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Countdown timer to TEOTWAWKI: "The End Of The World As We Know It" according to some interpretations of Mayan prophecy!

Years-Days Hours:Minutes:Seconds
00-000 00:00:00
Countdown to TEOTWAWKI Day
December 21st, 2012

However, please recall that every past prophecy of this type shares one factor: a 100% failure rate

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We welcome evangelicals, secularists, religious conservatives, religious liberals, Deists, Wiccans, other Pagans, progressives, animists, theists, fundamentalists, Atheists, polytheists, humanists, Agnostics, etc.

Everyone should find their beliefs & practices accurately described here.

Almost all other religious web sites explain only the beliefs of the webmaster or sponsoring faith group. We are different: we try to explain accurately the full diversity of religious beliefs, world views, and systems of morality, ethics, and values.

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We expect to eventually have a translator box at the bottom of each page on this web site.

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The costs of maintaining this web site, our resource library, and part time employee are high. We encourage donations from our visitors. However the vast majority of our revenue comes from banner ads and text ads.

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Current high profile topics in the U.S. -- with a religious component:

Of the hundreds of religious topics saturating the news, the following appear to have the highest profile right now. It is interesting that 4 out of the 5 are related to human sexuality -- a real topic of concern to many faith groups:

bullet Same-sex marriage: What rights and protections should same-sex couples and their children have? Should couples be allowed to marry, or be only registered in civil unions / domestic partnerships, or be legally considered only as roommates?
bullet Abortion access: In what situations should informed women be free to choose to have an abortion: all, none, or some? What is the best way to reduce abortions: by restricting access or by making childbirth more feasible. Will educating sexually active youth in how to prevent pregnancy help or hinder?

bullet Islamophobia: This involves fear, anger, hatred, discomfort, and/or discrimination directed against Muslims. Some target the 19 perpetrators of 9/11; some a group of violent radicals within Islam; some against all of the world's 1.2 billion Muslims.

bullet "Don't Ask, Don't Tell (DADT):" This is policy that discharged openly lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transsexual service members from the U.S. military. It was terminated on 2011-SEP-20. However, the topic is still active because several contenders for the Republican presidential candidacy in 2012 have included a reinstatement of DADT in their platforms, even though a significant majority of Republican voters favor its continued cancellation.


"Federal Defense of Marriage act (DOMA):" This prevents same-sex married couples and their children from obtaining any of the approximately 1,100 federal benefits that are automatically given to as special privileges to opposite-sex married couples. The Obama administration has decided to not oppose court actions seeking to have DOMA declared unconstitutional. Three federal courts have so far declared DOMA in violation of the U.S. Constitution. Many more lawsuits pending.

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This web's most popular sections:

Over a third of a million unique visitors come to this web site each week. However, about 97% of our visitors bypass this home page entirely and go to sections dealing with specific topics.

Recently, the most popular section is World religions' beliefs & practices, followed by Buddhism, Islam, Wicca, a neopagan religion, Hinduism, Homosexuality in the Bible, Human embryo & fetal development, Same-sex marriage, Christianity, Sharia law, Data about world religions, The Amish, TaoismOur group's statement of beliefs, Naturist info., and Homosexual orientation/LGBT topics.

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