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World Owl Trust - leading the World in Owl Conservation
Thursday 3rd May, 2012

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Barn Owl Monitoring 2010 Report

The completed Barn Owls of South West Cumbria monitoring report for 2010 - in PDF format - is now available for download.

Barn Owl Project

Help the dwindling numbers of British Barn Owls fight the harsh weather conditions, lack of food supply and loss of potential nesting sites.


Children's Membership just for kids. Access Sparky’s Nest Box, the special web-pages with puzzles, facts, activities, games, videos and more.

Owl Videos

View a selection of video clips of some of the many Owls that are to be seen at the World Owl Centre in the grounds of Muncaster Castle.

Nest-box Scheme

Undertake a nest-box scheme to help in halting the decline of the British Barn Owl. Details of Barn, Tawny and Little Owl nest-box design.

Green Oscar Award

The Stirk House project win a 'Community Responsibility for Small Companies' Green Oscar Award for environmentally-friendly energy usage.

Special Offer Promotion With Northern Rail

We have teamed up Northern Rail and Muncaster Castle to create a Special Offer Promotion for people to visit the World Owl Centre.

Wulf's Blog

Read our Head Keeper's blog Wulf's Blog - that gives you a weekly ‘intimate’ picture of what goes on at The Owl Centre.

What Owls Eat

Finding out What Owls Eat - via a grid of mammal traps to see if there is a sufficient short-tailed field vole population to sustain the Barn Owl diet.

Meet The Birds

Exciting New Job Vacancy The WORLD OWL TRUST is seeking a dynamic CHIEF EXECUTIVE to develop and advance its long term future. For further details click here

Stirk House Volunteer Group

Volunteers were keen to get started - the the eager new volunteers of the Stirk House Volunteer Group - met on a beautiful summer’s evening for their fist briefing.

Latest images from the BBC webcams

Ashy-faced Owls             African Spotted Eagle Owls             Great Grey Owls

The Owl Centre
Muncaster Castle
Cumbria. CA18 1RQ
United Kingdom

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Telephone: (+44) (0)1229 717393
FAX: (+44) (0)1229 717107

  Click on logo to access the Excellence Through People Web site World Owl Trust
Registered Charity Number: 1107529
Limited Company Number: 5296745
The World Owl Trust is Positive About Disabled People  
The World Owl Trust is a member of BIAZA
The World Owl Trust is a member of the British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums (BIAZA) and the European Association of Zoos and Aquariums (EAZA). The Trust relies on a dedicated membership, visitors, donations and legacies.
The World Owl Trust is a member of EAZA
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