Dedicated To:

Healing the Sick Freeing the Captives Feeding the Hungry Shining Light in the Dark

2012-05-11 Updates

About to go offline for 15-30 minutes so I can back up the database and download it. I need to test a major upgrade on a test server first before I do it on the live site.

So many things to report on in the CAP world and also commentary about how the foul infiltrators in our government continue to act like they are doing God’s will while in fact they do the exact opposite, working hard to deceive the masses.

2012-05-08 Updates

Ok, the website just underwent a MAJOR update from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7. Phew! So far so good.

However, regular visitors can see I’ve not yet added the side bars back, and the default formatting of each story is a bit different. Also LOTS of little touches have gone away. All of my custom CSS tweaks are gone. I decided to not introduce them during the upgrade, in case things went wrong; I knew I could add them back later. So there are a lot of little things that will look odd until I either add them back or choose a new theme for the website.

Druggie George Orwell Calculates Cost of His 6-Ounces-a-Week Tobacco Habit Versus Buying Books

How did George Orwell spend his money? Did he spend more money on “feel good” nicotine or on mind-altering books?! In the essay below he scrutinizes his and others’ expenses.

Books vs. Cigarettes

With prices as they now are, I am spending far more on tobacco than I do on books. I smoke six ounces a week, at half-a-crown an ounce, making nearly £40 a year.

In the News: 
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Bob Ramsey’s Great Collection of Anti-Prohibition Information

It’s not huge, and he says of himself, “A webmaster I ain’t,” but I believe in quality not quantity. which redirects to (for now).

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Wells Fargo’s prison cash cow: The bailed-out bank has used its taxpayer money to invest in private prisons

More of an “In the News” item, but it’s here in the Economics section because it’s about a major player in the banking system.

Definitely worth reading:

In the News: 

Writer Asks Us If We Support (Re)Legalizing Marijuana

This question came yesterday:

I know evangelical Pat Robertson is a proponent of the legalization of marijuana and against the War on Drugs.

Does the Christians Against Prohibition Addicted to Love, support the legalization of marijuana? Remember Genesis 1:29, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” This in itself promoted marijuana.

Yes or No???

------ ------

Yes, this is from Genesis.

Scripture Reference: 
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2012-05-07 Updates

  • Getting ready to begin regular meetings:
  • Undertaking huge website update from Drupal 6 to 7 so we can then run to keep in touch, better plan events, etc…
  • Lots of photos and some videos of the GRASP Retreat to get online.
  • Photos and videos of Michelle Alexander’s lecture at Harvard to get online.
  • Photos and videos of the Cops & Moms protest at the Massachusetts State House to get online.
  • And much more …

Alzheimer’s Disease Information Pages

A useful collection of information about Alzheimer’s Disease and also research on the use of marijuana to treat it.

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Medical Condition: 
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Join Cops & Moms’ Demonstration Against the Drug War

Please join us in Boston, Massachusetts Friday, May 4, 2012 @ 10:00 AM in front of the State House to protest the Evil Religion of Hate (Drug War).

Read more here:

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Drug Policy Reform Websites that Use Drupal

This is a growing list of websites concerned with drug policy reform that use the best Open Source Content Management System available: (In no particular order; until so many accumulate it demands order.)

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In the News: 

Ray Suarez of Pwned By Sadists (PBS) Reads Script Perfectly During Interview on Opioids and Newborns Scare

Tonight the Pwned By Sadists inside the Möbius Loop Beltway Hour (PBS Newshour) had a segment about “babies addicted to opioids.” Ray Suarez read his script like a champ. Never saying any specific term like opiates or opioids but only referring to the amorphous “drugs” in order to keep up the fright factor.

And sorry to say the medical doctor kept on referring to “opiates” instead of opioids although he often mentioned pills.

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LEAP Says Stop Incarceration for Profit

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition asks everyone (supporters, Associate Members, and Speakers) to call their governors to speak out against the heinous practice of imprisoning others for profit.

In the News: 

Scoundrels and Oppressive Laws



The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one’s time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all.

Attributed to: 
H. L. Mencken

This quote is EXTREMELY relevant to so much in the U.S., in fact EVERY country that claims to support fundamental human rights. The famous First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees the right to “free speech.” Does this mean every one agrees with everything everyone else might say? Hardly!

