Progress | News and debate from the progressive community

Open conference season

Thursday, September 29, 2011
By Progress | News and debate from the progressive community

At the start of October, the uber-posh diaries of Smythson of Bond Street – stationer to the Queen and former employer of Sam Cam – announce the beginning of the pheasant shooting season. Strangely, it is silent on the arrival of autumn party confe... »

Progress | News and debate from the progressive community

Unleashing talent

Thursday, September 29, 2011
By Progress | News and debate from the progressive community

In a venue more familiar with a battle of the unsigned bands, Progress friends and family gathered to listen and share how to best unleash talent with workplace skills... »

Progress | News and debate from the progressive community

Is it time for primaries?

Thursday, September 29, 2011
By Progress | News and debate from the progressive community

Today I attended the fringe event jointly organised by Progress and the Institute for Government on whether we should have primaries to select Labour parliamentary candidates.   In the... »

Progress | News and debate from the progressive community

‘Ready for a fight’

Thursday, September 29, 2011
By Progress | News and debate from the progressive community

‘I’m ready for a fight.’ That line more than any other summed up the resounding success that was this afternoon’s speech by Ed Miliband. It really was a very... »

Progress | News and debate from the progressive community

Open to all? Part-time learning

Thursday, September 29, 2011
By Progress | News and debate from the progressive community

With the media focus on undergraduate fees we are in danger of forgetting the four in 10 students who study part time, making yesterday’sProgress-Open University fringe – Open to all:... »

Progress | News and debate from the progressive community

Primaries: what works? Report from Liverpool

Thursday, September 29, 2011
By Progress | News and debate from the progressive community

The debate about how Labour should select candidates to fight elections has been raging for years and it’s not new to hear conference delegates bemoaning selection procedures as anarchic,... »

Progress | News and debate from the progressive community

Bold, brave and personal

Thursday, September 29, 2011
By Progress | News and debate from the progressive community

This year’s speech was a big moment for Ed Miliband. A defining moment. His first real chance to tell the party and the country who he is and what... »

Progress | News and debate from the progressive community

A mayor for Coventry

Thursday, September 29, 2011
By Progress | News and debate from the progressive community

I am a confirmed believer in local government. Taking decisions as close as possible to the people involved makes good sense and we are in my view an overly... »

Progress | News and debate from the progressive community

What lies beneath

Thursday, September 29, 2011
By Progress | News and debate from the progressive community

A new book by Tory MPs elected last year exposes a yearning for a more authentically Conservative agenda It must be hard for new Conservative MPs. After years of... »

Progress | News and debate from the progressive community

Labour can lead civic renewal

Thursday, September 29, 2011
By Progress | News and debate from the progressive community

The open services white paper, launched by David Cameron, promises ‘more freedom, more choice and more local control’. At its heart is the notion that the state, with its... »

Left Foot Forward

Labour’s ModBacc offers a chance to get with the programme

Thursday, September 29, 2011
By Guest
Labour’s ModBacc offers a chance to get with the programme

By Amelia Peterson Andy Burnham yesterday announced at the Labour Conference plans for a ‘Modern baccalaureate’ that offers a different model of achievement to Michael Gove’s English Bacc. The... »

The Centre Left

The Centre Left’s conference week highlights

Thursday, September 29, 2011
By Rob Marchant
The Centre Left’s conference week highlights

It's been an eventful week at my first conference in eight years, if extremely mixed politically (I know it's not over yet, but do you really think it's worth... »

Chasing Conservative votes will not win us the next election….

Thursday, September 29, 2011
By darrellgoodliffe
Chasing Conservative votes will not win us the next election….

Ed Miliband’s prodigious ability to get things totally wrong is becoming very vexing. In The Guardian today he is quoted …Continue reading » »


Interview with Iain Dale on LBC about the Financial Transaction Tax

Thursday, September 29, 2011
By maryhoneyballmep
Interview with Iain Dale on LBC about the Financial Transaction Tax

Last night I was on Iain Dale’s show on LBC.  It was an interesting discussion on the Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) that was mentioned by Jose Manuel Barroso (President of the... »

Left Foot Forward

LFF’s most influential left-wing thinker of the year 2010/11 is Owen Jones

Thursday, September 29, 2011
By Daniel Elton
LFF’s most influential left-wing thinker of the year 2010/11 is Owen Jones

