Weekend Worstoff 199

Buscuitboys offers no explanation for this., but suggests it for Mothers’ Day.
And Wez goes all Rolleiflex to get Crabtown apostrophe.
Rob F concurs. Stop wasting your life and become a Real Estate agent.
And Orbea questions the growing area of these mandarins. Why shouldn’t Meeka grow them I say.
Worst well.

Posted in weekend worstoff | 2 Comments

Bourbon Street Strikes Back

Endlessmurmur reports that as Teh Arrondissement flirts with faux noo yoik arse resters, Bourbon Street hits back with novelty junkie sharps disposal units. Or are they used condom repositories? Or chemical toilets? Ahh Bourbon Street. Always the bridesmaid. BTW, Mt Lawley would have had a Primal or at least a Reiki Glass Healer.

Posted in Uncategorisable Worsts | Tagged , , | 8 Comments

Harp of the South

I suppose this might fit into the category of not worst for some, but stopped at the John Tognela Rest Area on the Forrest Highway, (yes the dude seems to have the honour of a toilet being named after him,) only to see a dude playing some kind of …what…harp? Banjo I wouldn’t have blinked at, but a harp? 

Posted in not worst, worst music | Tagged , , , , | 18 Comments

Artistic Arse Rests

Haven’t we talked about this arrondissement nonsense before?

Posted in worst furniture | Tagged , | 15 Comments

Suck Oil

Yeah, suck oil RAC. I don’t know whether this is recursive or meta. By Biscuitboys.

Posted in Uncategorisable Worsts | Tagged | 8 Comments

Kids’ Matinee

I’m going to go with another be-crackpotted car. Apparently thousands millions of plonkers believe jesus’ old lady talks via some types in Bosnia. I like that there has been a defrocking asociated with this.
From Wikipedia. The phenomenon is not officially approved by the Catholic Church.[7][10] Msgr. Ratko Perić, bishop of Mostar – and the local ordinary – has opined that, “The numerous absurd messages, lies, falsehoods and disobedience associated from the beginning with the events and “apparitions” of Medjugorje, all refute every claim of authenticity.”
Fr. Tomislav Vlasic, one of the main publicizers of the apparitions, was defrocked by Pope Benedict XVI in July 2009. He had been accused of exaggerating or even fabricating accounts of the visions, as well as sexual misconduct.

Posted in worst car | Tagged , | 12 Comments

Naughty Don

Here is the quintessential worst from JaneZ – decay , nostalgia even fucking bathos. The rust covered car, the paisley quilt, the 97 UBD and the magnificent Naughty Don Rogers sticker. The only downside is that JaneZ is a gerl and didn’t note the make of car. Hmm, I’m guessing a Toyota Crown. Cue, reminiscences, “Yeah, I was knobbed by Brian Gardener et al…”

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