One’s Principles



It is easier to fight for one's principles than to live up to them.

Attributed to: 
Alfred Adler

This quote is aligned quite nicely with two others you can find here about Physical Courage Versus Moral Courage and War as Escapism.

LEAP Speaker Patrick Heintz Testifies in Favor of an Act to Regulate and Tax the Cannabis Industry

LEAP Speaker Patrick Heintz, a retired Counselor/Corrections Officer, testifies in favor of Bill H01371 — An Act to regulate and tax the cannabis industry.

You can read more about Mr. Heintz on his bio at LEAP.

Video Title: 
2012-03-06 LEAP’s Testimony for Mass Bill H01371 to Regulate the Cannabis Industry

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2012-03-16 Updates

Lots of little updates, probably too many to mention one by one.

In addition to putting a PDF version of Licit & Illicit drugs online, I’ve been quietly updating the ePub version. Every once in a while I find a mistake I’ve not noticed before, like how a footnote numbered 16 was accidentally read as a quotation mark by the OCR software, or how a 1 was interpreted to be an l or vice versa.

In the News: 
Scripture Reference: 

Stanton Peele Takes on AA, the Toughest Drug to Quit, and Prohibitionists Perverting Kids

Here are three recent pieces worth reading.

In this first piece, he points out (among other things) the harms inflicted by the zero-tolerance and abstinence-only mindsets.

AA is Ruining the World

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Massachusetts Legislators Ask for Public Comments on Bill H01371, An Act to Regulate and Tax the Cannabis Industry

On Tuesday, March 6th (which happened to be the day of the Republican Primaries), a committee of Massachusetts legislators scheduled public comments on 57 bills.

It was a very long day. How would I know that? My turn to provide testimony came at 7:45 PM, and there still were some people after me.

Video Title: 
2012-03-06 Testimony for Mass Bill H01371 to Regulate the Cannabis Industry


The following is what I shared with the committee:

Thank you for allowing me to speak today with regards to “Bill H01371 — An Act to regulate and tax the cannabis industry.”

Before I share my views, I would like to open with a quote, “Legalizing drugs is the coward practice of combating cartels, it is an insult to our men and women in law enforcement, and the laziest form of parenting…” That is a quote from El Paso County Commissioner Willie Gandara Jr., elected to the Commissioners Court in 2008.1 Not long after saying that he was arrested on federal drug-trafficking charges.

The past three Drug Czars of Mexico, from 1997 until 2008, have all been investigated or arrested for accepting bribes from the Drug Trafficking Organizations (DTOs). One allegedly garnered about $12.5 million, and another was allegedly taking payments of around $450,000 per month!2

Every week, the Drug War Chronicle3 reports multiple instances of politicians, law enforcement agents, judges, border guards, prison guards — you name it — who are caught and convicted of working on the side of drug pushers, looking for a slice of the huge black market given its lack of accountability and lack of regulations. And no amount of humiliating and expensive urine-testing is going reveal their involvement.

Let’s not forget Zero-Tolerance and Abstinence-Only advocate Senator Mark Souder; shockingly vehement and cruel in his positions; speaking out and making videos against what he claimed to hate, and yet, what he was also engaged in.4

Then there’s Pastor Ted Haggard who persecuted gays and the gay life style, only to be outed by his gay prostitute friend, who also happened to buy methamphetamine for Pastor Ted. I wished I could have found a quote by Pastor Ted condemning meth users, but evidently his criticism of gays overshadowed whatever comments he made about crystal meth.5 6

Or the VP of a police equipment company who has a $15,000 a month cocaine habit7; I bet he hid behind a “I’m the wise one” and a “get tough” persona.

Ok, I hope you see where I’m going with this. For too long those who favor Prohibition have gotten away with calling us reformers “druggies,” “hippies,” “losers,” “mentally unstable,” “morally decadent,” but the time has come for this honorable body and our society at large to realize that we are the ones who are calling for sanity and control.

The tipping point is here. Not only does the majority of the population support ending this failed and counterproductive 100-year-old marijuana prohibition; those who support it should be viewed with increasing skepticism.

