
Good artists copy, great artists steal. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Clichés we’ve come to know and love. For what seems like an eternity now, I’ve been encouraging people trying to get into our field to get into the practice of replicating. When used as a learning tool, replication can be an invaluable teacher and an invaluable motivator.

So this week on the hastily-named-but-I-sort-of-like-it-now Vlogalonstar: Replication.

(This time I managed to talk slower and keep everything under the 4 minute mark. Next time I hope to talk about something a little less… teachy. That is, unless you’d all like me to keep being all… teachy. I can go either way with this.)

Previously on Avalonstar

  • On Photoshop, Defaults and Panel Options

    You know, it figures that the first episode of the hastily named “Vlogalonstar” would be on Photoshop. This, my friends, is my first real...

  • Vlogalonstar

    Welcome to an experiment. Video blogging is something that’s completely new to me, but it’s something that I’ve been wanting to try and have...

  • My Humanscale M8

    I’ve been on a mounting spree as of late. First, my TV. Then my microphone. Now, my iMac. This, the Humanscale M8, is...

  • On Removing Barriers to Writing

    This’ll probably be the second and final post in mine in February. Has my fire been put out? Nope, but there’ve been a few...