
How to Become a 21st-Century Social Activist
How to Become a 21st-Century Social Activist
Want to make a difference in the world? It's easier than ever, thanks to modern technology. Here's how you can become a 21st-century social activist. Tocomplete this how-to, you will need: Internet access Twitter account Facebook account Smartphone with camera and video YouTube account with a mobile set-up Live video broadcasting app Text-to-donate programs Online petitions Step 1: Know what a 21st-century social activist is Know what a 21st-century social activist is: A person who uses modern communication technology -- like text messaging, Twitter, and Facebook -- to help bring about social change. Step 2: Raise awareness Use social media to raise awareness of a wrong. An Egyptian citizen's anonymous Facebook group about the torture killing of a local man by police helped topple the 30-year presidency of Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak. Step 3: Tweet Use hashtags -- words or phrases prefixed with the "hash" or "pound" symbol -- on Twitter to help spread, share, and organize information about a certain topic. Hashtags can be used to coordinate protests, update people about an ongoing crisis, and crowdsource information. Keep in mind that authorities have become savvy at keeping an eye on revolutionary activity by monitoring hashtags. Step 4: Post it on YouTube Witnessing an injustice in person? Record it on your cellphone and post it to YouTube. You'll need a YouTube account with a mobile setup that allows you to upload directly from your phone to your YouTube channel <b>...</b>

Jody Williams on the Necessity of Activism
Jody Williams on the Necessity of Activism
Nobel Peace Prize winner Jody Williams helped to bring about a worldwide ban on landmines.

Zeitgeist Movement Activist and Orientation Guide
Zeitgeist Movement Activist and Orientation Guide
The Zeitgeist Movement. Activist and Orientation video Guide by Peter Joseph 2009. www.thezeitgeistmovement.com www.thevenusproject.com www.thevenusprojectdesign.com

What is Activism? A FIERCE LIGHT FLASH!
What is Activism? A FIERCE LIGHT FLASH!
www.fiercelight.org A Fierce Light Flash! Directed by award winning filmmaker Velcrow Ripper, that explores the question What is Activism? Featuring Starhawk, Congressman John Lewis, Dharma Punk Noah Levine, Van Jones, Kevin Teddy, Alan Clements, and Matthew Fox. Produced by Cher Hawrysh. Made with support from the Ontario Arts Council.

The 12 Keys of Spiritual Activism
The 12 Keys of Spiritual Activism
Spiritual Activism is about reconnecting the concepts of personal spiritual growth and societal action. It is a mindset that comes from the awakening of our perception of the interconnectiveness of all living beings and the understanding that not only do our actions make a contribution to the world, they also foster our personal spiritual development. Spiritual Activism moves the mindset of the individual from one of "me" to one of "us" and towards a goal of selfless service to others. Selfless service does not differentiate between invisible acts of service to others and those that are recognized publically. It works towards the empowerment of others to not only solve the immediate problem, but to give the tools to prevent the repeat of the problem. The embrace of the path of Spiritual Activism enables individuals or groups to develop the noble qualities of compassion, wisdom and gratitude. It is in itself a Path of Transformation - a Spiritual Blueprint for living. We can shift our perspectives of reality through seeking service beyond self by practicing the Gifts of Service. For more information, visit: humanityhealing.net Music: Daniel Kobialka, "Annachie Gordon"FAIR USE NOTICE This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social <b>...</b>

Activism is more than a word
Activism is more than a word
In honor of LGBT Pride Month- a look at activism in the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community around the world. Created for Fight OUT Loud.

FBI using GPS to track activists
FBI using GPS to track activists
An environmental activist has stepped forward to Wired Magazine after she found a GPS which had been placed under her car, courtesy of the feds. According to Wired.com, this method is becoming a common way for feds to track anyone deemed suspicious or a "potential threat" to our country, depending on if you consider environmental activists a threat.

SOCIAL MEDIA: Online Activism
SOCIAL MEDIA: Online Activism
See more in our series on social media Digital U: bit.ly With social tools like twitter and facebook, and thousands of sites devoted to issues and causes like minded individuals are hooking up about everything - and its revolutionizing how activists organize. Socially aware people can connect, and create change in a space that is free and worldwide. Individuals can organize large scale events with virtually no cost, to create awareness and engage others for their cause.

