
HLWW FFA gives demonstration of parlimentary procedure
HLWW FFA gives demonstration of parlimentary procedure
The Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted FFA chapter gave a beautiful demonstration of parliamentary procedure during a recent school board meeting. Videotape was taken by Herald Journal reporter Jennifer Gallus.

Treason in the Senate & 94% Unanimous Consent!
Treason in the Senate & 94% Unanimous Consent!
demint.senate.gov Isn't it interesting how some Senators and their Washington Post buddies think that "holding a bill" is more of a problem than not reading a bill and passing it by unanimous consent? www.washingtonpost.com So, maybe the Senators who think it's more important to ram bills through and not read them should be sent home? I would say that's a good idea! "Treason of the Senate": www.senate.gov

SFCS Pilot : The Unanimous Consent
SFCS Pilot : The Unanimous Consent
This is a proof-of-concept episode of a series I'm trying to make using "The Movies" (please hold all groans for now). It's only a 'pilot'. Future episodes would have the luxury of, ya know... a SCRIPT maybe. Anyway, just testing the format.

William Lane Craig on Catholicism (Doctrine vs. Practice)
William Lane Craig on Catholicism (Doctrine vs. Practice)
The question of authority is crucial to the differences between Catholics and Protestants. The Council of Trent emphatically proclaimed that the Bible alone is not sufficient for faith and morals. God has ordained tradition in addition to the Bible to faithfully guide the church. Infallible guidance in interpreting the Bible comes from the church. One of the criteria used to determine this is the "unanimous consent of the Fathers."4 In accordance with "The Profession of Faith of the Council of Trent" (Nov. 13, 1565), all faithful Catholics must agree: "I shall never accept nor interpret it ['Holy Scripture'] otherwise than in accordance with the unanimous consent of the Fathers." It is acknowledged by all, even by Catholic scholars, that there are contradictory Christian traditions. In fact, the great medieval theologian Peter Abelard noted hundreds of differences. For example, some fathers (eg, Augustine) supported the Old Testament Apocrypha while others (eg, Jerome) opposed it. Some great teachers (eg, Aquinas) opposed the Immaculate Conception of Mary while others (eg, Scotus) favored it. Indeed, some fathers opposed sola Scriptura, but others favored it. Now this very fact makes it impossible to trust tradition in any authoritative sense. For the question always arises: which of the contradictory traditions (teachings) should be accepted? To say, "The one pronounced authoritative by the church" begs the question, since the infallibility of tradition is a necessary <b>...</b>

Minister Kenney Presents a Motion in the House Honouring Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytsky
Minister Kenney Presents a Motion in the House Honouring Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytsky
Speaker Scheer recognizes the presence in the gallery of the leaders of all major faith groups in Ukraine, in Ottawa for a conference hosted by the Ukrainian Jewish Encounter to honour the memory of Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytsy. Minister Kenney then received unanimous consent in the House for a motion honouring Metropolitan Sheptytsky that read as follows; Whereas Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky (1865-1944) of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, was the leader of Western Ukraine's largest faith group during the period of the Second World War; and Whereas in the darkest period of Europe's history, with the deepening horrors of the mass murder of Jews in their homelands in Eastern Europe under German occupation during World War II, he spoke out eloquently against anti-Jewish violence and urged his congregants in a famous homily: "Thou Shalt Not Kill;" and Whereas leaders and representatives of all Ukraine's major faith denominations—Christian, Jewish, and Muslim—are visiting Canada to acknowledge Metropolitan Sheptytsky's good works; and Whereas Metropolitan Sheptystky acted to shelter and rescue Jews, saving over 160, including some present with us in Ottawa today; This House is united in expressing Canada's recognition of Andriy Sheptytsky's courageous actions, compassion for his oppressed Jewish Ukrainian countrymen, and enduring example of commitment to fundamental human rights as humankind's highest obligation.

