Green Tax Shift  +  No Population Growth  +  More Public Transport   +  Cost Effective Defence

PM Julia Gillard NewAustralia applauds PM Julia Gillard's decision to push ahead with the proposed Carbon Tax.

The Carbon Tax as currently proposed is far better than the so called 'Emission trading Scheme' proposed by the former prime minister, and far better than the "Direct (in)Action" proposed by the Liberals, fossil industry and climate change deniers.

Our Suggested Policy Solutions

This site promotes simple and cost-effective policy solutions for a strong and independent Australia.

Tax   The Green Tax Shift
  • Cut Payroll Tax (as per Henry Review)
  • $25,000 Tax Free Threshold (as per Henry Review)
  • Paid for by Taxes on Imports, Pollution & Waste.
  • Providing a greener economy with more jobs.
Environment   Saving the Biosphere
  • No Population Growth - for Australia or the World
  • Immediate Action on Climate, Water & Biodiversity
  • A New Kyoto Protocol to push carbon pricing.
  • Quickly turning around decades of neglect.
Energy   The Energy Revolution
  • More Wind, Solar, Geothermal & All Other Renewables
  • Phase Out Fossil Fuels & Fossil Fuel Subsidies
  • More Efficient Vehicles
  • Made possible by shifting subsidies from fossil to renewable energy.
Transport   Rail not Road
  • More Public Transport - More Freight by Rail
  • Replace Level Crossings with Road Bridges
  • Federal Control of Transport
  • Made possible by shifting road funding to sustainable transport.
Defence   Cost Effective Self Defence
  • Self-Reliant Self-Defence - saving billions
  • Cost-effective fighter planes
  • Submarines not surface vessels
  • Making possible Free Tertiary Education, Free Kinder & More Science.
Housing   First Home Buyer Appartments
  • 50,000 Discount Apartments for First Home Buyers per annum
  • Fire and Flood Resistant Housing
  • Made possible by phasing out Negative Gearing for Property Speculators and the so-called 'First Home Buyers' grant.
Jobs   More Employment
  • Cut Payroll Tax
  • A Flat Tariff on all Imports
  • An Employment Bonus
  • For a stong, independent economy.
Economics   A New Economy
  • More Jobs and more flexible hours
  • Cut Payroll Tax as part of the Green Tax Shift
  • Balanced Trade via an 'Optimal Exchange Rate' mechanism.
Health   Streamlined Public Health Services
  • State Control of all Health Services
  • Removing the buck-passing and blame-shifting between Federal and State governments.
Rural & 
Regional   Supporting Regional Australia
  • No Tax on Farm Income!
  • New Crops, New Opportunities
  • Active Decentralisation
  • Made possible by shifting tax on to pollution & water wastage.
Education   Better Public Education
  • Free Kinder & Mostly Free Tertiary Education
  • Free Tertiary Education
  • State Control of Education
  • Made possible by having more cost effective self defence.
Crime   Halving Crime
  • A 50 cent cap on poker machines
  • Controlled government sale of drugs to registered users
  • Volumetric Taxing of Alcohol
  • Slashing the harm done by gambling and drugs.
Telecommunications    Telecommunications
  • Cutting back the $43 Billion Broadband roll out - it's too expensive
  • More robust systems to cope with disasters
  • No internet censorship


The Maglev Alternative

Maglev Alternative Submission

Maglev Alternative Submissions.

The Monorail Alternative

View East - West Monorail Submission

East - West Monorail Submission.

Green Hosting

The World Clock

From See also NewAustralia's Population and Defence Policies.


Sacred Fossil Subsidies

8th May 2012: $9.4 Billion in fossil fuel subsidies survive the budget cuts unscathed while $14 is spent on roads for every $1 spent on rail: Article. Our Solution.

JSF delayed again

4th May 2012: Defence minister Stephen Smith announces the JSF project will be delayed again to cut costs: Article. Our Solution.