IMAN: Supermodel. Businesswoman. Activist. Refugee.
IMAN: Supermodel. Businesswoman. Activist. Refugee.
Iman is famous worldwide as a supermodel, successful businesswoman and fashion icon alongside her husband David Bowie. That's just the beginning -- she is also a refugee. Born in Somalia, Iman and her family fled war in the 1970s, making their way to Kenya on foot. Discovered there by fashion photographer Peter Beard, Iman came to the US and took the fashion world by storm, breaking barriers as a supermodel and businesswoman. She also became a leading activist for peace in Africa. In this wide-ranging interview in honor of International Women's Day, Iman talks with the Enough Project's John Prendergast about her remarkable life, her activism and her take on war in the Congo -- the deadliest war in the world. To learn more, visit www.raisehopeforcongo.org. Directed and produced by Robert Padavick. Filmed and edited by Ivan Kander. Copyright 2010 Center for American Progress

Interview with pro-democracy activist at Tahrir Square
Interview with pro-democracy activist at Tahrir Square
Interview with pro-democracy activist Miral at Tahrir Square Feb 1. 2011 for documentary Zero Silence. Interview by Gert Van Langendonck, camera work by Jonny von Wallström. www.zerosilence.org New video interview from Tahrir Square Feb. 2 before the violence www.youtube.com

Naomi Wolf - 'Fake' Activism
Naomi Wolf - 'Fake' Activism
Naomi Wolf, author of The End of America, argues that bureaucracy has killed effective protesting because mass social protests in the US now have a feeling of "Disneyland activism." "It feels fake, because it is fake," she says. 2009

Political activism roaring in Egypt
Political activism roaring in Egypt
At least 200000 Egyptians have signed up on Facebook to back Mohamed ElBaradei, the former UN nuclear boss, who has said he wants to shatter 30 years of political stasis in Egypt by running for president. Despite a surge in online support for political alternatives to President Hosni Mubarak, 82, who has been in power since 1981, even ardent supporters acknowledge that online activism in Egypt cannot deliver change without action on the streets. 'Crucial step' Yusuf AbdelRahman, representing ElBaradei's Facebook group, said the petition had 54870 online signatures so far but added that 15000 Facebook members have volunteered to go on the streets of Cairo and other cities to collect more signatures. "[This] is a crucial step considering that three decades of state repression has left many afraid of taking action. Others accept repressive measures as a fact of life," he said. The speed supporters signed up to Facebook after ElBaradei returned to Egyptin February, adding tens of thousands in a few days, reflects pent-up frustration before parliament and presidential elections this year and next, analysts say. But they say the challenge is galvanizing the masses in a country where opposition parties are weak, where police crush even modest protests and where the banned Muslim Brotherhood, the biggest opposition group, has shunned action on the streets. Even modest protests in Egypt draw an overwhelming, and often violent, police response. But heavy-handed security has also <b>...</b>

Messy Mondays: You Are Not an Activist
Messy Mondays: You Are Not an Activist
www.facebook.com www.twitter.com www.blimeycow.com

Internet regulation, Internet freedom, Internet activism
Internet regulation, Internet freedom, Internet activism
Tonight on Adam Vs. the Man: Look out! The inter-webs are coming! Don't worry, your fearless leaders in Washington are busy regulating the internet out of existence. But wait, didn't Al Gore invent the internet? Joining Adam tonight is, Alex Jones, a man who has built one of the largest audiences online with his message of freedom and refocusing our fears towards the government. Also joining Adam to discuss the government's latest attempts to control the internet are Seton Motley, editor in chief of StopNetRegulation.org, and Corie Wright, Policy Council to Free Press. Then, Adam discusses internet activism with the founder of WeAreChange, Luke Rudkowski. The internet is not just a big truck that you can dump stuff on, it's a series of tubes.

The Stream - Anonymous: Activists for transparency or cyber-terrorists?
The Stream - Anonymous: Activists for transparency or cyber-terrorists?
In This Episode: Activists for transparency or cyber-terrorists? Today we'll speak to members of the group Anonymous about their work across the world.

SOPA/PIPA Sponsors Cave to Internet Activism
SOPA/PIPA Sponsors Cave to Internet Activism
Is the online community becoming one of the most powerful forces in activism? We've documented for you almost every single move and action in what's become massive opposition to the Protect IP Act and SOPA. Now Senator Patrick Leahy, a Senator who co-authorized the Protect IP Act, is saying that the bill needs more study, and considering taking out the DNS redirect option. But let's find out if these caves are enough to stop the impending damage to what we know as internet freedom. EFF's Trevor Timm discusses.

Growing Activism: YANO
Growing Activism: YANO
Leaders from the Project on Youth and Non-Military Opportunities present career choices in peacemaking and social change to high school and college students gathered at UC San Diego. Series: "Growing Activism" [3/2008] [Public Affairs] [Humanities] [Show ID: 14214]

Peace Activist, Leah Bolger, Protests the Congressional Super Committee.
Peace Activist, Leah Bolger, Protests the Congressional Super Committee.
Peace Activist, Leah Bolger, Protests the Congressional Super Committee. "I will be pleading guilty at a hearing on Thursday, 12 April, 2012. There will be a press conference at 8:30 am that morning in front of the DC Superior Courthouse, 500 Indiana Ave NW, Washington DC." -Leah Bolger www.veteransforpeace.org www.rootsaction.org www.nowdc.org www.warisacrime.org www.occupy.com www.movetoamend.org www.newprioritiesnetwork.org Twitter: @leahbolger, @VFPNational