Advice on suicide, from someone who knows

Posted by Dave on April 8, 2010 No Comments

suicide1By JOHN BROGDEN as posted on on April 1, 2010

If you remember only one thing after reading this today, please let it be this: most suicides are preventable, and you can do something about it.

Suicide is an extraordinarily difficult issue to talk about – even in a modern, liberal society like Australia. It’s even harder to understand.

It is, and will always be, hard to understand why a 17-year-old with everything to live for takes her own life. Or why a father of two children thinks the only way forward is to kill himself. Or why a grandparent, who has enjoyed a rich and full life and still has so much yet to experience, commits suicide.

Some may regard suicide as an act of cowardice or selfishness. To you I say never overlay rational thought on the most irrational of all actions.

Most Australians have been touched by suicide in some way. I have a cousin who committed suicide. In 2003, a very close family friend, 34 years of age, a police officer and mother of two children, killed herself when her marriage breakdown became too overwhelming.

Four-and-a-half years ago I got to the point in my life where I thought the best way out – not simply the only way out – was to take my own life.

I have spoken about my experience before, but I’ve never put the words in writing. It’s not easy to talk about and it’s even harder write about it.

But I think it is important because people at the darkest point of their life – when it seems there is no way back, no recovery, no end to the shame – need to know there is help, and there is a way back.

When I sat in the suicide ward at the Northside Clinic at the age of 36 thinking my career was in ruins, my reputation was destroyed, my dreams had been shredded and I was not worthy of the love I had been given, I never thought I would ever leave the darkness. When my doctor said to me “John, it will get better”, I thought he was cruelly teasing me. I asked him how it could ever get better?

How could I ever recover? But he was right. It takes time, care and support, but things do get better.

For the first time, the Bureau of Statistics has released a revision of existing data about the national number of suicides. The review of the 2007 causes of death data include coronial cases that closed after the data’s first release.

This will improve the quality of data and help us more accurately identify deaths by suicide. It also means the ”official” suicide rate will increase.

It will demonstrate a problem much bigger than our current resource allocation. It is an important step.

It will help our governments see the real picture of how prevalent suicide is in our community. From this, appropriate research and policy development can be achieved.

More needs to be done to ensure the accurate reporting of suicide in Australia. As a community, we shouldn’t be alarmed or frightened by the topic of suicide.

We need to scrub the stereotype we have about suicide being a taboo subject and make people more aware that it is a serious issue.

We all have a role to play in suicide prevention. It is a whole-of-community issue, as much as it is an individual issue. People need to be able to act immediately if you or someone you know is at risk.

Lifeline, an organisation I admire and support, believes in connecting people with care. Their advice is to be receptive and listen; often spending time with a vulnerable person shows you care and can help understand what they are going through.

Be encouraging and helpful. Don’t assume the problem will just go away.

And in case you think all this doesn’t matter, that so few people kill themselves you can choose to ignore it, just think of these three facts.

The leading cause of death for Australian men under 44 is suicide. The leading cause of death for Australian women under 34 is suicide. And more people die by suicide each year than they do on the road.

John Brogden is a director of Lifeline Australia and the patron of Lifeline NSW. Need help? Phone 13 11 14.

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