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Thursday, May 03, 2012

Another Patriot "Goes Postal All Second Amendment"

JT Ready was a patriot's patriot. He was the president of Mesa Community College Republican Club and a Maricopa County Republican precinct committeeman. He was a conservative candidate for congress and for the Pinal (AZ) County Sheriff.

Mr Ready was a certified pistol and personal protection instructor for the National Rifle Association and Arizona State certified as Armed and Ready. JT completed a concealed carry course. He was an approved pepper spray instructor, and was certified for tactical shotgun, tactical baton, fingerprinting and a licensed bounty hunter in the State of Arizona. He was also awarded a perfect attendance certificate from Mulberry High.

Mr Ready was a god-fearing man. Former Arizona Senator Russell Pierce, the driving force behind Arizona's immigration laws, ordained Ready into the Mormon Church's Melchizedek priesthood.

Mr. Ready fought the Mexicans and patrolled the border as the founder of the US Border Guard, Minutemen Civil Defense Corps, and Americans First.

And he always wore camo.

Yes. JT Ready was a patriot's patriot. But something strange happened on Tuesday. J.T. Ready, patriot, put on his body armor, armed himself with two pistols and a shotgun, and shot Lisa Maderos, her boyfriend, her daughter, Amber Maderos, and her 18-month-old daughter, Lilly, before taking his own life.

But then again, maybe he didn't do it. The Arizona patriots who run his facebook page blame it on Mexicans:
Reports are unconfirmed that a cartel assassination squad murdered JT Ready and several of his friends and family this afternoon in Gilbert Arizona. This page's admin will keep you updated of the situation as soon as possible.


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Wednesday, May 02, 2012

AZ Shooter's Facebook Wall

Update: Comments from the JT Ready for Sheriff facebook page follow Ready's wall posts.

From the AZ Shooter's Facebook Wall:
JT Ready for Sheriff
2 hours ago via mobile
Reports are unconfirmed that a cartel assassination squad murdered JT Ready and several of his friends and family this afternoon in Gilbert Arizona. This page's admin will keep you updated of the situation as soon as possible.

JT Ready for Sheriff shared a link.
April 25
Imagine when the narco-terrorists start padding the pockets of the corrupt screeners to allow kilos of drugs onto a plane only to have it be a bomb instead and explode in midair.

JT Ready for Sheriff shared a link.
April 7
Enemies to American peace and prosperity have been aligning themselves together for decades now, it is time we stand up and do the same.

Kathy Bambi Khoury if only we had a sheriff like you.
April 7 at 5:00pm
Update: Comments from the JT Ready for Sheriff facebook page:
Kyle Becker So many dumb people on here. JT Ready was a gentleman and would never hurt anyone, unless attacked first. Clearly all of you anti-whites have once again fallen for the Zionist media's lies. JT Ready was one of the bravest and patriotic men in modern history, and it was likely an assassination set up by our Zionist government. Caring for your country is not "racism", you anti-whites.

Dawn Shew I totally believe the evil government of ours could have taken these folks out! Can't wait to hear Alex Jones discuss this tomorrow! Knowledge is power. Things are not always as they appear people.

Preston Wiginton Julie HATE is an natural emotion. HATE is an emotion when something that one LOVES is destroyed. Hate is a reaction to when one's heritage, culture and identity are destroyed. HATe is a reaction when harm is done to one's family (greater family) If you hate nothing, then you love nothing.

John Maelstrom Look, I get why antis hated this guy. From your perspective anyone who shows the slightest resistance to you is a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjewsblacksandmestizos. But are your collective memories so short-term that you don't remember how the media completely distorted the Trayvon Martin story just a few weeks ago? How can any thinking human being in this day and age believe a damn thing coming from their TV set? Furthermore, do you have any idea how hate-filled and venomous you all sound? And you are supposed to be the "tolerant" anti-racists? What a joke.
May the murderer(s), whoever they are, rot in Hell and may the innocent rest in peace.

Listen to me. I have a penis.

Listen to me. I am an authoritative source on any subject, because I have a penis. I'm very proud of that. Along with my being heartlandishly hued and a patriot, it's my greatest accomplishment.

