20110830 - OWOC Gulf of Mexico flight
20110830 - OWOC Gulf of Mexico flight
2011-08-30 Over flight of the Gulf of Mexico off the Louisiana coast by OnWingsOfCare.org founder and pilot Dr. Bonny Schumaker.
In the narrative of One Hundred Years of Solitude by Nobel Gabriel Garcia Marquez the town of Macondo grows from a tiny settlement with almost no contact with the outside world, to eventually become a large and thriving place, before a banana plantation is set up. The establishment of the banana plantation (BP) lead to Macondo's downfall, followed by a gigantic windstorm that wipes it from the map. As the town grows and falls, different generations of the Buendía family play important roles, contributing to its development. The fall of Macondo comes first as a result of a four-year rainfall, which destroyed most of the town's supplies and image. During the years following the rainfall, the town begins to empty, as does the Buendía home. The final stroke is, in fact, presaged in the manuscripts written by Melquíades 100 years before. The Macondo Prospect (Mississippi Canyon Block 252, abbreviated MC252) is an oil and gas prospect in the United States Exclusive Economic Zone of the Gulf of Mexico, off the coast of Louisiana. The prospect was the site of the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig explosion in April 2010 that led to a major, ongoing oil spill in the region.
US Offshore Oil Exploration -- Keynote and The Ecology of the Gulf of Mexico, Post Macondo
US Offshore Oil Exploration -- Keynote and The Ecology of the Gulf of Mexico, Post Macondo
Feb. 11, 2011 The Energy Forum and PFC Energy host a discussion about how to improve the safety and effectiveness of the US offshore drilling industry. bakerinstitute.org
20120406 - (2) NobleAmosRunner Oil Platform in the Macondo area of the Gulf of Mexico (video 132848)
20120406 - (2) NobleAmosRunner Oil Platform in the Macondo area of the Gulf of Mexico (video 132848)
20120406- Second video of the strange-looking discharge and large nearby area of subsurface luminescent bubbles around the oil platform "Noble Amos Runner" and the nearby vessel "Joshua Chouest", noted during flyover by On Wings Of Care in the Macondo are of the Gulf of Mexico
Fundamentals of Post-Macondo Contract Risk Management in Oil and Gas Online Training Samplee
Fundamentals of Post-Macondo Contract Risk Management in Oil and Gas Online Training Samplee
OSPRAG Summit: Oil Spill Response - Macondo Lessons for the UK - Craig Bunyan, DECC
OSPRAG Summit: Oil Spill Response - Macondo Lessons for the UK - Craig Bunyan, DECC
Oil & Gas UK's OSPRAG Summit provided delegates the opportunity to find out from experts about the range of projects undertaken to bolster the industry's prevention of blowouts and in the unlikely event that such an incident occurs, the sector's response to it. The summit was chaired by Malcolm Webb, chief executive of Oil & Gas UK and provided an opportunity for the work of OSPRAG to be explored by an expert line-up of speakers including the group's project leaders, regulators and lawyers.
BUSTED!!! BP Buys Science!!!
BUSTED!!! BP Buys Science!!!
