Learn Biology: Classification- The Taxonomic Hierarchy
Learn Biology: Classification- The Taxonomic Hierarchy
SALE TODAY: Learn Piano on iOS bit.ly Mahalo biology expert Mary Poffenroth explains the classification system of species and the taxonomic hierarchy. The Taxonomic Hierarchy --------------------------------------------------------------------- In biological taxonomy, all life forms can be classified within a hierarchal system that orders them from the broadest, most inclusive categories to the narrowest, most exclusive. The most widely used conventional categories are domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species.www.biology-online.org This taxonomic system was initially pioneered by Carl Linnaeus in the 18th century. Linnaeus used Latin terms to arrange species according to observable similarities and differences in their physical morphology. With recent innovations in molecular biology, the traditional classification system has been made more precise by the possibility of going beyond superficial similarities and mapping similarities and differences between species at the genetic level. Following this hierarchy, the highest level, domain, distinguishes between bacteria and organisms with a true cell nucleus. The next level down, kingdom, distinguishes plants from animals. Below the kingdom level, at the level of phylum, we can differentiate between vertebrates and creatures with no backbone. Among the vertebrates, you can differentiate mammals from birds, fish and reptiles at the class level. Among mammals, you can differentiate between ones that eat <b>...</b>
Taxonomy and the Tree of Life
Taxonomy and the Tree of Life
The science of taxonomy and where humans fit into the tree of life
The Taxonomy Song (For my friends in PreMed)
The Taxonomy Song (For my friends in PreMed)
Me and George's way of memorizing the taxonomic levels of biological classification. I'm a nerd.
14 - Taxonomy
14 - Taxonomy
Bryant captures binomial nomenclature, the classification of species, and cladograms all together in this lesson!
Taxonomy, from Lifetime: A Science Oratorio
Taxonomy, from Lifetime: A Science Oratorio
The song "Taxonomy", from Lifetime: A Science Oratorio by David Haines. Performed by children from many schools in the UK. See www.LifetimeProject.co.uk.
Bloom's Taxonomy According to Pirates of the Caribbean
Bloom's Taxonomy According to Pirates of the Caribbean
The six levels of Benjamin Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives as found in Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl. Music from Pirates I and III
Taxonomy or Categories
Taxonomy or Categories
Taxonomy (or categories) in Drupal can be confusing to a noobie. I hope to clear it up with this video. To see more visit DrupalDude.com.
Wordpress Taxonomies
Wordpress Taxonomies
A while back I did a video about the basics of Wordpress Taxonomies. Since then I've received requests on how to: Display taxonomies for each post Use taxonomies to organize posts Display taxonomies in a drop down list Use custom fields to organize posts Display custom fields in posts I cover all of those topics and more in this tutorial Code is Here: goo.gl
Drupal Taxonomy
Drupal Taxonomy
In this video you will see learn how to enable vocabulary and tag an image content to be retrieved in different ways.
Here is Bloom's Revised Taxonomy as explained by Star Wars. I did it with CamStudio and Windows Movie Maker. I am working on a better version using ESB and ROTJ. Thanks Steve Anderson for giving me the idea!!!
Taxonomy Fairy Tales
Taxonomy Fairy Tales
Patrick Lambe (Straits Knowledge) & Matt Moore (Innotecture) discuss Google, auto-categorization, governance and expertise. Magic, street-cleaning and know-it-alls appear in these tall(ish) tales. Straits Knowledge: straitsknowledge.com/ Innotecture: innotecture.com.au/ Australian Taxonomy Workshop (3/4 March 2011): innotecture.com.au/taxonomy/
Create A Drupal Page View From Taxonomy
Create A Drupal Page View From Taxonomy
This video screencast shows the user how to use the views module in Drupal to create a page that lists nodes with a certain taxonomy term.
The Blooms Taxonomy Ladder
The Blooms Taxonomy Ladder
A fun loving informative description of Blooms Taxonomy. This poor Bill Nye the science drumming cowboy, loses his footing on a ladder after his performance on the top rung. OUCH
Wordpress Taxonomies
Wordpress Taxonomies
In this Wordpress Video Tutorial you'll find out everything you ever wanted to know about Wordpress Taxonomies and more. A Taxonomy is just a fancy word that represents a way you can better sort your posts, pages and links in Wordpress. Code is Here: goo.gl
Blooms Taxonomy and Intended Learning Outcomes
Blooms Taxonomy and Intended Learning Outcomes
Simon Atkinson outlines the use of taxonomies in educational design. Using Bloom, and Anderson and Krathwohl's revisions, as well as his own representations of the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains, he explores the structure of intended learning outcomes, assessment and learning and teaching activities. This 25 minute edited video is from a 45 minute session delivered to an internal audience of instructional designers.
Drupal taxonomy menu example
Drupal taxonomy menu example
Check out www.wardnet.com for more tutorials. Using Drupal taxonomy_menu to create a category sub-category menu hierarchy similar to the section category setup in Joomla or the folder sub-folder setup in eZ Publish. Uses the modules taxonomy_menu taxonomy_breadcrumb views pathauto and token.
Cloud Computing Taxonomy
Cloud Computing Taxonomy
www.cloudconnectevent.com Definitions of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS) and private clouds based on what's being moved and who owns what layer Applogic, APIs, Operations, Architecture and Hardware. Alistair Croll, Content Chair of Cloud Connect, March 15-18, 2010 in Santa Clara takes on this complex topic that will be debated at the upcoming conference.
Using Taxonomies in Drupal 7
Using Taxonomies in Drupal 7
Taxonomies are used in Drupal to establish categories. As Content Editors add more information into the site the taxonomy structure is used to present them with checklists of categories. These can later be used in presenting the content in groups. This video shows how quick and easy it is to introduce categories into your Drupal 7 website. This is part of my presentation, "What is Drupal?" originally presented at the 2012 Minne*bar unconference in Minneapolis, MN. Peter Johnson WebExplorations.com