Showing newest posts with label CourierMail. Show older posts
Showing newest posts with label CourierMail. Show older posts

Sunday, 7 February 2010

The Result of a Quiet News Day? - It’s Not Pretty

Ecstasy Tablets Kills More Australians
By Lisa Mayoh
January 2010

MORE than 100 young Australians have died after taking ecstasy in the eight years to 2008, The Sunday Mail can reveal.

A ground-breaking report into the use of the drug, whose scientific name is MDMA, shows it claimed 82 Australian lives over five years from 2000 – and fatalities are increasing.

Conducted by the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, the study into MDMA-related deaths in Australia is the biggest and most comprehensive analysis to date, and has prompted calls for further research into its prevalence.

Additional figures obtained by The Sunday Mail show another 23 people died from 2006 to 2008, which is considered to be an "under-representation" due to many cases still under investigation.

Of those, 10 deaths were reported in 2006, seven in 2007 and six in 2008, with 65 per cent of victims aged between 20-29 and more than 70 per cent male.

More than 80 per cent of the deaths were unintentional and 15 of the 23 victims took other drugs along with the MDMA, including cannabis or alcohol.

In the earlier cases examined by the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, 91 per cent of the deaths were directly caused by drug toxicity and MDMA was the sole drug involved in a quarter of cases. It also contributed to a number of drownings, cardiovascular conditions and car accidents.

Funded by the federal Department of Health and Ageing, the report found the median age of fatalities was 26, with the youngest victim aged 17 and the oldest being 58.

"While reports of MDMA-related death are far less common than those of opioid, amphetamine and cocaine, the number of MDMA-related deaths appears to be increasing," the study said.
Always keen to publish a good scary drug story, the CourierMail pounced on a report from the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC) into the increased use of ecstasy(MDMA). With the report disclosing drug related deaths, the frenzied journalist knew she had a scorcher on her hands. So out it came, chock full of statistics about how dangerous MDMA is. The headline screamed - Ecstasy Tablets Kills More Australians.

A closer look though revealed some interesting abnormalities.
... and MDMA was the sole drug involved in a quarter of cases...
... and 15 of the 23 victims took other drugs along with the MDMA, ...
So, MDMA alone wasn’t responsible for 100 deaths over the last 8 years to 2008 but about 25 or so. That’s 3 deaths per year which pales into insignificance when compared to alcohol that kills about 3,300 per year. The mortality rate for MDMA exclusively is less than Asprin, Panadol, falling out of bed, falling off a ladder, disease of the middle ear, drowning in the bath tub, riding a bike or horse etc. With millions of pills taken each month, there is bound to be some who are allergic to or have a bad reaction to MDMA so the annual rate of about 3 deaths is very low for a drug this popular. Added to this is the unknown dose that was taken. They could all be overdoses from taking several pills at once.

And something else was amiss. Why does the NDARC report only represent the years 2000 - 2005? Where did the “Additional figures obtained by The Sunday Mail” come from? Where is the original NDARC report and what is the title?

Trying to find the ground-breaking report was no easy feat without a title. It must be somewhere because the article hinted that there was imminent danger with a warning that MDMA had taken 82 Australian lives over five years from 2000 – and fatalities are increasing. Where was this important report that prompted an article in the CourierMail? Where do I look? Searching NDARC and the Federal Department of Health and Ageing websites for something that had no name was not getting me anywhere fast and Google was bringing back millions of results. Then I finally found a link to the report at the NDARC website. At last!

I received this error:
General Error
HTTP Web Server: Lotus Notes Exception - Entry not found in index

After a while, I eventually found the report at a science journal but it required a paid membership or subscription to read the full text. No wonder the CourierMail didn’t name the report: Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)-related fatalities in Australia: Demographics, circumstances, toxicology and major organ pathology. [link]

Luckily, an abstract was available which gave me some insight into the report. My conclusion ... why did the CourierMail publish an article in January 2010 when the report came out in July 2009? This wasn’t a recent report at all and was submitted for peer review 12 months ago. To top it off, it only covered 2000-2005. WTF?

I’m really interested to know why the author, Lisa Mayoh and the CourierMail went to so much trouble to produce only 5 sentences about this obscure report? The fact is that the CourierMail article relied on additional information to provide the bulk of the statistics. So the question still remains ... why was this article printed in January 2010 when the ground-breaking report is a year old relating to data from 2000 - 2005? Was it a quiet news day or just another attempt by the CourierMail drudge up a scary drug story?

Funnily enough, I happened to find the link via a search on the same page as other NDARC articles from Jan Copeland and Paul Dillion, both from the National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre (NCPIC). In case you don’t know, NCPIC is part of NDARC and also a prohibitionist mouthpiece for the government trying to maintain the public scare campaign on cannabis. If you read the abstract, you will see the similarities.

On a side issue, whilst searching for the elusive report, I did come across other studies that were much more important and news worthy than a report giving statistics 5-10 years ago. I suppose, scary drug stories are the forte of Murdoch’s trashy media enterprise so there’s not much chance of a rational, positive article being published about the report below?
Is Ecstasy A Drug Of Dependence?
October 2009
This paper examines the evidence for an MDMA or “ecstasy” dependence syndrome. Animal evidence suggests that MDMA may be a less potent reinforcer than other drugs, but that it does have dependence potential. This suggests that (a) ecstasy dependence might be less likely than dependence upon other drugs; and (b) factors related to the behavioural and psychological aspects of reward and dependence may make a relatively greater contribution for ecstasy than for other drugs, where physically centred (and better understood) features of dependence may be more salient. Human evidence supports this proposition. Some people report problems with their use, but the literature suggests that physical features play a more limited role than psychological ones. Tolerance is apparent, and withdrawal is self-reported, but it is unclear whether these reports distinguish sub-acute effects of ecstasy intoxication from symptoms reflective of neuroadaptive processes underlying a “true” withdrawal syndrome. Studies examining the structure of dependence upon ecstasy suggest it may be different from drugs such as alcohol, methamphetamine and opioids. Consistent with studies of hallucinogens, a two-factor structure has been identified with factors suggestive of “compulsive use” and “escalating use”. Regardless of the nature of any dependence syndrome, however, there is evidence to suggest that a minority of ecstasy users become concerned about their use and seek treatment. Further controlled studies are required to investigate this phenomenon.

Is Ecstasy A Drug Of Dependence?
Louisa Degenhardt - National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales
Raimondo Bruno - School of Psychology, University of Tasmania
Libby Topp - Centre for Health Research in Criminal Justice
Available online 15 October 2009.

Related Articles:
Did They Really Say That? Part 1 - The Media
CourierMail - Cocaine Hysteria Thrives in Trash Media
Will The Daily Telegraph Writer Who Wrote This Crap Please Own Up
Drug Reporting in the MSM - They Just Get Sillier and Sillier
CourierMail - The Media Scourge

Monday, 18 January 2010

2009 in Review

What a way to finish the decade!

Walt Disney’s grandson on drug charges, China executes a mentally ill drug smuggler - the first European to be put to death in China in 50 years, Pete Doherty again caught with heroin, Drugs found at St Kilda Rd police headquarters, another Australian arrested with drugs in Bali, Brittany Murphy dies from prescription drugs, another Home and Away star is caught using cocaine, UK prison guards unwittingly allowed a convicted drug dealer to grow marijuana in his cell - and even decorate the four-foot plant as a Christmas tree, Victoria Police announce that motorists having any trace of illegal drugs will be fined and have their driver’s licence suspended, Queensland doctors will be required to dob in colleagues suspected of illegal drug use, Charlie Sheen is on drugs again, heroin laced with anthrax kills 3 and most shockingly ... an Adelaide man spent his Federal Government stimulus payment on drugs.

Not surprisingly on the last night of the decade, the cops and sniffer dogs will be out in force to catch those dangerous party people taking party drugs like ecstasy, speed, pot and cocaine. The target is Melbourne's Etihad Stadium, where Sensation, the largest dance party in Australia is being held. Once you get past the moral police, you’re free to then tank up on as much booze as you want. Last year, 10 people overdosed out of a crowd of 38,200. I wonder what the alcohol overdose number was?
We are not out to dampen celebrations. Our primary aim is to ensure that those attending have a safe and enjoyable night
-Operation Commander Inspector Stephen Beith
Of course that’s smelly horse shit. If they were really concerned they would allow a pill testing booth and restrict alcohol.