CIA Station Chief John Stockwell said, we (the CIA) created, “the Golden Triangle in which the CIA Air America airplanes were flying in arms to our allies and flying back out with the heroin.”8

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition reports that the Department of Justice believes drug cartels were active in 230 U.S. cities in 2009, but in 2011 they operated in more than 1,000 cities.9 If you think they haven’t infiltrated government or businesses through payoffs or moles, then I want to bring your attention back to my opening quote and examples. In many cases, those who speak the most vociferously against a thing are trying to cover up their involvement in it.

The time to take away the corrupting power of this underground economy is now. The time for the downfall of the black market’s financial incentive to push drugs is now. The time for us mature adults to take responsibility for the intelligent regulation of marijuana is now.

Make no mistake, as has been the case for well over 5,000 years: marijuana will be grown, marijuana will be processed, shared and sold. Cannabis will be consumed. The question before you now is should it continue to remain in the hands of the underworld and the fakers — the wolves in sheep’s clothes and False Prophets of Prohibition — who pretend to care while reciting a litany of long-debunked “refer madness” scare stories?

Or should we face God’s honest Truth that dealers don’t ask for ID to check age, that licensed entities can be held accountable, that studies around the world10 and throughout the U.S.11 prove youth use rates go down in areas where there’s an above-board regulated system?

Clearly the extremist position of Prohibition is intrinsically flawed and exacerbates every ill the Prohibitionists decry. Prohibition is by definition a complete lack of regulation, control is completely turned over to the black market.

But neither am I here to advocate for the other extreme: re-legalized marijuana with no checks and balances.

There is a straight way before you, between those extremes, an open door, this bill, H01371.

Do I like every aspect of this bill? No. But I know this, bringing things into the light is a command from God; and in my opinion that’s what this bill aims to do.

I thank you for your time.

Additional penned in notes based on comments made by previous testimony:

  • Legalizing drugs sends the RIGHT message to teens! It tells them, “drugs are not to be dispensed by other teens or gangs or pushers.”12
  • In regards to a comment by a Prohibitionist that marijuana destroys brain cells … Health and Human Services (HHS) has patent (#6,630,507) titled, “Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants.”13

1 Daniel Borunda (; 546-6102), El Paso Times, 2012-02-23 01:06:35 AM MST, Updated: DEA arrests County Commissioner Willie Gandara Jr. on drug trafficking charges,
2 CNN, Former Mexican drug czar arrested on corruption charges,
3 Phillip Smith, Drug War Chronicle,
7The Boston Globe, Off-color text messages damage FBI sting in foreign bribery case,
8 What I’ve Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy: The War Against the Third World, A Video Compilation by Frank Dorrel, 00:03:00 - 00:09:15,
9 ONE DRUG ARREST EVERY 19 SECONDS IN THE U.S., http://CopsSayLegalize.blogspot.c...
10 Netherlands - links online
11 Rhode Island Hospital, Rhode Island Hospital Study Finds Legalizing Medical Marijuana Does Not Increase Use Among Youth, http://www.RhodeIslandHospital.or...

In the News: 
In the News Extra: 

Please Support Guatemalan President

LEAP supports this. You can find a link to it on their homepage, upper right sidebar.

I have much to publish here, but have to get it in order first.

So much happening.

If you haven’t, please call, write, and/or email all your politicians on the need to end Prohibition: state reps and congressional.

In the mean time, in case you haven’t heard, Pat Robertson has come out again in favor of ending marijuana prohibition.

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In the News Extra: 

Just So You Know

In case you are doing a search on the inter webs for “Christians against Prohibition” and you stumble across these three comments:
(That one and the two beneath it.)

None of the administrators or board members wrote them.

In the News: 

Andrew C. Bairnsfather Asks Crawford Church to Pray for Prohibitionists - 2012-01-15

On the anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday, January 15th, the Sexton of Christians Against Prohibition stood up in church during the prayer request time and:

Video Title: 
2012-01-15 Prayer Request for the Prohibitionists


I did not read from a script, although after I spoke it was suggested to me I should have. In any case, here is the full text of what was said.

