The Pseudo Scientists — Episode 44

Richard, Belinda and Jack discuss eggless chickens, analytical thought and its effects on supernatural beliefs, and the compatibility of science and religion. Plus, Belinda interviews Eugenie Scott from the National Center for Science Education about recent developments in anti-​​evolution legislation in the US.

This week’s “Houston, We Have A Problem” clip is from a trailer for the evangelical Christian movie “IndoctriNation”, featuring Answers in Genesis’s Ken Ham.

You can find out more about the National Center for Science Education at their website.

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Hello there, skeptical fellows,

About a week ago, I became engaged in a debate with a Christian Creationist, about his so-​​called proof of god, today’s post will be our published discussion, as he requested, I will also ask all of you to leave your opinions at the bottom of the page in the comments section, and on the poll I will put up on this post. I will be leaving my comments on the discussion in bold, and brackets.

The discussion starts with Karl Dimario throwing down the gauntlet with some ad hominem, argument against authoritarian false logic.

Read more »

The Pseudo Scientists — Episode 43

Belinda, James, Jack, Jason, Richard and special guest panelist Ashley Paramore from the Secular Student Alliance discuss the Global Atheist Convention 2012, secular/​atheist student groups and Ashley’s time in Australia.

This week’s “Houston, We Have A Problem” clip is from the official trailer of the chemtrail conspiracy movie “Why in the World are They Spraying?”.

You can find Ashley Paramore on Twitter, YouTube and the Secular Student Alliance website.

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Diary of a GAC Attendee Ch 6

By atheistcon

Apr. 12

Sunday opened with Eugenie Scott. I’ve listened to her interviews so many times on the SGU, I felt like I knew her already. She defined the different strains of creationism and really brought home the need to safeguard standards of science in education.

These are champions http://​ncse​.com/

Tanya Smith discussed her efforts with the Atheist Alliance International, what VALIANT EFFORTS THEY ARE. http://​atheistalliance​.org/

I missed some of Annie Laurie Gaylor because, to be truthful, I was slightly completely asleep, having been irresponsible and beer the night before.

Sam. Harris. Jedi Master. I have it on good authority that this talk was a sort of teaser for the themes of his next book. I don’t want to say too much because it really has to be experienced.  We meditated during the talk. I was hypnotized by Sam Harris.

I was hypnotized by Sam Harris. Please let that be a meme. Someone make a t-​​shirt.

Another plug I’m going to give to the filmmaking team, Emma Mckenna and Craig Foster who premiered their atheist themed short film Parrot.


I really loved it because it really gives an empathetic hook into what is more common than plenty realise, the closet atheist. People who understand atheism or humanism intellectually, but have never actually met, befriended, or affected for such a person, should absolutely watch this film. I can even imagine it being used as a sort of ice breaker for people needing to come out to their loved ones.

Next up, my friend Jason Ball. I remember the days where Jason was a mere mortal. I know, I’m getting old.

PZ Myers. I can’t get over how amazing his talk was and I’m theistically furious that I have to wait for the dvd release.  Just buy the dvd. Seriously.

The Christopher Hitchens tribute was very moving. Dawkins and Krauss spoke first, and then the three horsemen plus Ayaan Hirsi Ali. They discussed whether or not we should work with liberal religious groups. Someone made a joke about how we fill the Santa Claus shaped hole people have in their lives after losing their faith. Dan Dennett.

I’m going to wrap up this blog with a summation of my personal experience and impression of the thing. Take a moment and consider, across the media, television, radio, online, and on billboards, and just in conversation, how much information we come across on a daily basis. Then regard how much of that is useless or dishonest or doesn’t actually matter. What’s left? Some gems of thought stuff, that profundity that’s so amazing that won’t let us sleep. Imagine a whole weekend of that.

There was so much bullshit caught up in my head before this convention. Baggage and nonsense that we don’t actually need. Never felt fresher than after being in the company of these brilliant folk. Every conversation was worth having and on sound premises, and you can argue that they’re not the last word but that’s not the point. Every conversation mattered. We need to live lives that matter.

So pick a cause any cause, atheism, secularism, humanism, feminism, human rights, environmentalism, make your point and talk about it. Caring is a full time job. Tell your friends. Tell your enemies. Tell your nosy neighbour. Make the point that the more sophisticated of us mammals don’t have to talk about bullshit all the time.

Maybe go to Shelley Segal’s An Atheist Album launch tonight. She performed on Saturday night is totally the thing.



I’m going to finish this blog with a quote from Joss Whedon’s television series Angel (episode 2x16)

“If there’s no great glorious end to all this, if nothing we do matters… , then all that matters is what we do. ‘Cause that’s all there is. What we do. Now. Today…… I want to help because, I don’t think people should suffer as they do. Because, if there’s no bigger meaning, then the smallest act of kindness is the greatest thing in the world.”

