Cool youtube series

So my better half found this series the other night, it’s awesome, though be warned it’s creepy as hell.

Awesome Creepy series

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Sleep Apnea the final countdown…

So I had my follow up visit with my sleep doctor today and got the breakdown (instead of trying to piece things together from gleaned informations) and it is as follows:

I do have extremely severe sleep apnea and by severe I mean:

    a. I stopped breathing 785 times during the sleep study (the highest he had ever seen was about 800)
    b. I stopped breathing about 113x/hr
    c. On average I stop breathing for 20 seconds (as I mentioned before, longest was 55secs)
    d. During REM sleep my spO2 dropped to around 51% (didn’t dip, dropped and stayed till I came back out of REM)

A little clarification now that I have a better understanding. I stopped breathing 113x/hr, which averages out to about 2 episodes per minute. The average length of each episode was 20 seconds, so that means for every minute I slept, I was only breathing for 20 seconds, or I stopped breathing for 40 seconds every minute, and that my friends was sobering information.

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Quick note

So I just wanted to let anyone who happens to read my blog know a couple of things:

1. I am noticing I like to use the word quick a lot, don’t know why…hrm…
2. I will post a lot of tech stuff, cause that is what I love and what I do…but…
3. I will also post stuff that is more personal, such as my posts about the sleep study I have done.

I hope that as I write more and categorize more, it will help those looking for the technical stuff and don’t want the touchy feely stuff find what they need. Either way, I appreciate you taking the time to read my blog.

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Quick update on Sleep study

So I went yesterday (20110513) to get my new humidifier for my CPAP machine and got a little more clarification on my apnea events.

1. When I stop breathing it is on average for about 19.5 seconds (that is the average)
2. Longest was 55 seconds
3. My blood oxygen dropped to around 51%* during the test

So, I haven’t gotten a chance to try the humidifier yet, but I am excited! Continue reading

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Breathing…part Deux

So as a quick follow up to my last post, I did the follow up sleep study last night (20110428), this part involved sleeping with a remotely controlled CPAP machine. The basic premise is that they keep upping the pressure on the CPAP till the snoring and apnea events go away. Once they found the correct pressure for me, they told me I slept well, not that I remember as I was, sound asleep…It’s amazing how long it’s been since I have had a comfortable and full nights sleep, I didn’t know what I had been missing. Couple of things I found out; I asked about the frequency of my apnea events (~133/hr), and asked what classified severe (caveat being it may vary from sleep center to sleep center or what the dr’s agree on) but my nurse said that anything over 50 is considered urgent, since I almost tripled that, I guess that’s pretty severe. Something else I figured out is that everything to do with the CPAP machine from setting the pressure to getting a mask is prescription which for a simple mind like mine is hard to wrap my mind around as *prescriptions* are for *drugs* not machines. Any whoozles, things are getting taken care of, and I should be getting fully restful, and regenerative sleep when I get the machine dialed in correctly. Oh and one side affect of the sleep, I have more energy than I know what to do with right now…

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Breathing is, for most, something we take for granted, I know I have. I have been told by many partners that I snore loudly, and have even been told that I stop breathing when I sleep. So I finally decided to do something about it and did a sleep study. I’ll tell you, it was a little uncomfortable trying to sleep with all of the wires (about 22 in all) attached to you, as anyone who has done the test will tell you. So I did the test on a Thursday night (April 21st 2011), and was called on Friday the 22nd and it was confirmed that I have pretty severe sleep apnea. I was also told that I would be getting a call to setup an appointment for my new CPAP machine, while at lunch with a friend I received the call for my appointment, so I called my fiance and asked if she would come along, of course she agreed, as I was a bit of a nervous wreck (it took all of about 3 hours into the study for them to realize that I had sleep apnea, then proceeded to put me on O2, which is a bit disconcerting).

So I have been sleeping with my new machine, and I’ll tell you that I haven’t known sleep like that since I was a little kid. I don’t think that I have slept soundly for the last 25 years. So when picking up the machine a couple of things that I noticed that scared me a little;

1. the paperwork said Urgent at the top, and I got the machine the day after the test (Medicine doesn’t usually move that fast, at least in my experience)
2. I stop breathing, on average about 133 times an hour.
3. all combined I stop breathing for about 25 seconds per hour (doesn’t sound like much, but it’s enough to interrupt restful sleep)

Sleeping with the machine is a little strange at first, as it’s name implies it provides constant pressure so you have to breathe against it with a mask over your nose, so you have to keep your mouth closed (or it feels like you’re gagging), and you cannot talk (as you cannot force the air back through your vocal chords). I am still adjusting to the whole experience, but I am grateful everyday that my fiance pushed me, and gave the courage to do the test.