I want to … [speaker tries to figure out if video is being recorded] … in keeping with the Martin Luther theme … [speaker interrupts videographer due to thumb over lens] …

I want to — and the persecutions he went through — I want to thank God for teaching us that being persecuted is in fact a blessing — and tough character assassinations that people go through, and all the other horrible and uncomfortable things you have to go through on your walk.

I would also like to try to offer some comfort for people who have lost family members to deaths for substance passing and they need comfort; and I would also like to pray for Prohibitionists, Drug Warriors, and the people with a Prohibitionist mind-set. This [holds up Winchester Star newspaper, cover story: Heroin a growing problem] is due to it.

I hope everyone saw the Winchester Star this week, if not, I’d be glad to share this with you [so you can] read it. It has … some information … it’s not all good …

Prohibitionists are causing the problem. Prohibition is the problem.

When you go to the funeral of someone who died from a substance overdose, whether it’s your friend, daughter, anyone; I want you to ask yourself, question yourself, “when did my son demand heroin?” He did not demand heroin!

It was spread because of Prohibition. It was spread because of the black market.

The Prohibitionists need our prayers. They are driving us to destruction.

Please let’s pray for them.

In the News: 

War as Escapism



War is a cowardly escape from the problems of peace.

Attributed to: 
Thomas Mann

This pretty much sums up the Drug War. Don’t like the Native American’s? Prohibit their peyote and other sacramental plants. Don’t like the Chinese and want to harass them out of the country, hopefully? Outlaw their opium. Mad at the Mexicans? Malign marijuana. And on and on …

Personally I think the above saying applies to many things other than drugs.

But in the end, the cowards who can’t humble themselves …

In the News: 

FRONTLINE Asks, In a Down Economy, Will Taxing Medical Marijuana Lead to a New Green Rush?

I’ve not been as attentive to this section of Christians Against Prohibition as I should have. There are lots of economic items to put in this section of the forums. Please excuse me.

In the mean time, PBS WGBH FRONTLINE posed a question on a page deep in their website (not found on their homepage, only via an RSS feed). So I cobbled together some links and text and submitted it as a comment. The moderator accepted the comment and now it can be found on the the page linked to below.

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Fruit Flies Self Medicate with Alcohol

In a bizarre twist, the news outlet I’ve taken to calling the Pwned By Sadists Inside the Möbius Beltway Hour published an interesting finding.

Apparently fruit flies drink alcohol to self medicate. It keeps them safe from parasites. Some of you may be thinking, “I’ve heard of that: absinthe, the wormwood in absinthe is well known to flush intestinal parasites.” But that’s only partly what is at work, based on my understanding of this report.

In the News: 

2012-02-16 Attacked

Best I can tell, today the website underwent an attack that lasted from about 11 AM ET to 3 PM ET.

I apologize to the legitimate users who tried to access our website but could not and saw various of error messages.

Last night I dreamed a DEA agent broke in to my place. So frankly I think that is one realistic explanation.

In the News: 
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FRONTLINE Reports Drug Lords’ Victory in Shuttering Mendocino County’s Regulated Growers

California County To End Marijuana Permitting Program

I wrote a comment. But FRONTLINE has a bad habit of tossing my comments in the bit bucket, i.e. censoring them, so therefore I will publish my brief comment below:

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A Mother’s Day Wish on Valentine’s Day -- End the Drug War

This is the unabridged essay Denise A. Cullen MSW, LCSW, wrote as an op-ed in The Desert Sun.

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In the News: 

Huichol Indians, Peyote, and the Precious Metals Beneath Their Feet

Huichol ‘cosmic portal’ peyote cermonies threatened by silver mine

What seems to be a mostly balanced article. In other words it’s not stilted by saying a bunch of destitute-neanderthal-addicted-druggie-hippy-types who live off the land are holding up humanity’s progress and costing society billions.

Coming from a news source in Washington that is amazing.

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Follow-up Letter on Boston University Website About Firing Marijuana Consumers

There is a mean spirited person at the website who insists on attacking individuals instead of comparing and contrasting ideas. He decided to attack me with his vitriol and I responded. My reply is below.

Curiously however, since I first read BU’s comment guidelines before I first posted, a few days ago, they’ve since revised their guidelines to allow ad hominem attacks. As I point out, this doesn’t bother me, because it only shows how shallow the kook is.

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