So where are we at the end of 2009? In brief, the US is motor scooting ahead towards cannabis legalisation while Australia is fighting the tide and going backwards. Latin America seems to be leading the pack with drug decriminalisation followed by a progressive Europe. Russia and Asia are firmly stuck in the 1980s.

Looking back on 2009, like any other year, brings back memories of the good, bad and indifferent. The Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) in March should have been the highlight but as predicted was a tad early for too much radical change. After the failure to meet any goals set at the last UNGASS meeting in 1998, many were optimistic that a more rational and logical plan would be drafted. But the meeting was once again hijacked by the US and fellow prohibitionists including the head of the UNODC, Antonio Costa. However, there were major cracks appearing and this is probably the last of prohibition as we know it. Just for the record, the 1998 meeting produced the slogan, "A Drug-Free World - We Can Do It" and set about to wipe out all drug crops - from marijuana to opium to coca - by 2008. Not only didn’t they reach their goals but their projections went backwards. Drug use increased, more crops were planted and the black market continued to explode.

The Year of the PADDs
It’s been an interesting year for PADDs or Passive Alert Drug Detection dogs as they are now called. Even after the NSW ombudsman in 2006 concluded that the dogs were not very successful and they regularly violate the right of all citizens to be free from arbitrary search and detention, the police simply made some minor changes and ramped up their use. The report from the ombudsman said:
•73% of people identified by the dogs are not carrying drugs
•Most drugs detected are small amounts of cannabis
•Dogs are failing to detect drug dealers
In February, the unthinkable happened. 17-year-old Gemma Thoms died after collapsing at the Big Day Out music festival after she swallowed several ecstasy tablets to avoid detection by drug dogs. The response from the WA Premier and WA police commissioner was disgusting with them both dodging any blame. Gemma’s death was even used for political gain with the police commissioner attacking the Greens after they went public with the news that they had regularly warned the government that such an incident would happen.
I extend my sincere condolences to Gemma’s family, but I cannot allow misinformed people like NSW Greens MP Sylvia Hale and the Youth Affairs Council of WA’s Executive Officer Lisa Laschon to apportion blame on police for this tragedy.

Police do not accept responsibility for this death.

Some of their propositions are quite frankly absurd and suggest that police should turn a blind eye, do nothing about drug possession, and ignore the State’s laws regarding illegal drugs.

Police in this state will not be modifying their tactics when it comes to people who use or deal in illegal drugs, and I believe the community of Western Australia supports that approach.

Both the State and Federal Governments put a great deal of effort into drug awareness and education, and for their part police will continue to target both drug dealers and users.

Operations such as that in relation to the Big Day Out will continue.
-Police Commissioner Karl O’Callaghan
PADDs are now a common sight around some train stations and entertainment areas. As you would expect, the reports of abuse and over zealous cops are coming in as more polished spin is applied to the problem. But some cops are having a hard time justifying to themselves the use of sniffer dogs and other weapons in the "War on Drugs". LEAP (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition) is an organisation made up of current and former members of the law enforcement and criminal justice communities who are speaking out about the failures of existing drug policies. They now have over 15,000 members including police, judges, prosecutors, prison wardens, FBI and DEA agents and others.

It was one the year’s high points when LEAP member, Dr. Norm Stamper was brought out to Australia by Dr Alex Wodak, the President of the ADLRF. Norm’s busy schedule included various debates, group talks and media engagements to discuss sensible drug policy. The main feature of Norm’s visit was to be part of the Australia Festival of Dangerous Ideas at the Sydney Opera House, where he was part of a discussion titled: "All Forms of Drug Use Should Be Made Legal". His team included Greg Barns and Dr. Alex Wodak.

I must say his itinerary was the busiest I have ever seen. 93 appointments in 28 days! Try and get your head around the following 28 day schedule.

