Episode 199–Dogma Free America

Our second to last episode until we make the big switch.

Please subscribe to Rich’s new podcast, scotusreview.com

Ultra-Orthodox Jews in Israel do not like the idea of serving in the Israel Defense Forces.

A government agency in Florida gets annointed by oil.

Witchcraft allegations in relation to a soccer game in Congo.

Harold Camping admits he was wrong.

A man in Cecil County, Maryland really wants to keep his goat.

 Direct Download of Episode 199!





Dogma Free America Episode 198

The old website has died, and I have tried to resurrect it (still trying).  In the meantime I am creating a new website for the soon-t0-be renamed podcast anyway, so I will start by posting the third to last episode of DFA here.

Rob and Rich discuss Morgellon’s disease (totally outside of the stuff we normally talk about, but Rob really wanted to).

What Rick Santorum thinks about rape (very brief discussion).

A church TV channel in the UK gets fined for claiming to heal people.

A Bishop in Ireland gets complained on by a secularist for something he said.

A religiously inspired burning in New York results in a guilty plea.

Discussion of the new name for the podcast.

Direct Download of Episode 198.