Readers of Left Foot Forward have voted Owen Jones, author of “Chavs: the Demonisation of the Working Class”, as the most influential left-wing thinker of the year. »

Left Foot Forward

Gove is the roadblock to Burnham’s calls of aspiration, aspiration, aspiration

Thursday, September 29, 2011
By Alex Hern
Gove is the roadblock to Burnham’s calls of aspiration, aspiration, aspiration

Andy Burnham called today for Labour to go further than Blair’s call of “education, education, education”, saying that their new priorities must be “aspiration, aspiration, aspiration”. Miliband yesterday raised... »

Rupa Huq's Blog

Funeral of Riots Victim takes place: mayor reacts

Thursday, September 29, 2011
By rupahuq
Funeral of Riots Victim takes place: mayor reacts

Bumped into Ealing Council leader Julian Bell yesterday who had interrupted his attendance at the Labour party conference to dash back for the funeral of Richard Mannington Bowes the... »

Latest Posts at

Sadiq Khan proposes victims’ law

Thursday, September 29, 2011
By Latest Posts at
Sadiq Khan proposes victims’ law


Penny Red

News from Nowhere 2

Thursday, September 29, 2011
By Penny Red
News from Nowhere 2

Well, I'm back.* I spent two weeks on a tiny, beautiful ship, pitching and tossing in the middle of the high Arctic. I met a polar bear, a whale,... »

Jon Worth

The idiot in Brussels

Thursday, September 29, 2011
By Jon

(note: video is uploaded by UKIP, so they add their own vile header to the video. Thanks for @spignal for pointing out the film) Extraordinary ‘debate’ on Newsnight last... »

Labour Uncut

Fiddling while Athens, Lisbon and Rome burn

Thursday, September 29, 2011
By Editor

by Peter Watt I am worried, really worried. And not just about where the Labour party goes after this week’s leaders speech. Although I certainly am worried about that.... »

Young Labour Politico Blogger

Total Politics Blog #Lab11

Thursday, September 29, 2011

You can read a blog I have published on the Total Politics Magazine website by clicking here. TSF »


More dishonesty and damned deceit from Mister Ed

Thursday, September 29, 2011
By harpymarx
More dishonesty and damned deceit from Mister Ed

Ed Miliband obviously didn’t pick up a copy of Mind’s Daily Stigma as if he had he would have been aware of the self-perpetuating lies he was spouting at... »

Jane Is The One

occupy the streets – and then what?

Thursday, September 29, 2011
By Jane Griffiths
occupy the streets – and then what?

the Normster posits the following four propositions as to what street protests such as occupywallstreet and others are about/for: "(1) The traditional structures remain central to the democratic process and... »

Labour Matters

“Young people who want to head towards work or an apprenticeship are left to fend for themselves”

Wednesday, September 28, 2011
By The Labour Party

Andy Burnham's speech to Labour Party Conference. Conference. What do you think of my home city? Brilliant isn't it? So welcome to Liverpool - or at least it was... »

Labour Matters

Labour will give every child a path in life

Wednesday, September 28, 2011
By The Labour Party

Labour's Shadow Education Secretary Andy Burnham has called on Labour to be the party for families who want to get on in life and want a better future for... »

Labour Matters

“The Tories and the Lib Dems are throwing away Labour’s golden legacy to NHS patients”

Wednesday, September 28, 2011
By The Labour Party

John Healey's speech to Labour Party Conference. Conference. We've heard powerful testimonies today in defence of our NHS from our panel, and in our debate. Thank you. Today we reject... »

Labour Matters

“Every Tory government since records began has seen crime go up not down”

Wednesday, September 28, 2011
By The Labour Party

Yvette Cooper's Speech to Labour Party Conference. POLICE TRIBUTE Thank you to Paul McKeever from the Police Federation for speaking to us today. For many years when our Party... »

Labour Matters

“Advice deserts being created as law centres and CABs close down”

Wednesday, September 28, 2011
By The Labour Party

Sadiq Khan's speech to Labour Party Conference. Conference. It's a privilege and a pleasure to be here today for the first time as your Shadow Secretary of State for... »

Labour Matters

“Our centres of local life are under threat”

Wednesday, September 28, 2011
By The Labour Party

Tessa Jowell's speech to Labour Party Conference. Conference, we meet today over a year since David Cameron told us he wanted to create the Big Society. How do we... »