Norm Stamper’s Australian Schedule:
October 27, Canberra, Australia Presentation to Australian Parliamentary Group for Drug Law Reform, Annual Meeting
October 27, Canberra, Australia Meeting with Mal Washer, MP, Chair, Australian Parliamentary Group for Drug Law Reform
October 27, Canberra, Australia Meeting with Senator Rachel Siewert, Australian Greens
October 27, Canberra, Australia Meeting with Kay Hull, Member of Parliament
October 27, Canberra, Australia Interview with West Australian
October 27, Canberra, Australia Interview with Sydney Morning Herald
October 26, Canberra, Australia Public Meeting, ACT Legislative Assembly London Circuit
October 26, Canberra, Australia Meeting with The Hon. Duncan Kerr, MP, and The Hon. Mal Washer, Chair of Australian Parliamentary Group for Drug Law Reform, Commonwealth Parliament House
October 26, Canberra, Australia Meeting with Mr. Richard Pieper, Crime Manager, Drugs, Australian Federal Police
October 26, Canberra, Australia Presentation to Center of Excellence in Policing and Security, Australian National University
October 26, Canberra, Australia Discussion at Australian Injecting Users League
October 25, Cooma, Australia Return trip to Canberra
October 24, Cooma, Australia Dinner with Rotarians
October 24, Cooma, Australia Presentation to Rotary International Conference
October 23, Canberra, Australia Dinner with Drug Policy Reformers
October 23, Canberra, Australia Meeting with senior officials, Department of Health and Aging
October 23, Canberra, Australia Meeting with senior officials, ACT Government
October 23, Canberra, Australia Presentation to Australian Crime Commission
October 23, Canberra, Australia Meeting with Australian Federal Police, Headquarters
October 22, Brisbane, Australia Presentation to QulHN/QulVVA, Fortitude Valley
October 22, Brisbane, Australia Meeting with Lee and Chris Rush (re: son Scott on death row in Bali)
October 22, Brisbane, Australia Presentation to QulHN/QulVVA, Fortitude Valley
October 21, Brisbane, Australia Dinner with Drug Policy Reformers
October 21, Currumbin, Australia Visit to Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary
October 21, Brisbane, Australia Lecture at Law School, University of Queensland
October 21, Brisbane, Australia Meeting with Queensland Deputy Police Commissioner Ian Stewart and senior staff
October 20, Brisbane, Australia Presentation to 1800 Annual Gen'l. Mtg. Qld Council of Civil Liberties, Irish Club
October 20, Brisbane, Australia Presentation to Rotary and Chamber of Commerce, Fortitude Valley
October 20, Brisbane, Australia Meeting with Members of State Parliament, Old Parliament House
October 19, Brisbane, Australia Dinner with Brisbane Drug Policy Reformers
October 19, Brisbane, Australia Presentation to Biala Needle & Syringe Programme
October 19, Brisbane, Australia Presentation to Queensland Alcohol and Drug Research and Edu. Ctr, University of Queensland
October 19, Brisbane, Australia Meeting with John Herron, Chair, Australian National Council on Drugs
October 16, Perth, Australia Presentation to Public Meeting, Royal Park Hall, North Perth
October 16, Perth, Australia Meeting with WA Chief Justice Wayne Martin, former Chair of Law Reform Commission
October 16, Perth, Australia Meeting with Roger Cook, WA Shadow Minister for Heath and Paul Papalia, Shadow Minister for Corrective Services
October 16, Perth, Australia Presentation at Western Australia Substance Users Association
October 16, Perth, Australia Interview with ABC Radio
October 16, Perth, Australia Testimony to WA Legislative Assembly, Education and Health Standing Committee on Adequacy and Appropriateness of Prevention and Treatment Services
October 15, Perth, Australia Dinner with Drug Policy Reformers
October 15, Perth, Australia Presentation to National Drug Research Institute Seminar, Curtin University of Technology
October 15, Perth, Australia Interview with ABC WA Statewide
October 15, Perth, Australia Meeting with Police Minister Rob Johnson
October 15, Perth, Australia Lecture at Edith Cowan University, Joondalup Campus
October 15, Perth, Australia Meeting with Assistant Police Commissioner (Traffic & Ops) Mr. Shayne Maynes
October 14, Melbourne, Australia Meeting with Mr. Brett Curran, Chief of Staff to Victorian Minister for Police and Emergency Services and Corrections
October 14, Melbourne, Australia Presentation to Harm Reduction and D&A Workers, Moonee Valley Civic Centre
October 14, Melbourne, Australia Presentation to Lord Mayor and Moonee Valley City Councillors
October 14, Melbourne, Australia Meeting with City of Melbourne City Issues Team
October 13, Melbourne, Australia Meeting at Convenience Advertising
October 13, Melbourne, Australia Meeting with Victorian Child Safety Commissioner Bernie Geary, and other leaders
October 13, Melbourne, Australia Video interview, Institute of Public Affairs
October 13, Melbourne, Australia Meeting with Acting Chief Police Commissioner Kieran Walshe and senior staff
October 13, Melbourne, Australia Presentation to Office of Police Integrity and Victorian Police Force Officers
October 12, Melbourne, Australia Meeting with Wade Noonan, MP at Parliament House
October 12, Melbourne, Australia Testify at Victorian Parliamentary Joint Houses, Investigatory Drug and Crime Prevention Committee
October 12, Melbourne, Australia Lecture, Monash University, Clayton Campus
October 12, Melbourne, Australia Meeting with Senior Officials, Victoria Police Association, Brian Rix, President
October 12, Melbourne, Australia Meeting with Police Commissioner the Hon. Bob Cameron
October 12, Melmbourne, Australia Interview with ABC Morning Show, John Fain
October 11, Melbourne, Australia Private briefing dinner with Bill Noonan, OAM National Men's Health Ambassador
October 10, Melbourne, Australia dinner with Davis Stanley and family
October 10, Sydney, Australia, Interview with Kate Pinnock, Jailbreak 2SER
October 9, Sydney, Australia Dinner with Dr. Alex Wodak, et al
October 9, Sydney, Australia Presentation to Users and Health Workers and AIDS Assoc.
October 9, Sydney, Australia Video interview with User's News
October 9, Sydney, Australia Interview with Australian Police Journal, Sr. Sgt. Victoria Williams
October 9, Sydney, Australia Interview with Hungry Beasts (Zapruder's Other Films/ABC)
October 9, Sydney, Australia Interview with Fiveaa (Adelaide talk radio)
October 9, Sydney, Australia Presentation to Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Australia-NZ-wide videoconference
October 8, Sydney, Australia Presentation to Centre for Independent Studies, St. Leonards
October 8, Sydney, Australia Discussion with Deputy Lord Mayor of City of Sydney Ms. Marcelle Hoff, Councillors and Advisors
October 8, Sydney, Australia Lecture, University of New South Wales Law School
October 8, Sydney, Australia Interview with NSW Police News, Nicola Silva
October 8, Sydney, Australia Roundtable discussion, Australasian Society for HIV Medicine, national video linkup
October 7, Sydney, Australia Briefing to City of Sydney "Safe City Unit" and Local Area Police Commanders
October 7, Sydney, Australia Tour of St. Vincents Hospital Alcohol and Drug Services
October 7, Sydney, Australia Meeting with Detective Superintendent Tony Cook, Commander Drug and Alcohol Coordination
October 7, Sydney, Australia Interview with World Today ABC Radio, Shane McLeod
October 7, Sydney, Australia Lecture, University of Technology, "Principles of Forensic Science," law students
October 6, Sydney, Australia Visit to Medically Supervised Injecting Centre, Kings Cross
October 6, Sydney, Australia Meeting with Rev. Harry Herbert, Executive Director, UnitingCare
October 6, Sydney, Australia Meeting with Philip Kelley, Policy Advisor to Minister for Police and Mike Bailey, Policy Advisor to Attorney General and Minister for Justice
October 6, Sydney, Australia Lunch at Parliament House Dinning Room with Drug Policy Reformers
October 6, Sydney, Australia Lecture, NSW Parliament House for State Government representatives
October 5, Sydney, Australia Interview with Tony Jones, "Lateline," ABC Studios
October 5, Sydney, Australia Meeting with Dr. Wodak and Leah McLeod
October 4, Sydney, Australia Dinner with Dr. Alex Wodak
October 4, Sydney, Australia Festival of Dangerous Ideas, Panel: "All Forms of Drug Use Should Be Made Legal," Sydney Opera House
September 30, Herald Sun (Australia), phone interview with Alan Howe
September 29, Seattle Weekly, phone interview with Nina Shapiro
September 29, Conference call with Drug Policy Alliance
September 29, Sydney Morning Herald (Australia), Interview with Michael Duffy

Australian Politics
On the downside in the global push for rational drug laws in 2009, Australia showed the world how far our narrow minded politicians were prepared to go when enforcing their ideology on the people. WA led the revolt, turning back the hands of time that delighted conservatives everywhere. I imagine the likes of John Howard were just thrilled to see any drug policy progress being ripped out of the history books by absolute morons like WA Premier, Colin Barnett and WA Attorney General, Christian Porter. The standout act of stupidity involved repealing state cannabis laws that had actually led to a drop in use. WA’s cannabis laws were once hailed as one of the best drug policies around the globe where possession of up to 30 grams, two non-hydro plants, or smoking equipment only attracted a fine of up to $200 with an option to attend a cannabis education session. In their wisdom, Barnett and co. are pushing through a bill that will lower the amount to 10 grams and excluded growing any plants. Those caught for possession will have to pay a fine and attend compulsory treatment within 30 days or face jail. Fines for selling drug paraphernalia will increase to $5000 for sales to an adult and up to $10,000 for sales to a minor.

It’s probably no surprise that they blatantly lied about why they increased penalties for cannabis.
Research continues to show that cannabis can lead to a host of health and mental health problems including schizophrenia, and can be a gateway to harder drugs
-WA Premier, Colin Barnett
During 2009, pushing the old “Tough on Drugs” rhetoric was constant by most of the Coalition and other dorky politicians from Labor, The Christian Democrats and Family First. Shadow Minister for Customs and Justice, Sussan Ley had 104 media releases in 2009 with nearly a third of them mentioning illicit drugs. While Sophie Mirabella MP was Shadow Minister for Early Childhood Education, Childcare, Women and Youth, she had 4 media releases and wrote at least one news article about the Rudd Government putting our youth in danger to illicit drugs. Then there was Jamie Briggs, Nick Goiran, Mike Gallacher, Mike Horan, Barry O'Farrell etc. demanding everything from banning the term “recreational drugs” to mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenders. Not one new idea amongst any of them. Nearly every demand has been tried locally or overseas for decades without any success whatsoever. Declaring you are “Tough on Drugs” has always been a sure vote winner but without any positive outcomes ever being realised, the cries of “won’t someone think of the children” or “we must get tough on the drug scourge” just becomes hollow rhetoric.

There were many swipes made at the Rudd government throughout the year for ignoring the "War on Drugs" and focussing too much on Alcohol. There were even calls to revisit The Bishop Report: “The Winnable War on Drugs”. After 11 years of Howard’s “Tough on Drugs” rhetoric which gave our 2nd biggest killer drug a pass, The Rudd government should be congratulated for finally targeting booze. And target booze it did. This was not some 6 month anti-drug campaign aimed at pleasing parents and moral crusaders but a conscious decision to change our drinking culture over the next few decades. The alcohol industry was accustomed to the previous government making excuses like the claim that drinking is an important part of society which provides many jobs etc. but all the crying in the world was not going to change Rudd’s mind. Such a powerful lobby group not used to loosing were not going to let something as trivial as government policy or the health of our nation get in their way. They simply produced their own statistics which were readily lapped up by the lazy media.

The Alcopops war raged on as the public started to learn more and more about the damage caused by alcohol, especially with violence. Not to miss a trick, the trash media turned up the heat on alcohol violence as well and soon it was a national problem with opinion writers, sport journalists, Neil Mitchells, state premiers and police ministers stumbling over each other to decry this scourge. The more the media reported it, the more the public demanded action ... the politicians were happy to oblige. More police, 2am lock outs, advertising campaigns, a freeze on late-night liquor licences, electronic ID and databases of thugs and even a weekend police blitz covering the whole of Australia and New Zealand. This was also a great opportunity to squeeze in some blame on drugs. Have you ever wondered why during a crackdown on alcohol and street violence that drug sniffer dogs are so prominent? WA again led the drug warriors into war with a new proposed bill for “stop and search” laws. The bill would give police the power to search people for weapons in entertainment precincts without proving grounds for suspicion. Coincidentally, it also includes searching for drugs. Yes, those dangerous party people, hugging and dancing their way through the troubled Perth suburb of Northbridge were just too much for Christian Porter and Colin Barnett to handle.