A big thank you to all the speakers, organisers and volunteers, without whom this convention could not have happened. Bring on GAC 2014


Diary of a GAC Attendee Ch 5

By atheistcon

Apr. 12

There’s been a delay in blogging just because of the non stop awesomeness and discussion and education. Right now Eugenie Scott is explaining creationism.

I’ve actually been too busy enjoying myself to document it. Yesterday’s line up of Dawkins, Geoffrey Robertson, Lawrence Krauss, AC Grayling, Ayaan Hirsi Ali. I cannot explain the super madness of these people all speaking on the same day.

Krauss brought me slightly closer to understanding the physics of the universe (not my speciality). Ayaan Hirsi Ali talked about secular flares visible through the propaganda thicket in the post Arab spring nations. Geoffrey Robertson reminisced about Christopher Hitchens, discussed the pope’s culpability in the child rape scandals etc,

Quote of the day goes to Robertson

“The Vatican is no more a state than Disneyland”

The gala dinner was great, potentially a few too many comedians tried out exhausting attention spans. Having the speakers just a table away was exciting except, guys, we aren’t going to get baptised. Our speakers were mobbed, sometimes during dinner. There were cues suddenly formed. Is there something creepy about this? Servile?

Just a thought. At least ask a proper question, not just for a photograph.

Anyway I’m tired. Will ramble on later.

Diary of a GAC Attendee Ch 4

By atheistcon

Apr. 12

Daniel Dennett was not just outstanding but very, very bearded. I unfortunately missed some of his talk because I actually had to go out and buy a new charger. You’d think after all the portable apple products we’ve all been through, this would never, EVER be a problem.

It’s very gratifying to see such diverse demographics at an event like this. There’s the young, the less young, female and the less female. People move on everything from wheels to legs, occasionally a futuristic hybrid of the two systems. Certain piercings make me uncomfortable. There’s plenty Grayling hair and Dennett beards, and I’m pretty sure that hat is dangerous.

One does get the sense that while we are all vastly different and would probably disagree on issues some, we’d all like to work out our differences without being derailed by pointless remonstrations on trinities, canonisations, and nebulous magic stuff. Very gratifying.

AC GRAYLING has just started talking! In HIS accent.

Diary of a GAC attendee Ch 3

By atheistcon

Apr. 12

Jumpstart espresso and on the day.  Melbourne’s a clear headed morning. I should probably mention that I’m allergic and liable to thrashing bouts of sneezing, sniffling, and general nasal troubles. Thank the fluffy gods they haven’t taken me today.

My friend beside me didn’t get enough sleep and is kvetching muchly. And last night was the early night.

Peter Singer discussed the chart of human progress, enforcing the position that reason, the advancement of it through forms of revolutionary media like the printing press and later the internet, improve the standard of human life. We are apparently the least likely to die a violent death, as compared with generations of previous epochs. Yay for non violent death.

Thanks to the questioner who pointed out to PETER SINGER that correlation doesn’t prove causation. This was in regards to points that states across the bible belt, with more archaic traditions of crime and punishment, have higher murder and violent crime rates. Thank you questioner for taking up the finite Q and A time with that. Thanks.

Lesley Cannold educated us with a comparative history of the united states against Australia, and how we fare with the separation of church and state. Not as great. A noteworthy point I must repeat, secularism is not just the cause of atheists, but plenty of religious folk as well, and is to the collective advantage.

Here are the ways suggested to help out 

LIKE Australians United for Separation of Church and State on Facebook.

LIKE The Freethought University Alliance

Donate to Ron Williams www​.highcourtchallenge​.com

And check out www​.foundationbeyondbelief​.org

Also, why not buy her book ? 


And finally, former evangelical preacher Dan Barker brought his unique point of view to questions of meaning in life (rather than meaning of) and argues that the servility of religious faith negates such meaning.

But now my iPhone battery is dying and my friend who went home to shower because the hostel isnt good enough, left the frakking charger at his house. Emergency charger shopping.

Politics panel now. Applause.

Diary of a GAC Attendee Ch 2

By atheistcon

Apr. 12

Seven dollar jäger downstairs bombs not conducive to one’s blogging but lets not let one’s poor post convention high choices mar determined intent to produce thoughtful prose on global atheist opening night convention

Typal throat clearing complete now turn to at hand day commencing first with recount of free historical thinkers culminating in lategreat Christopher Hitchens narrated by David Nichols who next to speak and rouse he did

Kylie and Lawrence MC and then to Mikey Robins (drunk!) Ben Elton ranted and then to Stella Young disability jokes finally Jim Jefferies hilarious set of God the party guest

Tomorrow singer cannold barker long exciting day

Slumber after Sunday