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A preview of Hot

NCSE is pleased to offer a preview (PDF) of Mark Hertsgaard's Hot: Living through the Next Fifty Years on Earth (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2011).

A chance to help NCSE's archives!

NCSE's archives house a unique trove of material on the creationism/evolution controversy, and we regard it as part of our mission to preserve it for posterity — as well as for occasions such as Kitzmiller v. Dover, where NCSE's archives helped to establish the creationist antecedents of the "intelligent design" movement.

The latest issue of Evolution: Education and Outreach

The latest issue of Evolution: Education and Outreach — the new journal promoting the accurate understanding and comprehensive teaching of evolutionary theory for a wide audience — is now published. The theme for the issue (volume 5, number 1) is Evolution in the Museum, edited by Monique Scott.

Antiscience effort falters in Oklahoma

A last-ditch legislative attempt to attack the teaching of evolution and of climate change in Oklahoma failed when a legislative deadline passed.

Mann honored by EGU

Michael E. MannMichael E. Mann

NCSE is delighted to congratulate Michael E. Mann on receiving the European Geoscience Union's Hans Oeschger Medal for 2012, in honor of "his significant contributions to understanding decadal-centennial scale climate change over the last two millennia and for pioneering techniques to synthesize patterns and northern hemispheric time series of past climate using proxy data reconstructions."

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