Strangely enough, the “Ice Epidemic” stopped making the headlines in 2009 as the main cause of substance induced violence. Yes, that nasty, frightening drug called ice, that caused users to rip apart emergency departments, had magically disappeared. Now, everywhere you look, the problem of alcohol aggression is being analysed by someone whipping the public into a frenzy. Is it a coincidence that a few years ago, a hospital worker reported that upper management had been convinced to blow their whole department budget on a safety room to deal with crazed ice addicts only to later reveal that the room had just been used a few times in 12 months ... for aggressive drunks.

Alcohol was the much needed “epidemic” of 2009 and probably will be in 2010. Scaremongers like the media and politicians will make sure of it. With all this frenzy over alcohol violence, there was only one problem ... violent crime has actually been decreasing since 2000!
The public's perception is that violence is increasing, but trends in violent crime reported to police since the early 1990s reveal a mixed story. Homicide has decreased by nine percent since 1990 and armed robbery by one-third since 2001, but recorded assaults and sexual assaults have both increased steadily in the past 10 years by over 40 percent and 20 percent respectively. The rate of aggravated assault appears to have contributed to the marked rise in recorded assault, and for both assault and sexual assault the rate of increase was greater for children aged under 15 years, with increases almost double that of the older age group. Neither population changes among young adult males nor rates of offending seem to explain the trends in recorded violent crime, and indicators of change in reporting to police provide only a partial explanation. Based on self-reported victimisation and reporting to police, it would seem increased reporting of assault is somewhat responsible for the rise in recorded assault rates against adult victims.
-Judy Putt: General Manager, Research - Australian Institute of Criminology
There was a lot more good news overseas than in Australia. Germany passed into law, heroin assisted treatment (HAT) after a successful 4 year trial. Denmark concluded that there was enough evidence already to implement a HAT program without the need for a local scientific study, Both Canada and The UK had major successes with their own heroin trials. Mexico and The Czech Republic decriminalised small amounts of all drugs and a report by Glenn Greenwald of the CATO Institute showed that after 8 years of similar drug decriminalisation in Portugal, drug use had actually decreased while those seeking treatment increased. In the US, the effects of a new, saner president were being felt as the DEA were told not to raid medical marijuana dispensaries and the ban on federal funding for needle exchanges was lifted. 15 US states now support medical marijuana with another 20 considering it. 6 states have bills proposing full legalisation. The DEA were also hit for a six when the American Medical Association(AMA) released a statement that medical marijuana was indeed real and for the DEA to re-evaluate the classing of cannabis as a schedule 1 drug.
The American Medical Association urges that marijuana's status as a federal Schedule I controlled substance be reviewed with the goal of facilitating the conduct of clinical research and development of cannabinoid-based medicines and alternate delivery methods
- The American Medical Association (AMA)
Instead of updating the DEA website titled, Exposing the Myth of Smoked Medical Marijuana by replacing the previous AMA denial of medical benefits from cannabis with the new update, the DEA just deleted any reference to the new AMA statement. To make matters worse, the DEA didn’t change their website until they were hounded by LEAP via an email campaign. But the shifty DEA are fanatical and will stoop to any level to push their propaganda. One website, stealthily owned by the DEA, Just Think Twice, kept the link to a now defunct 2001 report from the AMA that marijuana should be retained as a Schedule I drug. The AMA had to put up a special note on their own website that they had changed their position.

Mexico dominated the bad news overseas in 2009 as the war between the drug cartels and authorities continued. The media was kept busy with shocking stories and pictures that exemplified the core failure of the "War on Drugs". Drug prohibition creates so much money that not even a country like Mexico can compete with the local crime cartels. Over 49,000 troops are deployed across Mexico including contributions from the US but still the 6 major cartels reap in billions each year. Since the Mexican government announced a crack down in 2006, 15,000 people have died including many innocent civilians.

China also made the news a few times with the execution of prisoners on drug charges. As more westerners are being caught with drugs overseas, the issue of the death penalty is finally being given some media time. To celebrate International Anti-Drug day, China executed 20 people convicted of`drug offences including several foreigners.

March 2009 figures from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, show that 970 Australians were arrested abroad in 2008-2009, and 507 are serving time in foreign prisons. Overseas arrests have increased by 38 per cent in the past five years with most charges related to drug offences. The CourierMail was unable to resist this moral outrage and wrote an article warning us about the tough laws overseas.
Laws All Aussie Tourists Should Know

• Penalties for drug trafficking and possession are severe and include the death penalty
• Gambling is illegal and the penalty is deportation
• The penalty for masturbation is decapitation
WTF??! ... The penalty for masturbation is decapitation? Wanting to confirm this, I referenced my trusty old copy of The International Encyclopedia of Sexuality. Nope ... No surprises here ... it wasn’t true.

Schapelle Corby remained in the news frequently as her mental state deteriorated. The year started off like it was going to be a bit more bearable for Schapelle with a request to the jail authorities to start a beauty school for the female inmates. As usual though, the lowlife Murdoch Press gave the dog whistle and the hate mongers came running. The readers section quickly filled with the typical cruel, vile comments we have come to expect from bogans reading the Daily Telegraph, Adelaide Advertiser, HeraldSun, CourierMail etc. Not long after, the pressure took it’s toll and Schapelle was again hospitalised with major depression. Once more, the bogans came crawling out of their sewerage pits as the Murdoch press started again on Schapelle.

I feel for the families of Schapelle Corby, The Bali Nine and others in overseas prisons for drug offences. Most of these prisons are not fit for animals with cruelty, disease and corruption being commonplace. It must be beyond description how they would feel seeing their loved ones in such conditions. Fuck these countries and their sovereignty. I’m sick of comments in the opinion pages saying that we should respect the laws of other countries and their sovereignty. Just like I’m sick of that constant redneck chant, “do the crime - do the time”. These people are doomed to spend decades of their life in sub-human conditions, often for drug offences that are hugely out-of-sync with civilised countries.

Questionable Raids, Shonky Figures and other Bizarre Events
Like every year, there are some completely bizarre stories that hit the papers. Like the drug raid by police at the Cheech and Chong show in Sydney. Up to 25 officers and 4 cannabis canines not only searched the crowd and the queue at the door but went to local pubs and the train station looking for dangerous 50+ year old criminals. The NSW police wasted tens of thousands of dollars, catching 6 middle age parents with small amounts of cannabis. They were all let off with a caution.

The Cheech and Chong show was just one in a series of many raids from police last year. And according to the police, nearly every raid was upsetting the drug trade in Australia and having a huge impact on illicit drug supplies. One such blitz in SA dubbed “Operation Dial” proclaimed their success especially in the South East region of SA around Mt. Gambier:
South East police snared several alleged offenders during the statewide anti-drug campaign Operation Dial on the weekend.

The crackdown, involving 250 police officers across South Australia, saw the region’s police make one arrest and several reports of illicit substance possession, sale and cultivation.

Aided by Customs officials, Mount Gambier CIB arrested a local woman for taking part in the alleged sale of methyl amphetamine, while Naracoorte police issued three fines for possession of cannabis and related equipment, a drug diversion for amphetamine possession and reported persons for the sale of prescription drugs.

Keith police also reported one man for cultivating two cannabis plants.