Ignorance will kill ya- Important information
Ignorance will kill ya- Important information
May 1st is the Day the illuminati was put together in 1776 Did you know that a bill, HR 658, the FAA Air Transportation Modernization and Safety Improvement Act, has just passed both the House and the Senate which authorizes the use of 30000 spy drones over America by the year 2015 thomas.loc.gov Senate Bill 1867 Under Section 1021 of the NDAA, foreign nationals who are alleged to have committed or merely "suspected" of sympathizing with or providing any level of support to groups the US designates as terrorist organization or an affiliate or associated force may be imprisoned without charge or trial "until the end of hostilities." Section 1022 of the law covers US persons. The section allows for open-ended executive judgment with regard to the handling of US persons. In other words, the detention of US persons is optional, rather than a requirement as it is for non-US persons. www.opencongress.org www.naturalnews.com The bill—HR 347, or the "Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011"—was passed by unanimous consent in the Senate, while only Ron Paul and two other Republicans voted against the bill in the House of Representatives (the bill passed 388-3). Not a single Democratic politician voted against the bill. The virtually unanimous passage of HR 347 starkly exposes the fact that, despite all the posturing, the Democrats and the Republicans stand shoulder to shoulder with the corporate and financial oligarchy, which regarded last year's popular <b>...</b>

Republicans Back MRAs
Republicans Back MRAs
Bernard Chapin here with Volume of Chapin's INFERNO 974 Republicans Back MRAs campaigns.dailykos.com www.democraticunderground.com Email Sent to Bayushi Republicans have decided it isn't enough to try and defund Planned Parenthood and to prevent birth control from being covered by health insurance plans. Now they are attempting to weaken laws against domestic violence and sexual assault. The Violence Against Women Act was first passed in 1994, providing billions to enhance investigation and prosecution of violent crimes perpetrated against women. It was most recently reauthorized in 2005 by unanimous consent in the Senate. It's up for reauthorization again, but this time it received zero Republican votes in the Senate Judiciary Committee. Why? Because Republicans want to throw out provisions in the bill protecting victims who are LGBT or undocumented, slash funding for enforcement, and eliminate entirely "the Justice Department office devoted to administering the law and coordinating the nation's response to domestic violence and sexual assaults." I'm sure it's all just a coincidence Republicans are going to the mat to weaken laws against domestic violence and sexual assault, to end funding for breast cancer screenings, and to keep health insurance plans from covering birth control. No war on women happening here. Click here to sign the petition telling Senate Republicans to stop trying to slash the Violence Against Women Act. We'll deliver the signatures. Thanks for all <b>...</b>

#Anon #Newz CORRUPT USA Congress Passes UNLAWFUL Authoritarian Anti-Protest Law
#Anon #Newz CORRUPT USA Congress Passes UNLAWFUL Authoritarian Anti-Protest Law
#Anon #Newz CORRUPT USA Congress Passes UNLAWFUL Authoritarian Anti Protest Law Follow us on twitter @Anonymouse01 twitter.com www.wsws.org Authoritarian Anti Protest Law Defend democratic rights! Support the Socialist Equality Party election campaign! For more information and to get involved, click here. A bill passed Monday in the US House of Representatives and Thursday in the Senate would make it a felony—a serious criminal offense punishable by lengthy terms of incarceration—to participate in many forms of protest associated with the Occupy Wall Street protests of last year. Several commentators have dubbed it the "anti-Occupy" law, but its implications are far broader. The bill—HR 347, or the "Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011"—was passed by unanimous consent in the Senate, while only Ron Paul and two other Republicans voted against the bill in the House of Representatives (the bill passed 388-3). Not a single Democratic politician voted against the bill. The virtually unanimous passage of HR 347 starkly exposes the fact that, despite all the posturing, the Democrats and the Republicans stand shoulder to shoulder with the corporate and financial oligarchy, which regarded last year's popular protests against social inequality with a mixture of fear and hostility. Among the central provisions of HR 347 is a section that would make it a criminal offense to "enter or remain in" an area designated as "restricted." The bill defines the areas <b>...</b>

