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by Free Software Foundation Contributions Published on Mar 09, 2010 04:11 PM
Writing by representatives of the Free Software Foundation.


The UK government is holding a consultation about what sort of patent licenses an "open" standard should require. Anyone that develops free software (free as in freedom, not a matter of price) and would like it to be used in the UK has reason to be concerned with this, along with anyone that uses or distributes free software in the UK.

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Can you help Groklaw monitor the Google/Oracle trial?

The Groklaw website needs your help to update the community on the trial proceedings.

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French presidential elections 2012 and free software

The French free software advocacy group April asked all of the candidates in the upcoming French presidential elections about their positions on free software, software patents, DRM and more.

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Stop the Online Spying Bill

The federal government and big companies want limitless new powers to spy on you, and they plan to get them via legislation called CISPA — the "Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act" (HR 3523).

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Spring cleaning at the GNU Press store

Discounts are now available on certain older editions of GNU Press manuals.

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Network Services Aren't Free or Nonfree; They Raise Other Issues

Programs and services are different kinds of entities. A program is a work that you can execute; a service is an activity that you might interact with.

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GNU spotlight with Karl Berry (March 2012)

A monthly update on all things in the GNU project

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Happy Document Freedom Day!

Celebrate the 5th annual Document Freedom Day by promoting OpenDocument and helping others to begin using free software and free document formats.

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Happy Birthday GCC!

Today the GCC development team celebrates the 25th anniversary of the GNU Compiler Collection.

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In Braga

RMS was in Europe in February 2012.

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