South East operations manager Sergeant Andy Stott said he was pleased with the results.
-Border Watch(Local newspaper for Mt. Gambier in SE South Australia)
While the massive drug busts around Australia, totalling hundreds of millions of dollars were having very little effect on drug availability, comparatively small operations were being hailed as successful. I lost count how many times the police said they were “sending a message to drugs dealers”, “stopping the flow of illegal drugs” or “putting a huge dent” in local drug markets. Like “Operation Dial”, that for the whole of SA, confiscated 9kg of cannabis, 193 cannabis plants, 9g heroin, 11g cocaine, 12g amphetamine and 93 ecstasy tablets with a supposed street value of about $60,000.
South Australia Police will continue with dedicated operations such as Operation Dial to target the detection and seizure of illicit drugs and those associated with drug related offences. The result from Operation Dial sends a very clear message about the way we view the illicit drug trade and our efforts to get these drugs off the streets.
-Detective Superintendent Scott Duval, officer in charge of the Drug Investigation Branch
The hard drugs in reality, are worth only $11,000. 9Kgs of cannabis is worth about $25,000 which leaves the plants making up the remaining $24,000. Yep, $11,000 worth of hard drugs off the street will send shock-waves through SA. And of course, the 13 arrests, 39 reports and 53 cannabis expiation notices might just cripple the drug industry completely. I wonder what Superintendent Scott Duval was thinking when he went on to say:
It's not so much about the dollar value, it's the harm these drugs cause
-Detective Superintendent Scott Duval, officer in charge of the Drug Investigation Branch
Earlier in the year, not only were Queensland police also stopping the flow of drugs onto the streets but weapons as well with 11 people arrested for a total of 22 charges. “Operation Mamba” was a success!
We believe we've obstructed a number of individual suppliers of drugs ... and it's obviously resulted in some type of reduction of the flow of drugs onto the street.
-Sergeant Laurie Shevlin. Gold Coast Police
What was this big bust reported in the media that reduced the supply of drugs and weapons onto Queensland streets? “Operation Mamba” netted a grand total of 120 grams of pot. Note that it is grams not kilograms and 120 grams at the full street price of $25 each is $3,000. And the weapons? A taser stun gun ... AND ... a baton ... AND ... a slingshot.

The year of the PADD was probably most noted for PADDs at music festivals. Right up until the last night of 2009, there were warnings that anyone taking drugs into public music festivals and dance parties were going to get caught. 50 caught here, 80 caught somewhere else ... the number of people caught with ecstasy, speed, LSD and cannabis were mounting up. But when compared with the total audiences approaching the million mark, several hundred arrests is just piddley. This raises the question ... what’s the point? The simple answer is publicity. Most of the public are now under the impression that anyone taking drugs into music festivals are bound to get caught. It keeps the parents happy I suppose.

The Australian Heroin Diaries
The readership rose again for 2009 and is approaching dizzy heights although my family are sick of leaving anonymous comments. I have noticed a lot more hits from Canberra, government departments and strange countries. Stuffed if I know what that all means? I also noticed several active readers who visit at least once a day but I don’t know who they are. Maybe you could drop me an email or comment? Another increase in hits came from the police. Several states checked in including the Australian Federal Police (AFP) but I haven’t been dragged away screaming yet. They could be plotting a national effort though or even arranging a plane for Egypt where they can question me properly. I’ll have to wait and see.

The 2 most common search requests though are “Chinese executions” and “What does heroin feel like”. I still receive hundreds of hits each month for my June 2009 article, Mass Executions - How China Celebrates Anti-Drug Day. Sadly, it seems it’s not for my salubrious writing skills but for the pics I lifted borrowed from another site called About 75% of the Chinese execution hits come via the image searching facility from Google. But the most amount of hits for a text search is via “What does heroin feel like” or similar.

One thing I was not expecting was an award. Jeepers. The Australian Heroin Diaries was chosen as one of the top 8 blogs in 2009 by - This is a news driven blog, that writes about and commentates on different countries drug policies. The author is a recovering heroin addict which gives a unique view and a much different one from politicians on drug politics. A must read for anyone interested in the politics of drug use and substance abuse.
Unfortunately there was no prize money but I am willing to sell my award if anyone is interested. Any takers? I can photoshop out “The Australian Heroin Diaries” and put your name there instead if needed.

What Does It All Mean?
The future for drug law reform looks bright for once. Hopefully, at the next UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) in 10 years time, prohibition will be just another dirty mark on history like alcohol prohibition is. Cannabis is only a year or 2 away from finally being legalised somewhere although it won’t be Australia. Amazingly, it will probably be the US that first steps out triggering the dominoes to fall in rapid succession. Decriminalisation will also continue be taken up by many countries over the next few years. Aside from that, heroin assisted treatment (HAT) will become more common with Australia at the top of the list.

Resistance will come from the usual suspects - politicians, conservative media loudmouths, religion and moral crusaders. Science and evidence based government policies are the key to success but anti-drug zealots will attempt to muddle logic with family values, morals and “think of the children” type drug hysteria. Not much different to how it happens today.

Ultimately, the public gets smarter every year about complex issues like drugs and as the population ages, almost all of society will have experienced drugs at least once in their life. The typical propaganda and exaggeration that we are currently bombarded with is already being questioned by a large cross section of the community, That will only grow as the truth always comes out in the end. I pity the children and grand children of hard-liners who will have to face the history books with family members being exposed as dangerous liars who ignored the facts for personal gain resulting in the death and misery of many thousands.

The biggest local issue will be what the Rudd government does with drug policy. Apart from the $20 million one-strike illicit drugs policy for sporting codes, spending $18 million on a rehashed advertising campaign from the previous government and the recent media release stating that $4 million will be dished out for tracking drug use and trends, there has been no major drug policy announced. With the push for another heroin trial and calls to establish medical marijuana provisions, it will be interesting to see if Kev’s promise of evidence based policy will prevail.

Monday, 2 November 2009

CourierMail - Cocaine Hysteria Thrives in Trash Media

I’ve read some really silly articles about drugs lately but this cracker from Jackie Sinnerton in the Courier Mail needs your attention. Not for the profound message it attempts to sell you but to brighten up your day. Maybe I’m just a sucker for accidental self parody from self righteous or ignorant twats but reading this type of article really makes my day ... and makes me laugh. It’s like watching The Office(UK) where you get pleasure from cringing at some idiot trying to be something they’re not. Which reminds me, do you remember the Fiona Connolly article in the The Daily Telegraph last year titled Cokehead Should be Ashamed? If you do then you may be forgiven if you think the authors are sisters.

Cocaine Parties Thrive In Suburbia
Courier Mail
By Jackie Sinnerton
October 2009

A FOUR-wheel-drive makes its way to the front door of a well-loved suburban home.

It's a two-income, two-child abode. Worth a million, but heavily mortgaged. This is not rock star territory.

The mother of the house follows her fortnightly routine. She checks that the kids are distracted and pops outside, takes the envelope off the driver and exchanges pleasantries.

Nothing cloak and dagger.

No names or money are exchanged.

Apparently her husband takes care of the financial business with a guy in the city – $350 she believes. They spend $700 a month.

The transaction is completed.

It is as straight forward as someone delivering the milk.

The lady of the house then rushes upstairs and secretes the envelope in her bottom drawer – away from tiny hands.

No need to check the contents – it is always the same. A gram of cocaine folded in foil paper and tucked into a plastic bag.

Back to the kitchen to prepare school lunches. There will be no mention of the delivery until Saturday night when the guests arrive.

Looking past the manicured hedges, French doors and shop-buffed people-movers in suburban driveways unearths a shocking reality.

Sarah does not use cocaine. But her story, like a script from a bad episode of Desperate Housewives, paints a surreal picture of what family life in the 'burbs can be like when the lights in the children's rooms go out.

Sarah reluctantly discloses the happenings of the night out when she stumbled upon the drug culture lurking in the shadows of suburban streets.

Sarah's family was invited to a social evening at a friend's home on the outskirts of the city.

"My husband and I were invited to a party at a friend of a friend's," she recalls. "They live in a really nice house – they are both professional people with kids and are heavily involved in the kids school functions and sport.

"Kids were invited to the party. It all seemed quite harmless to begin with but as the evening wore on I certainly got my eyes opened.

"Early on it was just like any other family barbecue: Kids were running around everywhere and parents were enjoying a chat and a drink.

"As it got later, there seemed to be a huge urgency to get the kids settled down in makeshift beds upstairs.

"Only adults remained downstairs, and they just continued to enjoy the evening with another drink.