HR 347- Please Read Below to See what YOU and I can do TODAY!!!v
HR 347- Please Read Below to See what YOU and I can do TODAY!!!v
**3/12/12** THIS IS WORSE!!!! PLEASE WATCH!!! www.youtube.com ** 3/10/12** for those still watching this, Barack Osama signed it effective today. www.thenewworldreporter.com How can he do this? His Birth Cert is a fake. Please See: www.youtube.com What can you do? Call your reps TODAY. Ask for a definition. If they cant tell you, or say they can offer their opinion, ask to speak to someone who can tell you the opinion of the representative they work for. Find out what your rep voted for. Have 10 friends call and ask those friends to ask 10 more friends to call and so on. Lets show a peaceful protest. Everyone can take 5 or 10 min during lunch, or a smoke break. There is no excuse! See more on HR 347 Below. www.wsws.org A bill passed Monday in the US House of Representatives and Thursday in the Senate would make it a felony—a serious criminal offense punishable by a lengthy prison term—to participate in many forms of protest associated with the Occupy Wall Street protests of last year. Several commentators have dubbed it the "anti-Occupy" law, but its implications are far broader. The bill—HR 347, or the "Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011"—was passed by unanimous consent in the Senate, while only Ron Paul and two other Republicans voted against the bill in the House of Representatives (the bill passed 388-3). Not a single Democratic politician voted against the bill. The virtually unanimous passage of HR 347 starkly exposes the fact that <b>...</b>

House GOP Refuses to Allow Dem Whip to Speak on Floor & Offer Senate Compromise
House GOP Refuses to Allow Dem Whip to Speak on Floor & Offer Senate Compromise
This morning, Speaker Pro Tempore Michael Fitzpatrick (R-PA), under orders from Speaker Boehner, refused to allow Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer to speak on the floor and ask for unanimous consent to bring up the Senate bipartisan compromise to extend the payroll tax cut. Whip Hoyer and Congressman Chris Van Hollen are continuing to try to offer the Senate compromise even though Republicans walked off the floor. Once again, Republicans are risking a tax increase on 160 million Americans and the loss unemployment benefits for those who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own.

House Session 2012-03-01 (12:10:45-13:20:13)
House Session 2012-03-01 (12:10:45-13:20:13)
One Minute Speeches (5 per side) H.Res. 562 - Directing the Office of the Historian to compile oral histories from Members of the House of Representatives involved in the historic and annual Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, marches, as well as the civil rights movement in general, for the purposes of expanding or augmenting the historic record and for public dissemination and education (Unanimous Consent Agreement, One Hour of Debate) Postponed Votes on Legislation Considered Under Suspension of the Rules: 1) S. 1134 - St. Croix River Crossing Project Authorization Act 2) H.Res. 556 - Condemning the Government of Iran for its continued persecution, imprisonment, and sentencing of Youcef Nadarkhani on the charge of apostasy, as amended

VAWA: Which Side Are You On Boys?
VAWA: Which Side Are You On Boys?
Bernard Chapin here with Volume of Chapin's INFERNO 975 VAWA: Which Side Are You On Boys? campaigns.dailykos.com www.democraticunderground.com Email Sent to Bayushi Republicans have decided it isn't enough to try and defund Planned Parenthood and to prevent birth control from being covered by health insurance plans. Now they are attempting to weaken laws against domestic violence and sexual assault. The Violence Against Women Act was first passed in 1994, providing billions to enhance investigation and prosecution of violent crimes perpetrated against women. It was most recently reauthorized in 2005 by unanimous consent in the Senate. It's up for reauthorization again, but this time it received zero Republican votes in the Senate Judiciary Committee. Why? Because Republicans want to throw out provisions in the bill protecting victims who are LGBT or undocumented, slash funding for enforcement, and eliminate entirely "the Justice Department office devoted to administering the law and coordinating the nation's response to domestic violence and sexual assaults." I'm sure it's all just a coincidence Republicans are going to the mat to weaken laws against domestic violence and sexual assault, to end funding for breast cancer screenings, and to keep health insurance plans from covering birth control. No war on women happening here. Click here to sign the petition telling Senate Republicans to stop trying to slash the Violence Against Women Act. We'll deliver the signatures <b>...</b>