Some of Mrs Pastor Anderson's best friends are dead church babies

Mrs. Pastor Steven L. "Zsuzsanna" Anderson has a good reason to hate church nurseries: they kill babies. She knows that as a fact. She witnessed it at the church the Andersons attended before Steven received his calling:
Several children that I know of personally have died in that nursery, during the service, and I cannot help but think that being left to scream was at least partially to blame for such tragedies.
When wicked, pastor's-wife-undermining commenters wondered why mulitple deaths at a single church nursery wasn't a huge news story, one that they'd have likely read about, Mrs. Pastor Anderson responded:
Evidently, I have chosen not to publish the name of the church I am referring to, and I have my reasons for doing so...

I just did a google search for babies dying in a nursery with that particular church's name, and absolutely nothing came up. Obviously, they are not going around broadcasting it...

I am done answering questions about this particular point. If you are that curious, you can poke around my blog to figure out which church I am talking about, then go visit them and see for yourself.
Some may wonder why Mrs. Pastor Anderson, who rightly sees herself as God's One True Mother Superior, didn't report this church's nursery to the proper authorities. Well, that just wouldn't be appropriate. God will sort it all out.

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Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Scientific Breakthrough: Stopping Alien Abductions by Screaming Jesus' Name

As a patriot, I've always been suspicious of scientistofascists and other educated folk, but Stephen Yulish is one of the few who are using science to advance the gospel of Our Lord, Jesus.

He wasn't always a Christian. According to his bio, he was a Hebrew boy who parlayed an education in astronomy and exobiology into a history teaching gig at the University of Arizona and a second job at a "Christian telemarketing firm selling precious metals to Christian listeners of a radio program." It was there that he had what calls a "head on collision with Jesus Christ." It was a vision of our Savior shooting lasers out of his eyes. Dr. Yulish dedicated his life and his research to Christ from that moment on.

And thank God he did, because that research eventually lead to one of the greatest scientific breakthroughs of our time. Here's how he describes the lead up to that breakthrough:
Dirk Vander Ploeg, the Publisher of UFO Digest, recently asked me if I knew of alien abductions having been stopped by the utterance of the name of Jesus. He told me that “apparently this information is being withheld by Mufon and other reporters, investigators etc.”

I reminded him that I had written about the possibility of such occurrences in several articles including, Extraterrestrials Tremble at the Name of Jesus, UFO Digest March 29, 2007, and more recently The Birth of Christ caused the Extraterrestrial Fallen Angels to Tremble, UFO Digest, December 3, 2008.

My own article last year, My Anonymous CIA Source: The Real Story of UFOs, UFO Digest, 6/16/08, revealed that my source in Washington who worked for the CIA for 25 years after working, I believe, for the top secret Operation Paperclip after WWII which brought Nazi scientists to America, some of whom were supposedly involved in flying saucer research, and who was in charge of security for President Kennedy’s visit to Germany in the early sixties, and was confidant to later Presidents, told me to “stay with my UFO writings about the Bible.” He then told me that “you have the truth. All else is opinion.” This statement from a man whom I trust and who served in the highest echelons.
The CE4 Research Group, founded by Joe Jordon, MUFON State Section Director for Brevard County*, Florida, took up Dr. Yulish's work and scientized it:
Through the research into the case testimonies it was found that some of the experiencers were able to stop or terminate the experience. There was a recognized commonality in the method that was used among the Christian experiencers. The experience was shown to be able to be stopped or terminated by calling on the name and authority of JESUS CHRIST. Not as a magic word but by their allegiance to and personal relationship with Him.

We also found that by sharing this with other experiencers we could help them also stop their experiences.

This is called repeatability.

The UFO community has been looking for that repeatable event that research demands to verify the data. We have documented this in our research. There is no other documented repeatable event recorded in any other UFO research. Not only has it been shown that the experience can be stopped or terminated in the name and authority of JESUS CHRIST, but we are able to help you stop the experience.
*Mr Jordon is always quick to point out that "Brevard County is the home of the Kennedy Space Center," thus providing him even more credibilty as a UFOlogist.


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Monday, April 30, 2012

Crushing Souls For Conformity

Dominic Deiter
Rover’s Morning Glory
WWMS 100.7 FM

Dear Mr. Deiter,

I know you're going through a very difficult time. It isn't easy being the target of the toleranceofascists' wrath. They just don't understand you were trying to be helpful when you suggested that a fan ask his friends to rape his daughter into living the heterosexual lifestyle. You see, they don't see sexual orientation as a choice that can be changed,--not even by such a horribly violent, soul-crushing act as rape.

