First Dog on the Moon

My Day on a Plate — smug fibs about what I ate yesterday

It’s Iranian Men! Halleluja!


50 reasons to be angry about the cost of the cost of living

…and appearing tonight on the Twitter Show, Senator Stephen Conroy!

… just a cruel trick of the light

First Dog’s Time Machine! On this day in 2010

Today’s cartoon is from April 27, 2010 and is titled “Today is World Tapir Day!”

Patriot’s Guide on how not to bugger up handling the Australian Flag

Social Media Scandal Shock Snout Horror Pants Ding Boink Clang

‘as a bryd that retorneth agayn to his owene nest’

Jennifer Robinson, Hero of Freedom or Marsupialist Stooge?

Daily Allowances: Joe Hockey $630, Newstart $17

Lie back and think of the Constitution…

‘I deeply regret being as dumb as a box of hair’

And lo a grateful sadness did descend upon the land or at least bits of it…

Damn them all to hell or at least Echuca!

First Dog’s Therapy Funnies!

I am using this forum as it would be illegal for me to express these views in Australia…

The dignity of work and the sanctity of the family: The truth!

Literally the most excellent of of all the premier cultural literary awards

Autumn will not shut up

The war on drugs…

First Dog’s Time Machine! On this day in 2009

Today’s cartoon is from April 2, 2009 and is titled “Some things are lost”:

Tonight on Gaffe Watch: Heavyweight Champion Tony Abbott

The 3rd Annual Green Oration… Interpreted!