HR 347- Please Read Below to See what YOU and I can do TODAY
HR 347- Please Read Below to See what YOU and I can do TODAY
HR 347- Please Read Below to See what YOU and I can do TODAY Follow us on twitter @Anonymouse01 twitter.com ** 3/10/12** for those still watching this, Barack Osama signed it effective today. www.thenewworldreporter.com How can he do this? His Birth Cert is a fake. Please See: www.youtube.com What can you do? Call your reps TODAY. Ask for a definition. If they cant tell you, or say they can offer their opinion, ask to speak to someone who can tell you the opinion of the representative they work for. Find out what your rep voted for. Have 10 friends call and ask those friends to ask 10 more friends to call and so on. Lets show a peaceful protest. Everyone can take 5 or 10 min during lunch, or a smoke break. There is no excuse! See more on HR 347 Below. www.wsws.org A bill passed Monday in the US House of Representatives and Thursday in the Senate would make it a felony—a serious criminal offense punishable by a lengthy prison term—to participate in many forms of protest associated with the Occupy Wall Street protests of last year. Several commentators have dubbed it the "anti-Occupy" law, but its implications are far broader. The bill—HR 347, or the "Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011"—was passed by unanimous consent in the Senate, while only Ron Paul and two other Republicans voted against the bill in the House of Representatives (the bill passed 388-3). Not a single Democratic politician voted against the bill. The virtually unanimous <b>...</b>

Whip Hoyer Demands Action as Speaker Walks Off Floor and Turns Off Microphones
Whip Hoyer Demands Action as Speaker Walks Off Floor and Turns Off Microphones
Speaker Pro Tempore Michael Fitzpatrick (R-PA), under orders from Speaker Boehner, refused to allow Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer to speak on the floor and ask for unanimous consent to bring up the Senate bipartisan compromise to extend the payroll tax cut.

John Boehner walks out on AMERICA
John Boehner walks out on AMERICA
UPDATE: This has since been agreed upon... See link below... Early yesterday morning, Speaker Pro Tempore Michael Fitzpatrick (R-PA), under orders from Speaker Boehner, refused to allow Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer to speak on the floor and ask for unanimous consent to bring up the Senate bipartisan compromise to extend the payroll tax cut. What's worse, is Whip Hoyer and Congressman Chris Van Hollen continued to try to offer the Senate compromise even though Republicans walked off the floor. It seems that Republicans are risking a tax increase on 160 million Americans and the loss unemployment benefits for those who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own in a pathetic attempt to play party politics. As Rep. Stenny Hoyer (D-MD) attempted to call for a vote to extend a payroll tax cut to middle class and working Americans, his Republican colleagues adjourned the House and walked out of the chamber. And if that weren't odd enough, it got even stranger: As Hoyer railed against them for failing to help working Americans, footage from C-SPAN went silent, then cut away. After banging his gavel and walking away Hoyer can be heard saying... "As you walk off the floor, Mr. Speaker, you're walking away, just as so many Republicans have walked away from taxpayers, the unemployed, and very frankly, as well, from those who will be seeking medical assistance from their doctors, 48 million senior citizens," "We regret, Mr. Speaker, that you have walked off the platform <b>...</b>

