The Good Atheist Podcast: Episode 165

The Good Atheist Podcast: Episode 165

This week, Jeff Jones joins me after a 2 year absence to have a super disjointed Podstravaganza, clocking it at 2 hours! We cover everything from Freddie Mercury's sexy mustache to ...

The Good Atheist Podcast: Episode 164

The Good Atheist Podcast: Episode 164

This week, David Bonney, who is looking for sponsorship on his Kickstarter idea, "Atheist Shoes", joins me to talk about his cool new company, and I try to answer a difficult quest ...

The Good Atheist Podcast: Bonus Show 98

The Good Atheist Podcast: Bonus Show 98

This week, I recap my experience at the Reason Rally and Greydon Square's wild after-party. {Notes will be made available after I awaken from my coma}. ...

The Good Atheist Podcast: Episode 163

The Good Atheist Podcast: Episode 163

This week, I make a special announcement, we discuss the "purity" tests for Reason Rally, and why no one is actually rational. Be sure to check out the notes below for more content ...

The Good Atheist Podcast: Episode 162

The Good Atheist Podcast: Episode 162

This week, Ryan joins me for a cheery discussion about death, how Planned Parenthood wants to addict your kids to sex, and a trio of scary teenage girls who perform exorcisms on fr ...

The Good Atheist Podcast: Bonus Show 97

The Good Atheist Podcast: Bonus Show 97

This week, Carisa joins me as we talk about the viral video campaign known as "Kony 2012", and we also answer a fan's email asking "Where do you get all your information". For thos ...

The Good Atheist Podcast: Episode 161

The Good Atheist Podcast: Episode 161

After months of trying to wrangle this interview, I finally have Greydon Square on the show to talk candidly about his past, the assault of Brian Sapient, and the future of his mus ...

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The Good Atheist Podcast: Episode 165

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