"Then at the top of the stairs the signal came from one of the dads. It was the all-clear. All the kids, including mine, were asleep.

"I remember looking around a little bemused, and that is when a few of the parents brought out little plastic packages of cocaine from their pockets.

"I was blown away. I may have enjoyed a joint in my youth, but hardcore drugs amongst friends of friends in a suburban house! I admit, I was very intrigued.

"I took it all in. Agreements had been made between some of the couples. 'Tonight it is your turn'. It's a bit like who is going to drive home. One parent has to remain sensible in case of child emergency."

A growing number of Australian suburban homes play out similar scenarios as parents dabble in narcotics, and Queensland's suburban sprawls are not immune.

Most of the state's cocaine use takes place in the southeast corner – but it is the affluent areas rather than the lower socio-economic areas so often tainted by drug use that have been pin-pointed as a problem.

"The people at this barbecue were mostly professional, well respected members of the community who support their children's school building funds, hold down challenging jobs, and make sure their kids eat their greens and don't talk to strangers," Sarah continues.

"Thankfully the set-up was fairly controlled, and a person was allocated to watch the kids at all times.

"But my heart was racing, I could only think about what would happen if the police came. Would I be in trouble too? I decided I would grab my kids and get out, but I didn't want to look panicked, so I chatted and smiled as I made my way through the crowd.

"During that time, as I located my husband, I watched some people disappear into the downstairs toilet. But more blatantly, a couple of the men just lined up their powder on the dining room table, using a credit card to straighten the edges.

"Then they rolled up paper money, and got into it.

"It crossed my mind how maxed out that credit card must be.

"I am not a prude by any means, and have had my fair share of alcoholic drinks over the years, but by all accounts listening to the others at the party I am obviously somewhat behind the times."

For some, having a few drinks doesn't cut it anymore. Drug-fuelled Saturday nights are the way to go.

"I felt like a scared child when offered the drug," Sarah said.

"I politely declined.

"Not everyone used drugs that night. In fact, maybe less than one-third of those at the party, but most people seemed unperturbed by the behaviour."

Sarah says some of the women sensed her horror at what was unfolding before her, and tried to talk down the implications of the activity.

"Apparently that the best thing about taking the drug was that you feel great about yourself, it increases self-confidence and it is easier to let yourself go," she said.

"Certainly the party picked up quite dramatically and before leaving I saw another person go back for more.

"I remembered hearing once that cocaine can give you seizures and I couldn't help but worry that someone was going to have to call for an ambulance.

"Imagine the scandal if all these very respected citizens ended up in the police station for doing hard core drugs? What about the poor kids then?

"No one seemed too concerned about the down sides. All I heard was it makes you feel energised, powerful and enhances the libido – it works wonders for the love life.

"I did hear the words 'recreational' and 'social' used quite a lot that night. Whether to convince me or themselves, those who chose to snort were very adamant 'I hardly ever do it, it's just for fun'."

But according to the experts there is no such thing as recreational drug taking.

There is nothing but bad news at the end of the white dust track.

Coke, crack, dust, nose candy, white lady – whatever you want to call it – cocaine kills people.

It's not called "the Addicter" or "Great Deceiver" for no reason.

When absorbed into the blood stream, it is a very potent drug.

A small amount – one to three milligrams – produces extreme stimulating effects on the brain by releasing a chemical, norepinephrine, from the nerve endings.

It elevates the mood and helps boost energy levels and mental activity.

It helps you feel invincible and wipes out fatigue.

But what goes up must come down.

This state of euphoria can be followed within 30 to 60 minutes by a "let-down feeling" of depression and dullness.

According to Drug Arm counsellor Richard Norman, cocaine is often included in cocktails of drugs and is not always the primary drug used.

It is often mixed with other drugs and alcohol – adding to the toxic mix.

"It is ridiculous to think that you can use cocaine recreationally," he said.

"It depends on the person's build, but it doesn't take long before people start to yearn for that euphoric feeling more often.

"The middle-class demographic is a difficult one to understand, because they are not likely to come to public rehabilitation or counselling centres.

"I would imagine they would go to their GPs or private counsellors – there is a lot at stake. It's illegal as well as highly dangerous."

While the drug is no longer just reserved for millionaires, there can be a huge financial impact on the user if they become dependent on cocaine.

The 2007 National Drug Strategy's Household Survey showed cocaine consumption was at its highest level since 1993.

It's a risky way to get through domestic stresses.

It is possible to build up a resistance to the drug, which means people need to take larger and larger doses to achieve the same high.

For some, there can be the opposite effect – where just small amounts are enough to prompt a rush.

Psychological withdrawal symptoms can hang around for many weeks and may include intense cravings, depression, anxiety and angry outbursts.

Physical withdrawal symptoms include tremors, nausea, insomnia and muscle pain.

Not something you'd want to deal with on the school pick-up run.

So what is it with Murdoch journalists and drugs ... especially cocaine? No, I’m not talking about the hypocrite Piers Akerman and his alleged coke habit but those who suddenly write some incredible story of drugs reeking havoc on societies values? Do they feel that they must make a contribution to the anti-drug effort regardless of whether they have something to say or not? It seems that way if you read Jackie Sinnerton’s article. First of all, is this story made up? It feels like a collection of clichés, scenes from a bad novel and moral claptrap rolled into one. Seriously, someone monitoring the kids giving the all-clear, it’s OK to do drugs now ... the kids are asleep! And designated abstainer ... in case of a child emergency? Pffft. Is this really a scene from an 80s TV movie? The bit that got me laughing loudest though was the names that cocaine is supposedly called.
It's not called "the Addicter" or "Great Deceiver" for no reason
-The Courier Mail: Cocaine Parties Thrive In Suburbia by Jackie Sinnerton

The “Great Deceiver”? Oh, dear god, strike me down. It’s certainly not a term I am familiar with but a little bit of research on the intertubes shows that Satan is usually called The Great Deceiver along with a few examples of various drugs. Reelizations Media produced the very popular Marijuana and Recovery Counselor Guide which references marijuana as The Great Deceiver. The California Department of Justice released a video called, Meth: The Great Deceiver in 2002 and in 1990, the US Drug Czar, William Bennett wrote an article in First Things, published by The Institute on Religion and Public Life. Here’s an extract:
I continue to be amazed at how often people I speak to in treatment centers refer to drugs as the great lie, the great deception, indeed as a product of the Great Deceiver. An astonishing number of people in treatment have described crack cocaine to me simply as “the Devil.”
 -William J. Bennett : First Things - Drugs and the Face of Evil

So where the hell did Jackie Sinnerton get the idea that cocaine is commonly known as The Great Deceiver? If you think this definition is amusing then Google the other well known name, “cocaine - "the Addicter"”. The result ... oh. mmm well, there is no record anywhere of cocaine being called “The Addicter” except in her own article. The author just made it up. This should give us a clue to the authenticity of the article and what depths the Murdoch press will lower itself to. Pooeeeee! - forget all that. Who cares? It’s such a fun read and an opportunity to see how far some so called journalists will go to write an interesting story.
Coke, crack, dust, nose candy, white lady – whatever you want to call it – cocaine kills people
-The Courier Mail: Cocaine Parties Thrive In Suburbia by Jackie Sinnerton

Dust? Crack? White Lady? Apart from crack being a different form of cocaine and comes as a rock that can’t be snorted, who the hell calls cocaine “dust” or “white lady”? Maybe in Starsky and Hutch or CHIPS but not in the real world down-under. Well as far as I know.
But according to the experts there is no such thing as recreational drug taking
-The Courier Mail: Cocaine Parties Thrive In Suburbia by Jackie Sinnerton

There’s at least 150,000,000 recreational drug users worldwide who might disagree with this statement. And who are these experts she quotes?
It is ridiculous to think that you can use cocaine recreationally
 -Drug Arm counsellor Richard Norman

Oh, not an expert but a counsellor for an organisation(Drug Arm) that originated from the Temperance Movement 2 centuries ago. Remember the Temperance Movement? Their claim to fame is alcohol prohibition in the US and the push to ban drugs.