Original video of the entire conference can be found here: vmc.ext.msstate.edu (Select Central Standard Time if a drop-down menu appears, and then "Dr. Brook")
Kevin Costner Cleans Up the Gulf [6-14-2010]
Kevin Costner Cleans Up the Gulf [6-14-2010]
Visit MeTee.com Support this Youtube channel and Create and Publish a T-shirt using the link above and order for a discount. MeTee: It's T-Shirt Design done in seconds and Always Free Shipping. - The Deepwater Horizon oil spill (also referred to as the BP oil spill, the BP oil disaster the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, and the Macondo blowout) is an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico which flowed unabated for three months in 2010, and continues to seep. It is the largest accidental marine oil spill in the history of the petroleum industry. The spill stemmed from a sea-floor oil gusher that resulted from the 20 April 2010, explosion of Deepwater Horizon, which drilled on the BP-operated Macondo Prospect. The explosion killed 11 men working on the platform and injured 17 others. On 15 July 2010, the gushing wellhead was capped, after it had released about 4. 9 million barrels (780000 m3) of crude oil. An estimated 53000 barrels per day (8400 m3/d) escaped from the well just before it was capped. It is believed that the daily flow rate diminished over time, starting at about 62000 barrels per day (9900 m3/d) and decreasing as the reservoir of hydrocarbons feeding the gusher was gradually depleted. On 19 September 2010, the relief well process was successfully completed, and the federal government declared the well 'effectively dead'. In August 2011, oil and oil sheen covering several square miles of water were reported surfacing not far from BP's Macondo well. Scientific analysis <b>...</b>
20111112-OWOCGulfFlt-2. This is another video of the only distinct line of oil sheen and oil "globules" that we saw on our brief flight to the Macondo Prospect of the Gulf of Mexico today, located very near the working vessel whose heliport bore the name "Holiday." See the article here for more info: onwingsofcare.org .
Lessons of Macondo - AU10
Lessons of Macondo - AU10
The consequences of the incident in the Gulf of Mexico. Which lessons can be learned by the Dutch oil and gas industry form the incident in April 2010? Together with State Supervision of Mines SODM 14 NOGEPA working groups developed guidelines for the gas and oil exploration in the Netherlands and offshore.
Talk Show Host
Talk Show Host
Mock Talk Show discussing the BP Oil Spill and it effects in Louisiana.
FIsh kill in Garden Bay Venice Louisiana 8-25-2010
First of several low-res videos taken on a media flight to the Macondo Prospect, scene of last year's oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. Vessel here is the BP-contracted SARAH BORDELON, joined shortly after this video by other BP-contracted vessels in this area who have been sampling the oil and using ROVs to investigate underwater sources of the fresh oil that is showing up primarily from the Macondo well eastward .
20120229, On Wings Of Care Gulf Flyover (1 of 2 videos). Southeast from New Orleans, over the Taylor Energy chronic oil leak and then to the Macondo area (scene of the Deepwater Horizon disaster in 2010). See complete article at onwingsofcare.org
Proof BP's Well is NOT Capped as They Say It Is
Proof BP's Well is NOT Capped as They Say It Is
Please join us in demanding an Immediate & Public survey of the Relief Well D and the surrounding seabed in the Gulf of Mexico. PLEASE sign the online petition: www.gopetition.com The government documentation provided in this video Prove beyond any reasonable doubt that BP is lying about the status of the Relief Well D in the Gulf of Mexico that was drilled as a means to 'kill' the original Macondo well that blew. The Relief Well D was reportedly sealed by BP in September 2010. Why and how was a BOP Test ran on a 'permanently sealed' and capped well? That my friends is physically IMPOSSIBLE! So, now that you know, are you going to allow our government to continue covering up for BP and allowing them to manage their Own Crime Scene? Or are you going to be a voice of courage and reason? Links to publicly available documents at BOERME: WAR Reports (3-6-11) www.gomr.boemre.gov (2-8-11) www.gomr.boemre.gov (8-22-10) www.gomr.boemre.gov APM's (8-19-10) www.gomr.boemre.gov (2-8-11) www.gomr.boemre.gov (3-2-11) www.gomr.boemre.gov End of Ops (3-8-11) www.gomr.boemre.gov (8-21-10) www.gomr.boemre.gov Again, a sincere Thank You to Shirley Tillman, Lorie Williams, Laurel Lockamy, and Trisha James. Also Thank You Dahr Jamail reporter and Erika Blumenfeld photographer for AlJazeera and all the Gulf Warriors who are continuing to report the ongoing depth of the true devastation in the Gulf of Mexico due to BP's disasterous explosion of the Deep Water Horizon. This research and <b>...</b>
20111209-OWOC-Gulf Flight-Macondo-3
20111209-OWOC-Gulf Flight-Macondo-3
20111209 - On Wings Of Care Gulf Flight - the Macondo area. We began seeing surface oil sheen and slicks some 20 miles north of the (former) Deepwater Horizon site, and kept seeing it every couple of miles until about 10 miles south of it. The oil continued from northeast, to east, to southeast of the DHW site as well, persisting in areas where we have documented it previously (most recently Aug 30, Sep 11, and Sep 21). See onwingsofcare.org .