To them, you are a pig, an unenlightened neanderthal, one step above a pedophile and one below a grifter who steals a senior's savings. You need to change their minds. You can do so by proving that sexual orientation can be changed by sexual violence. I think I can help you with that.

Come down to my compound next weekend, and my men and I will ass rape you (in a purely violent heterosexual kind of way) until you're singing showtunes and speaking in grammatically correct sentences. Then, we'll have a bunch of not-men rape you back into the heterosexual lifestyle.

That'll show 'em.

Heterosexually yours,

Gen. JC Christian, patriot

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Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Great and Terrible Balloon Of Trump's Combover Doom

A helmet tip to The Poke.

Half Dome

Someday, I will fill my house with Edie Howe's work. You can buy this one, here. I'm not being compensated for writing that (and it's a shame I feel I have to make that statement, but that's what blogging has become). I just think her photos are so absolutely beautiful, everyone needs to see and own them.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Another "Who'd have Thunk It."

Update: Police have surrounded his bunker.

Peter Alex Keller was everything a patriot should be. He was a gun enthusiast who exercised his Second Amendment rights by owning "several hand guns," "several large caliber rifles" and multiple silencers. He was a body-armor-wearing survivalist who hated the guvmint and was "preparing for the end of the world" by stockpiling weapons and supplies at a fort he built in the woods." He sported a modified middle-aged version of the official doo of the Confederacy--commonly called a mullet.

Yes, he was everything a patriot should be. Heck, all he needed was a few poaching convictions and people might might have mistaken him for Ted Nugent.

But something strange happened on Sunday.

Police say Mr. Keller walked into his 18 year old daughter's room where she was lying on the top bunk, placed the muzzle of a .22 caliber pistol flush against her head, and pulled the trigger. He then went into the master bedroom, where he shot his wife twice in the head. Moving onto the kitchen, he shot his beloved dog and the family cat before placing a container filled with gasoline on the stove and setting the burners to "high." After leaving another five gasoline containers around the house, he left.

Police believe he is now hiding out in his End Times fort in the woods.

This is one of those cases that, much like the Ken Myers and the Landon Jorgensen murders, is hard to believe that a gun-worshipping, guvmint-hating, End-Times-believing patriot is capable of committing such a crime. You just have to wonder if gangs of hoodie-wearing Mexican Muslim socialists might be secretly fluoridating our water supply. It's something we should check into.
Certification of Probable Cause: Peter Keller North Bend (WA) Homicides

Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Proudly White, but "Not Racist," Eulogy for Dick Clark

Remember Trayvon Martin protest protester, Marion Levinson "John" King, III (MLK)? He was the proudly white, but "not racist," "individual of European descent" who threatened to shoot me with his "9mm bitch ass Nigger eater." Well, his proudly white, but "not racist" co-blogger, Joe Adams, is very very sad.

You see Joe was a big fan of Dick Clark, but when Clark died last week, Joe learned a few things that broke his proudly white, but certainly "not racist," heart. Here's what he had to say:
Dick Clark died on Friday from a "massive heart attack" after years of declining health. I remember when I moved to where I currently live and watching the game show network with old greats hosting old time game shows like Richard Dawson on Family Feud, Gene Rayburn on Match Game, and none other than Dick Clark on Pyramid.

These two things were the extent of which I knew of Dick Clark. The now mumbling guy on New Year's Eve and the Pyramid host who said "... SO LONG!"

It wasn't until his death this Friday and all the coverage that I was able to understand what a filthy race traitor the man was...

Dick was the pioneer of race mixing. He was singlehandedly responsible for dragging mobs of blacks into White audiences to observe popular singers and performers. He also was responsible for such promiscuous and filthy pop stars like Michael Jackson (I know he died a White woman, but he's genetically a black man) and others. It is fair to say that Dick Clark ushered in the age of race-mixing...

Dick Clark, up until about a week ago, had a positive stigma attached to my mind. Now after his death he is exposed for who they are. Hey, they do say you really get to know someone after their heart stops beating right? Well Dick Clark, I say damn you. Damn you for playing such a big role and making millions of dollars as a result of the race-mixing, anti-White downfall of America, which was once the last bastion of White pride and solidarity.