This article is just more drug hysteria from the Murdoch press designed to sell papers and collect webpage hits. Incidentally, the article was published simultaneously with another piece about suburban cocaine use, Housewives Turn To Cocaine Abuse In Queensland. Co-written by Sinnerton and Paula Doneman, the article is filed under that infamous Courier Mail special, The Drugs Scourge which may give us some insight into the it’s contents. The article is wrapped up nicely by one reader:
Ahead of the release of new findings from the Crime and Misconduct Commission on illicit drugs, intelligence director Chris Keen confirmed that cocaine use in Queensland "is more prevalent over a wider range of demographics"....where does this say anything specific about "housewives"...the whole article is based on the suppostions of ONE man...Richard Norman who said...""I could see how stressed-out, middle-class housewives would single out cocaine to help them perform better at work, look after a family and house and still have the energy to party," Jackie Sinnerton and Paula Doneman have taken this remark and ran with it..they and the Couriermail should be ashamed of themselves..but I suppose the headline is the thing and drug addicted housewives reads better than..increase in drug addicts in south east Queensland. Never let the facts get in the way of a good story. I agree this story is plagiarised and deliberately skewed to target housewives.
Posted by: lyn of melbourne 4:09pm November 01, 2009
-Comment from Courier Mail Reader

The claims of inevitable problems like tremors, nausea, insomnia, muscle pain and addiction are what a hard core addict might suffer and not what a standard recreational cocaine user would encounter. Also, what has been left out of these articles is more important than what was included with much of it merely opinions without any evidence or backing.
There is nothing but bad news at the end of the white dust track
-The Courier Mail: Cocaine Parties Thrive In Suburbia by Jackie Sinnerton

As cocaine use rapidly increases, the number of those requiring treatment hasn’t risen proportionally. It's probably because the addiction level of cocaine(17%) and alcohol(15%) are nearly the same. The truth is, most cocaine users take it in moderation and usually reserve it for special occasions. Similar to how most drinkers choose to exploit their drug of choice. Most drinkers don't need treatment and neither do most cocaine users.

The World Health Organisation conducted the largest ever study of global cocaine use in 1995 and stated:
Occasional cocaine use does not typically lead to severe or even minor physical or social problems … a minority of people start using cocaine or related products, use casually for a short or long period, and suffer little or no negative consequences, even after years of use
-World Health Organisation Report

Sadly, this report was just too truthful for the "War on Drugs" mindset of the US and UN. The US threatened to withdraw funding for all of the WHO’s research projects and interventions unless they "dissociated itself from the study" and withdraw the publication. The report was shelved and never released. So now we are left with articles from the trash media and the constant lies and exaggeration from anti-drug zealots. No wonder we have a drug problem.

In June 2009, an excellent article by Ben Goldacre detailed the WHO cocaine report and the subsequent coverup in the Uk newspaper, The Guardian. This is a must-read article: Cocaine study that got up the nose of the US.

Related Articles:
Housewives Turn To Cocaine Abuse In Queensland - The Courier Mail
Cocaine study that got up the nose of the US - The Guardian
Journalist Should Be Ashamed
Cocaine - Australia’s Next Drug Epidemic?
CourierMail - The Media Scourge

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

CourierMail - The Media Scourge

The CourierMail is currently running a scare fest on drugs in Queensland titled, “The Drugs Scourge” . Being a News Ltd owned newspaper, you wouldn’t expect much in the way of rationality and accuracy yet I must say I was really surprised. Really surprised because it was even worse than I imagined. It’s like they have taken the worst from A Current Affair/Today, had it rewritten by Piers Akerman, Chris Pyne and Bronwyn Bishop and then edited by John Howard. It’s a shocker!

One of the glaring over dramatisations is the effects of ecstasy on Queensland society. Shocking headlines like “Bad Ecstasy Trip Is Agony” and “Drug-Fuelled Revellers Rife” conveniently mix up heavy methamphetamine use with casual ecstasy use creating a modern day “Reefer Madness” but with amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS).

The Queensland club scene is described as some sort of post apocalyptic alternative future where a drug crazed youth are MDMA zombies. Where an epidemic of “Party Drugs” is wiping out an entire generation. Where our innocent kids are being reeled into a life of drug addiction where carnage and death are the inevitable results. Out of dozens of articles though, there is only a single report on whether current drug policies are working.

Watch as channel nine’s Sarah Harris and Lisa Wilkinson report on the CourierMail’s investigation called, The Drugs Scourge! Warning: This is not a comedy skit.

Where do I start? Maybe with the main cause of harm from ecstasy ... prohibition. They are right by saying that ecstasy pills are full of unwanted ingredients but this is purely because they are illegal. And as the serious looking Sarah Harris explains, 10 people have died from PMA in ecstasy over the last 10 years ... a pretty good record really considering millions of doses are taken annually. Why didn’t she say “only” 10 people have died? They keep mentioning that unknown ingredients or dangerous contaminants are the real danger but where was the call for pill testing or regulating MDMA sales? I suppose common sense doesn’t rate very well.

Glossing over the differences between amphetamines and ecstasy is just as deceitful. Although they come from the same class, they are very different drugs and share almost none of the same levels of harm. Abusing amphetamines can be very dangerous but most users do so recreationally. Some fact checking will show that amphetamines are not actually addictive at all but can cause dependancy. Stating that 33% of first time users become addicted is just not true. No drug known to man is instantly addictive.
They see their mate take one and nothing happens, they take one themselves and nothing happens and all of a sudden, they’re hooked. 
-Dr. Bob Hoskins. Queensland Health
Is this how the public source their information about drugs? No wonder there is no rational debate in parliament about our drug laws with much of the population completely ignorant to facts. The role of the media has to be called into question over this. Not just the hysterical trash reporting but the lack of critical analysis from other media outlets. The CourierMail’s report is ripe for being pulled apart and exposed as misleading and often untruthful but I am yet to find one article disputing the legitimacy of the report. But it’s not just the reporting that is full of misinformation but some of the so called “experts” who are happy to add their own interpretation of the truth.
You wouldn't give it to your dog let alone take it yourself [...] Look, it's a drug, it can be abused. I think you could never safely administer it.
-Detective Kerry Johnson - State Drug Investigation Unit
Is anything more annoying than a condescending reporter who knows stuff all about what they are saying? Apart from having to sit through the clip’s entirety, not much. Even the detective with his fanciful connections between casual ecstasy use and 25 years in jail doesn’t compare. I dare say that this clip is going into the drug propaganda archives along with Reefer Madness.
You think about it, here you are, come from a good family, a good upbringing, great surrounds, you've got no reason why and suddendly you're facing court on drug trafficking. You're going to loose your liberty for a long time and probably very little sympathy from us too.
-Detective Kerry Johnson - State Drug Investigation Unit
Asset seizures, 25 years in jail, loss of liberty... this is what will happen if you start giving ecstasy to your friends says Detective Kerry Johnson. LOL. But his bizarre warning backed up with “probably very little sympathy from us” is when it becomes disturbing. He paints a gloomy picture but it is exactly what the Courier-Mail wanted - doom and gloom. But the figures don’t add up. With tens of thousands of weekend users and well over 10 million ecstasy pills dropped each year, there is very little evidence of the carnage portrayed by The CourierMail and Detective Johnson.
Continually time and again we see it escalates from, I just take the odd pill at a party or a rave night or whatever it might be, to, I only supply my 2-3 friends and that might pay for my pill and that sort of deal is pretty harmless. The amount of time it escalates to the level where all of sudden their in the organised crime area, they're selling quite a lot of pills, they're getting themselves into debt trying to maintain a lifestyle. Next thing you know they're facing a charge from us, let alone the 25 years imprisonment for trafficking, you're also then looking at the case of significant asset seizure through restraints, proceeds of crime legislation.
-Detective Kerry Johnson - State Drug Investigation Unit
What really scares me is the zest to portray ecstasy as some new terrifying drug that has sent society into a never ending tail spin of chaos and despair. The zest of Detective Kerry Johnson to catch ecstasy users and dealers with the goal of ruining their lives as much as possible. The zest to scare parents and the public into a stupor of fear and worry. And for what? A drug that is rated by experts as much, much less harmful than alcohol?

