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I’ll do it, but only if you’ll help

PledgeBank successes

The pledge creator stood by a huge pile of underwear

Collect underwear for orphans – Undies4Liberia

“…I set up my pledge, expecting a few family members and friends to sign up. I never thought my pledge would be successful, and that so many total strangers would get involved! My goal for a successful pledge should have produced 450 pairs of undies; but the final count is 753 pairs of new, clean undies for the children of Liberia!

Read more about this amazing story…

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United Kingdom pledges and global English pledges listed

  • SponsorOurSquad
    I, Dario Szibbun, will pledge £5 a month to the EUFC Playing Budget but only if 50 others will do the same.
    28 days left, 39 more signatures needed
  • factsoflife
    I, Roheel Mahmood, will donate £4 but only if 10 other local people will donate £5.
    190 days left, 9 more signatures needed
  • Deanclean
    I, Gerald William Duxbury, will Clean up Dean Street landscaped area but only if 7 other local people will do the same.
    4 days left, 5 more signatures needed

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