It’s what Jesus would do . . .

23 01 2009

From Minnesota Public Radio:

Driver crashes SUV into St. Paul Planned Parenthood clinic

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St. Paul, Minn. — A 32-year-old driver is under arrest after driving his SUV into the front of a St. Paul abortion clinic on the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision, police said.

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Several employees were in the building at the time, said Planned Parenthood spokeswoman Kathi Di Nicola. She said the SUV hit the front door of the clinic two or three times.

When Di Nicola arrived at the clinic, she said the man had gotten out of the SUV and was pacing around it, holding a crucifix and chanting.

“He was agitated and he was saying, ‘shut down this Auschwitz,’” she said.

Later Thursday morning, dozens of demonstrators showed up at the clinic — something Di Nicola said happens every year on the Roe V. Wade anniversary. But the SUV incident came as an unpleasant surprise.

“Nothing violent like this has happened in recent memory here,” Di Nicola said.

The landmark Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion was issued Jan. 22, 1973. Tim Stanley, executive director of Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota, said patients were still being seen at the clinic on Thursday.

It’s the only Planned Parenthood clinic in Minnesota that performs abortions.

Fortunately, no one appears to have been hurt.



2 responses

23 01 2009

Jesus would have walked in and thrown the tables about like with the Temple incident. :)

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