Is the Truth Important?
Like all good trashy journalism, an appropriate headline is essential. Drugs menace uncovered, How addiction leads to jail, Bad ecstasy trip is agony, Drug users' Russian roulette, Drug-fuelled revellers rife, Ecstasy's deadly cocktail, Mail system delivers death and more. I suppose some balanced reporting is out of the question. Maybe something along the lines of Ecstasy found to be much safer than alcohol, UK Government report recommends lowering ecstasy danger rating, Alcohol causing more problems than all illicit drugs combined, Expert groups want cannabis legalised, Government ignores their own scientific report on drugs, Politician admits he inhaled and enjoyed it etc. Some examples of the what the CourierMail calls the truth:
Safe injecting rooms have been tried. Heroin trials have been conducted. Everything from decriminalisation to including drug education in school curriculums has been discussed.
-We need a leader for drugs battle
Heroin trials have been conducted - that’s news to me. Safe injecting rooms have been tried - this is past tense. They mean to say, a safe injecting room is being successfully operated in NSW. Decriminalisation being discussed? Several states have decriminalised cannabis for personal use already but it has certainly not been seriously discussed by the federal government. The Greens have shown that the 2 major political parties are not ready for any discussion on drug policy alternatives like decriminalisation. When the Greens suggested Australia consider decriminalisation they were abused and scoffed at as radical weirdoes by Labor and The Libs.
DRUGS are the No. 1 risk young people face and the Federal Government's focus on binge drinking means it is missing the problem, a Liberal MP and former adviser to John Howard has warned.
-Booze focus misses top risk of drugs, says Jamie Briggs
Drugs are NOT the number one problem. That’s just wishful thinking from the media and conservative politicians.
It is ecstasy, of all amphetamines, that shapes as the timebomb. One in four Australians aged 20-29 has tried the drug – and numbers are escalating each year.
-Drug trade's tragic toll and institutional ignorance revealed
When the facts are against you, it’s best to play on the unknown. The illusion of a future drug crazed nation is standard fare for the media because in reality it never actually happens. One in four(20-29) might have tried ecstasy but those that have problems with it are negligible. The only option left for an excited journalist is to use ridiculous comments like this ... “It is ecstasy, of all amphetamines, that shapes as the timebomb”. hehehehe. The writer, Matthew Fynes-Clinton and the CourierMail have hit new depths of deception and silliness.

Murdoch and His Trash Media Empire
In this age of information, how can a major media outlet like the CourierMail produce so much bullshit? Is this acceptable for an advanced society? Where is the scrutiny from the media or why isn’t there some authority questioning the legitimacy of this crap? If the subject was different like diabetics or mental health, I’m sure there would be an uproar. Is it because the CourierMail are playing along with the views of the 2 major political parties or because the public accept these distorted articles as factual?

We can no longer criticise the English Tabloids or Fox News in the US for being biased, sensationalist and trash media when we have the equivalent like the CourierMail, Daily Telegraph, HeraldSun etc. We do however have to take some of the blame as we are the country that produced the owner of all this trash media. The worst of the English Tabloids, Fox News and Australia’s News Ltd newspapers are all owned by former Australian, Rupert Murdoch.

Related Articles:
Ice - More Drug Myths
AMA Pushing Zero Tolerance (Ice - More Drug Myths Pt II)
Top Drug Advisor - Ecstasy is Safe as Riding a Horse

Thursday, 9 April 2009

Diary: Good Writers, Bad Writers, Undercover Cops & Heroin

DIARY: I have been feeling somewhat depressed lately with the never ending cycle of day-to-day life. Since I have taken 2 months off to sort out some medical issues, I am getting lost in the world of too much free time. I think I need work to help keep me focussed on something productive. I have heard it before including from my father but never paid any attention to it, “the more free time you have, the busier you are”. It’s incredible that I have all this free time but I never have enough hours in the day to finish everything. What’s with that? I’m bored out of your mind but can’t be bothered doing anything. Something might be exciting but I lose all interest in it the next day. For example, I finally got a Q & A from Sandra Kanck which I have been pursuing for 6 months but after I posted it, the excitement just fizzled. Maybe I’m relying on this blog too much to fill my days. Adding to this, no one has been commenting here lately which is bizarre because I am getting more hits than ever ... reader hits, that is. This is depressing me considering all the stuff I write and I have very little time to write it in ... er, you know, perceived time I have. OK, so I have heaps of time but that’s my point. C’mon, where all those great comments I used to get? You don’t want me to turn to drugs, do you?

Recently I came into a bit of cash which paid some overdue bills. Not working takes a toll on your finances and the extra money was welcomed. It was also an excuse to use heroin. I have been going without heroin for a while now and coping okay but when the opportunity arises to have 4-5 hours without any depression and to actually feel good, it’s hard to resist. This time though there was a dilemma. My partner, Angela got really pissed off at me which made the experience unpleasant. To feel good on heroin after the initial high actually requires a lot of concentration and the right environment is essential. When I use heroin now, it is after dinner so I feel good in my environment which is usually filled with ups and downs. I spend some time on the internet, do a bit of cleaning and then watch a movie. When I finally go to bed, I feel like I used to; relaxed, secure and optimistic. If Angela is shitty, then it’s all for nothing. It becomes just a waste of money, a hit I didn’t need and it doesn’t pick me up for the next several months of dealing with my situation. Although she understands why I do it, sometimes she finds it hard to accept. I have to realise that being a non-user, she is really never going to understand fully.

Over the last week, I have been reading and watching some insanely bad reporting from the Courier-Mail. The Queensland arm of Murdoch's trash media empire is doing a special report called The Drug Scourge which has the feel of a 1980s style drug hysteria story. It’s backed up with TV stories from related networks. No wonder the public are so misinformed and scared, this is the worst journalism I have ever seen. I wonder if the public will ever get a chance to make an informed opinion about drug policy with such crap infiltrating their lives. I heard one “specialist” claim that a third of first time methamphetamines users become addicted and a member of the Queensland State Drug Investigation Unit said this about ecstasy “Look, it's a drug, it can be abused. I think you could never safely administer it”. When you stand back and admire it for it’s total lack of credibility, it becomes very entertaining. I’m surprised there hasn’t been more written about it because you couldn’t write a better comedy about the subject if you tried. It’s really that bad. The serious faces and alarming clichés, the suggestions that society has lost control, the use of words like “epidemic” and “scourge”. This is not to be missed!

Now, moving 180 degrees in the opposite direction. Every day, I visit a lot of websites and I read some great articles from talented writers. Every now and then, I find a writer who stands out as especially concise, accurate and very easy to read. One such person is Andrew M. Potts, an in-house writer and a board director from the Sydney Star Observer, a weekly gay and lesbian community newspaper/website. I recommend that you go and have a read.

Whilst I was out the other day, I saw some more undercover cops. Strolling along like ... well, a couple of undercover cops. The tracksuit pants, the K-Mart runners, the military haircuts etc. You know the look. I was coming out of the chemist with my meds which may have looked like a fit pack to them. They gave me a good long look before wandering off to catch some dangerous druggies. As I drove home, I started thinking about what would have happened if they stopped me. I was carrying morphine worth over $2,500 on the street (which only cost me $5). If they had stopped me and made a call back to HQ, my name would have come up for previous drug charges. It was then that I got a cold shiver. Would they have taken me back to the police station? Would they check my prescription first with the chemist? I have seen cops pocket drugs before and let the user go but that was a long time ago and it was heroin. Still, the idea of bent police scares me. The other possibility is that they might be over zealous cops. It takes a certain kind of person to volunteer for a career of busting druggies on the street and I’m sure it’s not because they’re humanitarians. Over zealous cops are just as dangerous as the bent ones except they get congratulated and feel no guilt when they ruin your life. Legally I had nothing to hide but I have learnt to avoid the police at all costs. Cops are suspicious by nature so if you’re not in the picture, they can’t link you to anything whether it’s real or not. An ambitious undercover police officer who hates druggies or a bent cop could have turned my trip to the chemist into a nightmare very quickly. Memories of previous visits to the police station are permanent reminders of what can happen if they really want to screw with you.

Note to self: take a carry bag when going to chemist to pick up medication.
Another note to self: don’t be tempted to yell abuse at undercover cops when visiting chemist.