without profit to those who would like to use such material for research and educational purposes. FAIR USE NOTICE The use of the media material found on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the US Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of commentary, criticism, and education.

Grey Alien Filmed By KGB
Grey Alien Filmed By KGB
Originaly uploaded by Ivan0135. THIS VIDEO HAVE LEAKED OUT FROM THE KGB TOP SECRET ARCHIVE. Date format: YY/MM/DD Duration: HH:MM:SS From the first contact in 1942, a series of diplomatic visits to discuss matters of mutual concern were planned. Under the treaty 23/04, these meetings would take place in secrecy, a limited number of special agents would escort visitors and they would only meet high ranking officers. According to the document 072 / E, at the meeting of 1961 there was an incident involving 3 subjects due to the violation of the agreement by the officers at the military base when they discovered that their arrival was been filmed with a hidden device without their consent. Under the treaty 23/04, the meetings would be confidential and filming or taking photographs would not be allowed. After the incident, the treaty was revised. ...

KGB Agent Tells You What The Illusion Is !
KGB Agent Tells You What The Illusion Is !
pindz.blogspot.com - http - hotufos.blogspot.com KGB Agent Tells You What The Illusion Is !

The KGB, the Computer, and Me (Complete)
The KGB, the Computer, and Me (Complete)
How does computer crime really work? What does the Internet look like? Find out when a one-time Berkeley hippie/astrophysicist turns detective and gets mixed up with the CIA and KGB. NOVA follows computer sleuth Clifford Stoll as he tracks down a data thief through a maze of military and research computers. From 1990 Cliff Stoll's Website www.ocf.berkeley.edu "The KGB, the Computer, and Me" IMDb Entry: www.imdb.com "23" IMDb Entry: www.imdb.com Karl Koch Tribute Website: www.hagbard-celine.de "23" - Complete with English Subtitles video.google.com Spiegel TV: Karl Koch Documentary: www.youtube.com

Amiga Longplay [352] KGB
Amiga Longplay [352] KGB
www.recordedamigagames.org Played By Retroplay This longplay could have been a good amount smaller if I edited out some of the waiting time between screens. However I decided not to do that as it would have been a mammoth task to accomplish and still have the right music in sync with each screen/chapter. So take it or leave it. :p

The KGB Connections
The KGB Connections
Disturbing and eye-opening documentary that reveals the true nature of KGB activities/Soviet Operations in North America during the 1970s and 80s.

Ex-KGB Uri Bezmenov On Ideological Indoctrination - Part 1
Ex-KGB Uri Bezmenov On Ideological Indoctrination - Part 1
The following is part one of a 1985 interview with Ex-KGB officer Uri Bezmenov. In this interview, Bezmenov outlines the systematic demoralization and indoctrination techniques utilized for decades against America. The interview is prophetic, describing effects we can see all around us today, and it speaks to the bleak future of our nation if left unchecked. The full 81 minute interview can be found here: video.google.com Hat-Tip: Northeast Intelligence Network www.homelandsecurityus.com ---

Just for Laughs - KGB Clowns
Just for Laughs - KGB Clowns
The Montreal International Comedy Festival - KGB Clowns

KGB Montage
KGB Montage
Taking a break from taunt killing again, this time to hit people with big glowing hands. Song is You're the Best Around by Joe Esposito. twitter.com

KGB agent killed by polonium tea still thorn in Russia-UK ties
KGB agent killed by polonium tea still thorn in Russia-UK ties
It's a case where poison spread much further than its intended victim. Five years since the death of Russian former security agent Alexander Litvinenko in the UK. The diplomatic spat it triggered between Moscow and London shows no signs of letting up. And as RT's Laura Smith reports, the course of juctice isn't running smooth either. RT on Twitter: twitter.com RT on Facebook: www.facebook.com

KGB -"Stark" Detroit Techno Classic 1990 !
KGB -"Stark" Detroit Techno Classic 1990 !
Classic that needs no introduction.Taken from the Techno 2 compilation. I'm amazed this hasn't been posted before. Rare photo of KGB man Tim Brown who was a classically trained musician who studied in a prestigious Paris institute. He was originally hired to run the KMS label by Kevin "Reese" Saunderson. He released no other known tracks. Play this in (((stereo))) by clicking below: www.youtube.com 1990 KMS Mixed by Reese.

Former KGB Agent Explains the Brainwashing of America 1980's
Former KGB Agent Explains the Brainwashing of America 1980's
"Marxist-Leninism ideology is being pumped into the soft heads of at least three generations of American students without being challenged, or counter balanced by the basic values of Americanism." WAKE UP AMERICA!!!HAVE YOU HAD ENOUGH YET!??!! THE VIPERS IN CONGRESS PASSED THE FASCIST BAILOUT BILL. IT IS TIME TO REVAMP THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES!!! GET OUT THERE AND GET AN INCUMBENT OR 2 OUSTED, AND A COUPLE OF 3RD PARTY CANDIDATES ELECTED!!! TAKE BACK THE HOUSE! DO EVERYTHING IN YOUR POWER TO OUST THEM FROM OFFICE. AGGRESSIVELY CAMPAIGN FOR THE 3RD PARTY CANDIDATES AND CHALLENGERS WHO SUPPORT THE CONSTITUTION, WILL STRIVE TO ABOLISH THE FED, AND DENOUNCE THE CFR AND UN!!!! DO YOUR HOMEWORK!! GET ON IT!! Go to www.campaignforliberty.com for additional contact information. And while you are there, join the Revolution. WHILE YOUR DOING THAT PUT THE TRAITORS ON NOTICE Flood their phones, faxes, emails. DO IT IN THE NAME OF FREEDOM!!! YOU MUST CALL ALL "AYES" and THE "NAYS" that voted only to save their arse!!! Remind them that by further devaluing the dollar and artificially propping up Wall street, forcing us to Nationalize this corporate debt is FASCISM!!! And that vote was a self induced pink slip, and may be construed as an act of TREASON. We do not support this FASCIST legislation. CALL CONGRESS IT TAKES ABOUT 1 MINUTE PER CALL!!! GET ON IT!!! Capitol Hill Switchboard: (202) 224-3121 Congressional contact and scorecard: capwiz.com Stay tuned...more revolution coming <b>...</b>