HR 347- Another Black March Dedication!!v
HR 347- Another Black March Dedication!!v
3/12/12 PLEASE WATCH NOW!!!!!!!! IM Serious!!! www.youtube.com **3-10-12 Barack Osama signed HR 347** www.thenewworldreporter.com What can you do? Make the world know that he is not who he says he is. His Birth Cert is verified a FAKE and therefor everything he has signed must be frozen until the investigation.That's what WE MUST CALL AND DEMAND!!! www.youtube.com Call your reps TODAY. Ask for a definition. If they cant tell you, or say they can offer their opinion, ask to speak to someone who can tell you the opinion of the representative they work for. Find out what your rep voted for. Have 10 friends call and ask those friends to ask 10 more friends to call and so on. Lets show a peaceful protest. Everyone can take 5 or 10 min during lunch, or a smoke break. There is no excuse! See more on HR 347 Below. Its still Black March, so please support it by not downloading movies or music, Legal or Illegal. Dont go to the movies. Its only until 4/1/12 and its a peaceful protest that wont get you get in jail for 5-10 years like HR 347. We all have lots of music. Make a vid in Protest as well calling your representatives everyday!! www.wsws.org A bill passed Monday in the US House of Representatives and Thursday in the Senate would make it a felony—a serious criminal offense punishable by a lengthy prison term—to participate in many forms of protest associated with the Occupy Wall Street protests of last year. Several commentators have dubbed it the "anti-Occupy" law, but its <b>...</b>

Military Rape Speech 15 by Congresswoman Jackie Speier.mp4
Military Rape Speech 15 by Congresswoman Jackie Speier.mp4
Ms. Speier: thank you, madam speaker. i ask unanimous consent to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized for five minutes. Ms. Speier: madam speaker, thank you. i rise again today to highlight the epidemic of rape and sexual assault in the military. this issue was recently brought up on fox news by a commentator who ignorantly declared that women who join the military should expect to be raped. yes, believe it or not this was what the commentator said. i don't think our women choose to enlist in the military with the expectations that they might get raped. this morning i'm going to tell you the story of us marine stephanie schroeder who was raped in a public rest room by a fellow marine. he shoved her down, beat her, and force the her on her back. he ripped down her pants and raped her. then he ejaculated on her in they are thigh and spit on her. private schroeder reported the rape to command. her commander laughed at her and said, don't come blanking to me because you had sex and changed your mind. don't come blanking to me? that's the response that was given to private schroeder. that was her leader. that was her commander saying that to her. instead of helping her, her commander called her a liar and restricted her from seeking medical help or any type of counseling. what's worse is that her commander did nothing illegal. the military judicial system allows commanders complete discretion for handling cases <b>...</b>

Senator Wicker Highlights National Crime Victims' Rights Week Resolution on Senate Floor
Senator Wicker Highlights National Crime Victims' Rights Week Resolution on Senate Floor
WASHINGTON, DC -- US Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) on Tuesday applauded Senate passage of a resolution he authored supporting National Crime Victims' Rights Week. This year, the week will be observed April 22-28. The Wicker resolution, which passed the Senate by unanimous consent, was co-sponsored by Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Charles Schumer (DN.Y.), and Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). "We have come a long way since the days when crime victims had access to few rights and services," said Wicker. "Yet it is also true that too many crimes are still committed, that not all crimes are reported, and that many crime survivors still struggle to overcome the lasting effects of crime. National Crime Victims' Rights Week offers us the opportunity each year to highlight the needs of crime survivors, recognize those who help them, and engage the public in the fight for victims' rights." Nearly 20 million Americans are victims of crime each year, and these individuals and their families are confronted with unique and difficult challenges. Acts of crime inflict lasting physical, emotional, and psychological wounds that take time and care to heal. President Ronald Reagan proclaimed the first Crime Victims' Rights Week on April 8, 1981. National Crime Victims' Rights Week has been commemorated annually for the last 30 years.

House Session 2011-12-23 (10:00:57-10:08:29)
House Session 2011-12-23 (10:00:57-10:08:29)
The House passed by unanimous consent to the compromise Social Security payroll tax holiday extension.

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) Resignation & Tributes
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) Resignation & Tributes
Seen on C-SPAN: Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) Resignation and Tributes. See the complete program here: www.c-spanvideo.org

Compilation of clips featuring (leg)ends Juliet Huddy and Ainsley Earnhardt. There is no audio in this clip.

Without Explanation, Republicans Continue to Block Nominations
Without Explanation, Republicans Continue to Block Nominations
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse today asked unanimous consent to bring five judicial nominees forward for a final confirmation vote before the full Senate. Sen. Jon Kyl, without any legitimate explanation, objected to all of them.