Remember that we sometimes take for granted the little things, so stop, smell the roses, and enjoy.

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Change; a word that is loaded with a lot of connotation, as well as feelings, both positive and negative for a lot of people including myself. Change can be good, though most often what holds us back in the face of change is fear, fear of failure, fear of ridicule and fear of the unknown. The reason I am talking about change is that my whole life is about to. I have accepted a new job, in a new town, with a new love, now for me this is scary. I have been with the same company SCEA (Sony Computer Entertainment America – the ones that make the games) for eight and a half years, and have gone through two campuses, I originally started in Foster City, CA, and migrated to San Diego, CA, and two departments, when I started with SCEA I was a game tester, then about five years ago I moved to IT.

I have built a lot of relationships over the years and a certain comfort level, both in my position, and with the technology that I deal with on a daily basis. So the position that I am taking is completely outside the realm of what I’m comfortable with, I have never worked in Academia, and I am most emphatically not a Windows systems administrator, I administer Linux and Storage (FC, iSCSI, Filers, Disk Arrays), but this is the job I chose to take, not only to expand my horizons and grow as a systems administrator, but because my love also got a job with the same University. For me it’s time to embrace change, I am scared, but I am also happy. I haven’t had to worry about work style probationary periods for years, so I’m a ball of mixed emotions right now. I am going to very much miss the team I work with, they are some of the best and smartest people I have ever had the honor to work with, awesome mentors every one of them, but until I step out on my own I will not know if I succeeded because I had awesome support, or if I can do it on my own.

To be honest I have never really had a plan in life, and this quote from Douglas Adams pretty much sums me up:

“I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.”

Thanks for listening.

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Another reason why FriendFeed is awesome.

So I will be honest, I am a social networking fanboy. That being said, there is one in particular that I like, FriendFeed, not only have I met the most amazing people through this site, I want to show you a little bit of how awesome the people here can be. So it recently started with this post by Jim about his brother Frank who has cancer and is going to have surgery. Go read the post, I’ll wait…

Ok…now all of us that are connected with Jim *knew that this was coming up, and have been showing support the best way we know how, from sending Direct Messages (DM’s) to Prayers and good energies. Here is where it gets really cool, and shows a lot about the people who frequent, and well actually created the site. One of the people behind FriendFeed is a man named Paul Bucheit, who also created and was the lead developer on a little product called Gmail, I dunno maybe you’ve heard of it. Anyway, as the previous post by Jim mentions a few of us changed our names to include Team Frank in some incarnation or another, including (and no this is not Photoshopped in any way, shape or form):

Down to earth!

Just thought I would share that this is what social networking is all about.

*Sorry forgot the k, English, DO YOU SPEAK IT? obviously not very well.

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Lunitidal Hours

This is an old post from an old blog of mine, but I figured it might still be applicable.

Oh and I got a snazzy new watch that tells the moon phase and tide phase and thought that I would post the formula and answer to the San Diego Lunitidal hours interval:

The formula as you will find on the noaa website is in this F.A.Q.

Local Interval = GI – (0.069 * L)

  • Where L is the longitude for the location in degrees. West longitudes are positive; East longitudes are negative.
    Example: 122 degrees 23.7 minutes West would be 122.395 degrees. (23.7 / 60 = 0.395)
  • Longitude for a station is available from the Accepted Datums page by using the link provided for further station information.
  • Where GI is the Greenwich Interval. To calculate the High Tide Local Interval, use the Greenwich Mean High Water Interval in Hours from the Accepted Datums page. To calculate the Low Tide Local Interval, use the Greenwich Mean Low Water Interval in Hours.
  • Some products will require the Local Interval to be a positive number. You can convert a negative interval to a positive by adding 12.42 to the result.
    For example, if your interval calculated to be -4.11; you could also use 8.31 (-4.11 + 12.42 = 8.31)

While this looks all dandy, here is how to get the answer (for La Jolla which is closest to me, and where I will be diving)
La Jolla HWI

Check the HWI (Greenwich High Water Interval) which for La Jolla is 5.01 so the formula looks like

L: -117.257 (close enough)
0.069 * -117.257 = 8.09
5.01 – 8.09 = -3.08
-3.08 + 12.42 = 9:34 (Local Time Interval for La Jolla).

Share and Enjoy!

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The Dealio

I will be replacing the content from my other blog that was here previously, I like futzing with blogs / CMS’s in my spare time, so I try to keep the content so it can be added back.


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