May 4, 2012

Petition President Obama to End National Day of Prayer


PetitionThe Freedom From Religion Foundation has set up an online petition on the White House website, urging President Obama to end the National Day of Prayer. In order to get the petition to Obama, 25,000 electronic signatures are needed by May 31. At the time I am posting this, they only have 2,151. Let's get the word out about this and help them meet their goal.

I know some of you are skeptical that this effort will amount to anything, and I share your skepticism. This White House petition site has been used to get a number of sensible proposals before the Obama administration, only to have them reject them outright. It is easy to imagine that happening yet again. But I don't think that should be an excuse for inaction. We need to keep trying until we succeed. We need to let this and each subsequent administration hear from us until this unconstitutional practice is finally stopped.

For more about what you can do to help, see this post at Secular News Daily.

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May 3, 2012

Separation of Church and State: an Atheist Value


Church and State

It is often said that atheists have nothing in common besides our lack of god belief. I disagree. I think that the overwhelming majority of us have many things in common.

Besides our lack of god belief, I suspect that the primary one is that we are proponents of church-state separation. In fact, many of us recognize the value of strengthening the Jeffersonian wall of separation between church and state. Happy National Day of Reason!

H/T to jobsanger

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May 2, 2012

How to Complain About a Church-State Violation


How to complainAs more people become dissatisfied with efforts by religious extremists to inject their beliefs into our secular government, efforts to protect separation of church and state may become more common. And as more of us embrace reality over faith, we may gradually become more willing to speak out against church-state violations.

Suppose you run into a violation of church-state separation in your local community, are upset by the violation, and decide to make a complaint. Here are some thoughts on how to go about it. Think of these as lessons I've learned from mistakes I have made.