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Religion News Blog (RNB) is a news curator. We provide busy religion professionals, academics, cult experts, reporters and others with a daily, hand-picked selection of religion news. RNB has a particular focus on issues dealing with groups and movements often referred to as ‘cults,’ ‘sects,’ or ‘abusive churches.’ We also cover related issues - including religious persecution and human rights. [...more...]

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Sudan Christians faced increased hostilities in Sudan over the past few weeks, culminating in an attack on a Christian compound in Khartoum by a throng of Muslim extremists armed with clubs, iron rods, a bulldozer and fire.

Breaking down the compound wall with a bulldozer, the assailants set fire to the Gerief West Bible School and the Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church (SPEC) building; they also damaged three other places of worship and other buildings in the same compound. »

Column: SightingsReligion Reporting:
religion and the media “Most Americans Say Media Coverage of Religion Too Sensationalized” reads the headline of a report on a poll of a sample of “the public” and of journalists.

That headline is perhaps a bit too sensationalized itself, because the pollsters had to choose which finding to feature, if they wanted your and my attention. »

IslamReligious Persecution:
Egypt A recent “reconciliation meeting” between members of a Muslim mob that attacked a Christian-owned school in Egypt and school administrators was nothing less than an attempt at legalized extortion, the director of the school said.

In exchange for peace, members of the sword-wielding mob that stormed the school last month without provocation – and held two nuns hostage for several hours – initially demanded in the meetings that the school sign over parcels of land that include the guesthouse the Muslim extremists attacked. »

IslamPakistanReligious Persecution:
Pakistan The mother of a 6-month-old girl has been wrongly jailed for more than a month, as Pakistani authorities have failed to file a charge sheet within the mandatory 14-day period against the young Christian woman falsely accused of “blaspheming” the prophet of Islam, her attorney said. »

Religious FreedomReligious PersecutionTurkey:
Turkey Sentiment against Christians in Turkey has persisted long enough for a U.S. religious rights monitor to recommend it as a “Country of Particular Concern.”

Many in Turkey see Christians as corrupt elements of the West out to shake the integrity of Turkey and Islam. »

Free SpeechHuman Rights ViolationsIslamReligious Persecution:
Egypt In a show of partiality to Muslims who go unprosecuted for like offenses against Christianity, a juvenile court in Egypt sentenced a Coptic Christian teenager to three years in prison for allegedly insulting Islam.

The court claimed that he posted cartoons on his Facebook account in December that mocked the Islamic religion and its prophet, Muhammad. »

Ethnic CleansingReligious PersecutionSudan:
Sudan After Khartoum denied that it had bombed civilians earlier this month, Sudanese aerial strikes last week were aimed at church buildings and schools in Kauda, South Kordofan state.

Antonov airplanes dropped bombs, destroying some houses and cattle near the church buildings and schools. »

LaosReligious Persecution:
Laos Officials in a village in southern Laos on Sunday arrested and detained five Christians during worship.

The five were charged them with leading a religious movement without official approval. »

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A federal appellate court has ruled that Amish sect leader Sam Mullet, charged in a series of beard-cutting attacks on other Amish in Ohio, will not be released pending trial on federal hate crimes charges in Cleveland.

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports

A panel of the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said U.S. District Judge Dan Polster of Cleveland did not make a mistake in siding with the government in deciding to keep Mr. Mullet behind bars.

Mr. Mullet, 66, and 15 of his followers, almost all of them related to him by blood or marriage, are charged under the Hate Crimes Prevention Act with attacking other Amish, lying to agents and destroying evidence.

Mr. Mullet’s public defender, Ed Bryan, had appealed the judge’s order, saying the evidence against his client does not favor detention, that Mr. Mullet is not a threat and that he has strong ties to the Amish community and so is not a risk to flee.

The three-judge appellate panel ruled otherwise, saying that the evidence shows he had prior knowledge of the attacks and that he gave media interviews in which he defended the assaults and said he could have stopped them.

