Showing newest posts with label Britney Spears. Show older posts
Showing newest posts with label Britney Spears. Show older posts

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Prohibition - Britney Spears Style

From the sublime to the ridiculous...

It seems that our Britney is not taking any chances in her quest to remain clean from drugs and alcohol. Apparently as part of her child custody agreement, she has made it compulsory for the huge crew on her current tour to sign a contract that prohibits the use of drugs or alcohol. I get the drug ban but alcohol is still legal as far as I know. But there’s more bad news for Britney’s staff. They can’t even have a glass of wine or beer with dinner ... including their days off! And just in case anyone plans to be sneaky, her crew must be available for random drug and alcohol tests.

I know that the behaviour of others can have an impact on your attempts to remain clean and sober but WTF? I’m surprised she didn’t make the audience sign an agreement that they were free from mind altering substances. I wonder if she ran this idea past the Australian consulate? Or possibly the UN? I know, I know ... leave Britney alone. The problem is that this time Britney is not stressed out by forgetting her undies or having her head shaved in public. She is making these decisions with a supposedly clear, substance free mind.

Maybe Britney should have stayed on drugs?

Spears Demands Drug Tests
The Straits Times
October 2009

SYDNEY - POP STAR Britney Spears is reportedly demanding her support crew endure random drug tests during her current tour of Australia, reported Australian media outlets.

The ban is part of a confidential contract that outlaws alcohol and drugs on her tour and also covers the 150 Australian staff that have joined her 277-strong touring crew, reported the Sunday Herald Sun.

'Britney's rule is clear - zero tolerance,' a well-placed concert industry source said. 'No drink. No drugs. If you do not comply, you do not tour with Britney.' The blanket alcohol ban reportedly extends to drinking beer or wine with a meal, even on days off.

Spears' sold-out Circus tour will perform in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth in November.

The strict policy is part of Spears' child custody agreement. Sons Sean Preston, 4, and Jayden James, 3, will travel to Australia with Spears. Her ex-husband, Kevin Federline, will also be in the tour entourage, reported the Sunday Herald Sun newspaper.

The newspaper saw the confidential contract, reporting that it states: 'No alcohol. No drugs. These are terms of being on this tour.' Anyone found breaching those terms would have their contract terminated. It also said everyone on Spears' Circus tour is subject to random drug and alcohol tests. Those who sign the contract are bound by a confidentiality agreement.