
May Birding Still Active – Join Us!

This certainly is an early spring and the birds came right along!
Here is how you can participate: come along on a bird walk with a staff naturalist; keep up with bird reports from local walks or from around the state; pledge to support a team in our annual Birdathon!

Happy friends

2012 Preschool Programs, Vacation Camps, and Summer Day Camps

Join us at Gilsland Farm in Falmouth or Fields Pond in Holden to discover nature through hiking, creative arts, exploration, and games.
Learn More →


Out in the Field

We are excited to announce citizen science, community mapping, and GIS training for middle school educators across Maine.
Learn More →


Road Ecology & the East-West Highway

Staff Biologist and GIS Manager Barbara Charry appeared on Maine Watch to discuss the proposed east-west highway and its impact on wildlife and wildlife habitat. Watch the program and learn more about our Endangered Species Road Watch and Wildlife Road Watch programs.


Crunch Time for the Legislative Session

Things have been really busy and most issues are still percolating but here’s a snapshot of where things stand.
Learn More  →

A Look Inside ...



Find bird houses, bird feeders, binoculars, and more! Visit one of our Nature Stores. Discounts for Maine Audubon members on most purchases. Become a member today and support wildlife preservation in Maine.


Thursday Morning Birdwalks

Explore Gilsland Farm with staff naturalist Mike Windsor. Meet at 7:00 am in the environmental center. Bring your binoculars and field guides.