Sub Crisis

19th Apr 2012: Australia could be left without any submarine capacity due to failure of the Collins Class submarines and delays in finding a replacement: Article. Our Solution.

Carr: End war on drugs

3rd Apr 2012: Foreign Minister Bob Carr has joined with a group of other high profile Australians to campaign for an end to the war on drugs: Article. Our Solution.

Billions for Coal

2nd Apr 2012: Coal fired power stations get $1 billion from the $5.5 billion "Energy Security Fund" to offset the carbon tax. Article. Our Solution.

Free Trade Farce

27th Mar 2012: Ford Territory exports stung by 50 per cent "excise" in Thailand, despite a Free Trade Agreement that saw more than 150,000 Thai-built vehicles sold in Australia last year: Article. Our Solution.

172 Level Crossings

25th Mar 2012: Renewed calls to get rid of Melbourne's level crossings - this time funded by development: Article. Our Solution.

Call for Airport Link

22th Mar 2012: Melbourne Airport CEO Chris Woodruff calls for a rail link: Article. Our Solution.

Australia Fails Carbon Test

19th Mar 2012: Study finds Australia even more dependent on fossil fuels than it was 20 years ago. Article. Our Solution.

CO2 at 800,000 year high

14th Mar 2012: Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are now higher than at any time in the last 800,000 years, while the last decade in Australia was the warmest on record, CSIRO scientists say. Article. Our Solution.

Avalon Monorail

27th Feb 2012: Proposal for a monorail from Avalon Airport to the Geelong rail line. Article. Our Solution.

Denier on Payroll

16th Feb 2012: Leaked documents show climate change denier Bob Carter was on the fossil fuel lobby groups payroll. Article

Italy Cuts JSF Order

15th Feb 2012: Italy is the latest countryto slash Joint Strike Fighter orders - Australia should too. Article. Our Solution.

PHIR should be scrapped

8th Feb 2012: Ross Gittins talks about why the Public Health Insurance Rebate should be scrapped. Article. Our Solution.

Hugh White on subs

2nd Feb 2012: Hugh White calls for 18-24 boats. This means the boats should be as simple and cheap as possible, probably meaning diesel. Article. Our Solution.

Sugar as bad as tobacco

2nd Feb 2012: Health experts call for tighter controls on sugar as the obesity crisis rolls on. Article. Our Solution.

More JSF Delays

30th Jan 2012: Following US budget cuts the JSF will be delayed even further which probably means more inadequate 'Super' Hornets. Article. Our Solution.

No wind turbine risk

24th Jan 2012: Wind farm ill effects are a myth. Article. Our Solution.

Zhuzhou Maglev

21st Jan 2012: Zhuzhou Electric Locomotive Co Ltd rolls out first urban monorail train. They say they cost 75% of the cost of a conventional train. ZhuzhouMaglev.pdf.

Back to Bretton Wood?

13th Dec 2011: Bank of England Paper says a 'rules-based system of global economic management may be needed, using hard incentives such as tariffs or capital controls' Article

Climate pact out of reach

8th Dec 2011: US still pushing discriminatory mandatory pollution targets which China, India and Brazil will again refuse. Article. Our Solution.

COP17 Cop out?

28th Nov 2011: Durban UN Climate Change Conference (COP17) not looking good as emphasis still on carbon trading and working out who can emit what instead of agreeing on a uniform carbon tax level. Article. Our Solution.

Huge greenhouse increase

4th Nov 2011: 'Monster' 2010 greenhouse gas rise is largest ever. Article. Our Solution.

New Fighters are Lemons

3rd Nov 2011: Pentagon warned of 'serious mishaps … [and] a higher risk of catastrophic failure' if it did not delay training for pilots on the F-35 fighter. Article. Our Solution.

New Destroyers are Lemons

27th Sep 2011: Hugh White's devastating critique of Australia's Air Warfare Destroyer project - A Must Read article! Article. Our Solution.


See the News Archive. See also Science news.