Mitt Romney has all but won the Republican nomination. But his battle for the presidency won't just be against the Democrats.

The fringe has become the new Republican mainstream and many of them still don't trust Romney, don't like him, and don't even believe he can beat Barack Obama.

If Romney does win the presidency, he may find his biggest battles ahead lie with the 'insurgent outsiders' that have so captivated his own party.



Where could the 9/11 terrorism trials be transferred next? (Reuters) What next?

The criminal trials of the 9/11 terrorists may finally be coming to the punch line. But the latest trial might be another variation on previous suspended prosecutions. More


At least there is actual cooking on MasterChef (Channel Ten) Advertising nirvana

Now that more people are skipping the ads, the integration of advertising into reality television is inevitable. But there are limits. More


Motherhood is an untradeable job (Getty Creative Images) The motherhood challenge

Sometimes the most natural of life's adventures can throw you into a headspin. In my case, it was the simple task of parenting. More


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Readings from the Twitter feed of PM's Mark Colvin.

Business Analysis

  • Money and wallet (Giulio Saggin: ABC News) OPINION No game changer

    Clearly the sound-bite phrases of "fair go" and "battler's budget" imply what Swan wants us to think is the story, but do the cuts match it, writes Greg Jericho.

  • A vitamin shop in Melbourne CBD, August 3, 2005. OPINION Ignored for too long

    Small business people have been ignored for too long. This budget shows that we urgently need a national strategy for the sector, writes Peter Strong.

  • Treasurer Wayne Swan speaks during a press conference Pea-and-thimble shuffling

    This was supposed to be a tough budget. It is the opposite in fact: it is the budget of an unpopular Government approaching an election, writes Alan Kohler

  • Treasurer Wayne Swan Hey presto!

    Call Wayne Swan a magician. Call him Houdini. Call him dead lucky if he really can pull the surplus rabbit out of the hat, writes Stephen Long.

  • Australian soldiers stand next to their armoured tank in Afghanistan (AAP: Department of Defence) OPINION Defence sacrifice

    In order to get the budget back into balance Swan has made cuts to an area which is the Australian Government's prime responsibility – defence, writes David Barnett.

  • A piggy bank sits on a pile of Australian coins OPINION A classic Labor budget

    The 2012 budget is, in many ways, a classic Labor budget. Wealthy people and businesses will pay more, while low-to-middle-income families will receive more, writes Tom Elliott.

You Said It

  • Reality TV is manipulative, repetitive snot. The invasive, blatant, condescending advertising that it is apparently now smothered with before being served to its audience is probably quite fitting really.

    Asinine Drivel on advertising during reality TV, via comment

  • I enjoyed it, gave me a feeling that he has a sense of humour. I think he may have connected with the people through this short stint on the news...

    Janel Marie Dunn on Prince Charles' debut as a BBC weatherman, via Facebook

  • The fact that we currently have no charismatic politicians who have the gift of oratory is part of the problem. Keating's command of the English language was formidable and he used it to devastating impact. That can't be taught.

    Julie on public discussion in 'the age of the uninformed', via comment

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Your Photos

Hot air balloons come in to land at Coldstream airport.

Hot air balloons hang over the mist as they come in to land at Coldstream airport on the eastern outskirts of Melbourne on May 10, 2012.