The judges also said he has apparently violated previous court orders, threatened Jefferson County Sheriff Fred Abdalla’s life and exerts such complete control over his community in Bergholz, Jefferson County, that members have refused to talk to the FBI until he gives permission.

The Associated Press earlier reported

Prosecutors also say Mullet should not be released on bond because of the possibility he could hole up on his 800-acre property and try to avoid attending his trial.

“The evidence has demonstrated that this defendant and his followers have not embraced the traditional Amish principles on nonviolence and forgiveness,” prosecutors said Wednesday. “The possibility of a violent encounter, this time with law enforcement, should not be readily dismissed.”

Prosecutors also say Lester Mullet’s request to go free before trial should be rejected since he “joyfully” participated in the attacks last fall and said he would do it again, according to a filing on Thursday.

The filing included portions of a transcript of a jailhouse call Lester Mullet made to his father, sister, wife and others, in which the participants laugh about getting half a victim’s beard.

“Given what we know about Lester Mullet’s role in these attacks and his willingness to obstruct the government’s investigation, there is simply no condition or set of conditions that will reasonably assure his attendance at court proceedings or the safety of a community that has been terrorized by this violence,” prosecutors said.


On Monday, U.S. District Judge Dan Polster said Mullet must pay for his own legal defense and in addition, he will have to pay twice the normal rate for a federal public defender.

WKYC-TV says

Last month, the man of modest means became an instant millionaire.

Mullet got a reported $2 million for leasing part of his 800-acre farm to gas and oil companies.

He’d previously been ruled legally indigent and was using a federal Public Defender in court.

Federal prosecutors argued Mullet could now afford to pay for a private lawyer and asked a judge to require that. [...]

[The Judge] allowed Mullet to keep using the public defender’s office but Polster said Mullet must pay twice the rate — $250/hour.

Mullet had also asked to be free on bond that he could not afford to post.

Polster refused that request, agreeing with prosecutors that Mullet was a danger to the community. Polster said Mullet might have more influence in the Amish community with his new-found wealth.

Mullet got half of the oil lease payment. His wife controls the other half.

They will get additional royalties depending on how much oil and gas their land produces.


Cult Experts: If your loved-one is caught up in a manipulative cult, abusive church, or destructive relationship (so-called 'one-on-one cult') you may need a cult expert. Avoid the bad apples. Here's how to select a cult expert.

Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda Followers of José Luis De Jesus Miranda — a man who has claimed to be both Jesus Christ and the Antichrist — claim they and their leader will be ‘transformed’ on June 30th.

And, according to one of the cult members, “All those that are not believers are going to be destroyed.” »

Warren Jeffs A Utah Attorney has a series of criminal investigations under way into members of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the polygamous sect led by jailed cult leader Warren Jeffs.

Authorities in Texas have begun sharing some of the billions of pages of evidence seized in an April, 2008 raid on the sect’s ranch. »

Dale and Leilani Neumann An Appeals Court based in Wausau, Winconsin will release its decision today on the request by Dale and Leilani Neumann to have their convictions overturned in connection with the 2008 faith healing death of their daughter, Madeline Kara Neumann.

Instead of taking her to doctor when she fell ill, they only prayed for the girl’s recovery. Update: The Appeals Court has recommended in a written ruling released this morning that the state Supreme Court hear the case. »

Jaqueline Crank and Ariel Ben Sherman Nearly ten years ago the mother and ‘spiritual father’ of a 15-year-old girl who died of bone cancer were charged for failing to heed advice from medical professionals and instead relying solely on faith healing.

The trial of Jacqueline Pearl Crank and her minister, Ariel Ben Sherman, has been now been set for May 8 in Loudon County Circuit Court. »

Terry Jones Controversial pastor Terry Jones has burned copies of the Koran and a depiction of the prophet Mohammed to protest the imprisonment in Iran of ‘Christian’ clergyman Youcef Nadarkhani — a follower of a cult of Christianity.

The tiny church headed by Jones is considered a hate group. »

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