20120406 - (1) NobleAmosRunner Oil Platform in the Macondo area of the Gulf of Mexico (video 132643)
20120406 - (1) NobleAmosRunner Oil Platform in the Macondo area of the Gulf of Mexico (video 132643)
20120406 - Video by On Wings Of Care on a flyover of the Macondo area in the Gulf of Mexico. The vessel "Joshua Chouest" next to the oil platform "Noble Amos Runner". Strange-looking pressure stream subsurface nearby, and also some discharge from the platform (in this video and the accompanying one). See full article here: onwingsofcare.org
20111209 - OWOC - Gulf Flight - Macondo - 2
20111209 - OWOC - Gulf Flight - Macondo - 2
20111209 - On Wings Of Care Gulf Flight - the Macondo area. We began seeing surface oil sheen and slicks some 20 miles north of the (former) Deepwater Horizon site, and kept seeing it every couple of miles until about 10 miles south of it. The oil continued from northeast, to east, to southeast of the DHW site as well, persisting in areas where we have documented it previously (most recently Aug 30, Sep 11, and Sep 21). See onwingsofcare.org .
Second low-res video taken on a media flight to the Macondo Prospect, scene of last year's oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. Vessel here is the BP-contracted SARAH BORDELON, joined shortly after this video by other BP-contracted vessels in this area who have been sampling the oil and using ROVs to investigate underwater sources of the fresh oil that is showing up primarily from the Macondo well eastward almost 20 nm, in a band about 25 nm long from south to north. See articles on our website (under Preservation - Gulf 2011) and other references cited on our Facebook page for more information.
20111209-OWOC Gulf Flt - Macondo-1.mpg
20111209-OWOC Gulf Flt - Macondo-1.mpg
20111209 - On Wings Of Care Gulf Flight - the Macondo area. We began seeing surface oil sheen and slicks some 20 miles north of the (former) Deepwater Horizon site, and kept seeing it every couple of miles until about 10 miles south of it. The oil continued from northeast, to east, to southeast of the DHW site as well, persisting in areas where we have documented it previously (most recently Aug 30, Sep 11, and Sep 21). See onwingsofcare.org .
20120229 On Wings Of Care flight over the Gulf of Mexico, video #2 of 2. See complete article at: onwingsofcare.org
Climate Change Update (23 November 2011) BP's Gulf Oil Leak Never Stopped
Climate Change Update (23 November 2011) BP's Gulf Oil Leak Never Stopped
An environmental attorney said oil is still leaking from BP's Macondo Formation more than 16 months after the well was declared sealed. The attorney said the only explanation for fresh oil bearing the Macondo fingerprint that's washed ashore on barrier islands is that the seafloor was damaged during the Deepwater Horizon blowout, and oil is seeping through. www.sott.net STRANGE: Two high-profile Fukushima studies 'edited' by global warming advocate James Hansen — Wrote article "Why America Needs Nuclear Energy" enenews.com Beni Bolivia Earthquake 6.6 and Yellowstone National Park Signs of Activity www.youtube.com CME Impact / Solar Watch Nov 23, 2011 www.youtube.com radioactive rain pt6.MPG www.youtube.com Explosive Guatemala FUEGO VOLCANO releases 2 km ash cloud www.youtube.com Bush, Blair Found Guilty Of War Crimes in Malaysia Ttribunal : November 22, 2011 www.youtube.com FAIR USE NOTICE: These Videos may contain copyrighted (© ) material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such material is made available to advance understanding of ecological, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 USC Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior general <b>...</b>