
Hospitals "Full-Up": The 1918 Influenza Pandemic
Hospitals "Full-Up": The 1918 Influenza Pandemic
A documentary comparing the 1918 Spanish Influenza pandemic with modern-day health capabilities, in the event of an act of bioterrorism or any large-scale infectious disease outbreak.

Marion Harris - After You've Gone (1918)
Marion Harris - After You've Gone (1918)
Marion Harris (1896 - April 23, 1944) was an American popular singer around 1920. She was the first widely known white singer to sing jazz and blues songs. Born Mary Ellen Harrison, probably in Indiana, she first played vaudeville and movie theatres in Chicago around 1914. She was spotted by dancer Vernon Castle, who enabled her entrance into the New York theatre scene where she debuted in a 1915 Irving Berlin revue titled Stop! Look! Listen!. In 1916 she began recording for Victor Records, singing a variety of songs such as "Everybody's Crazy 'Bout the Doggone Blues, But I'm Happy", "After You've Gone", "When I Hear that Jazz Band Play", her biggest success "I Ain't Got Nobody", and "A Good Man Is Hard to Find", later recorded by Bessie Smith. In 1920, after the Victor label would not allow her to record WC Handy's "St. Louis Blues", she joined Columbia Records where she recorded the song successfully. Sometimes billed as "The Queen of the Blues", she tended to record blues- or jazz-flavoured tunes throughout her career. Handy wrote of Harris that "she sang blues so well that people hearing her records sometimes thought that the singer was colored". She herself said:"..you usually do best what comes naturally [and] so I just naturally started singing Southern dialect songs and the modern blues songs.." In 1922 she moved to the Brunswick label. She also continued to appear in Broadway theatres throughout the 1920s. She regularly played the Palace Theatre, appeared in <b>...</b>

Klimt 1918 - Ghost of a Tape Listener
Klimt 1918 - Ghost of a Tape Listener
Videoclip to "Gost of a Tape Listener" from the album "Just in case we'll never meet again".

Civil War 1918 1/4
Civil War 1918 1/4
When Finland was declared independent on December 6th 1917, it already had a senate and the infrastructure of an independent country. The one thing it lacked was an army. The only military presens on Finnish soil were the Russian troops that the last czar had put there in case of an uprising in Finland. The radical elements of the workers movement seized the moment and formed their own army, the Red Guards. The conservatives on the other hand formed the White Guards. The nationalist movement also had the Jaeger troops (Jääkärit), young men who had been training in Germany for 3 years, ready to form the core of a future Finnish army. Part 1 of 4 videos with old pictures and interviews, both with experts and with people who lived at the time and experience those events firsthand. This is a shortened and somewhat re-edited version of a documentary by YLE2.

WW1 Combat in Colour 1914-1918
WW1 Combat in Colour 1914-1918
a video showing WW1 warfare in and arround the trenches, rare colour film world war 1

Klimt 1918 - Skygazer
Klimt 1918 - Skygazer
5/1/2009 - Edit II 2000+ views! Hope this will do good to the band's notoriety! Thank you! [Original text:] Fourth musical slideshow representing a song from an Italian Alternative Rock band. As always, credits go to Google for the images. All creations belong to their respective autors. Before going on with the lyrics, I'd like to explain a few things about this slide. As you'll notice, the development is very slow compared to my other uploads: the average photogram lasts about 10 seconds, and the last one starts at 4:24 and ends at 4:44, about twice the average. Also, lots of pictures (almost all of them) are pictures of the sky, instead of various lyric-related images. Why this? That's quite simple: first of all, this song is the most beautiful tribute to the sky I've ever met. The kingdom of calm and serenity deserves the same calm while showing itself, so I decided to promote a slow development for the vid. Picture-wise, I wanted to respect this song's beauty in full, and placing beautiful pictures that were too different from the vast blue vault sounded like a heresy to me. I love the sky in all its wonderful meanings and I hope you'll like it too. Thanks for your attention. Finally, here are the lyrics: [Solo] "Till the colours dissolve A slight difference in the air I feel Whatever wind says I am, that's what I'm not I don't cry over you [Pre-Chorus:] My hands are so cold My face is so pale With more sky than words I live Season has changed Each loss of my breath <b>...</b>

Tarzan of the Apes First ever film 1918 Gordon Griffith
Tarzan of the Apes First ever film 1918 Gordon Griffith
The very first Tarzan movie shot in 1918. Some scenes Of Tarzan of the Apes staring The child actor Gordon Griffith as the boy Tarzan. aged 10. These are a few clips cut short to fit the 10 minute limit. Its a very pixilated copy of a historically important silent film. The whole movie is now public domain and can be found in many Internet movie sites. A full clear version can be easily downloaded. This was the movie that brought Tarzan to the masses and set the ball rolling. Only those that had read the book knew of the ape man prior to this film. Even today every one knows of Tarzan but how many have read the book? Gordon Griffith (1907-1958) was big in his day and had been acting in short films for children. Griffith was already an experienced actor when, at age seven, he got his first acting role as a regular character in the Little Billy serials. Mack Sennett of Keystone Studios cast Griffith in many of his slapstick features, where he eventually earned supporting roles in Charlie Chaplin films, including Tillie's Punctured Romance. His big break came with the role of young Tarzan, in the 1918 film Tarzan of the Apes. He was required to do his own stunts, such as climbing trees, swinging from vines, and interacting closely with a chimpanzee. Griffith also has several nude scenes in the first half of the film, making him one of the first pre-teens to appear on screen naked. Griffith appears before the actor portraying the adult Tarzan—Elmo Lincoln—making him the first <b>...</b>

20th Century Battlefields: 1918 Western Front Part 1/7
20th Century Battlefields: 1918 Western Front Part 1/7
Episode 1 Peter and Dan Snow go to the scarred terrain of the Western Front in France to tell the story of the battle that signalled the end of the First World War.

Pandemic 1918
Pandemic 1918
A short slideshow about the influenza pandemic of 1918 created to use as a lesson opener for middle school and high school history classes. Created with iMoive.

Claude Debussy (1862-1918): "La cath茅drale engloutie"
Claude Debussy (1862-1918): "La cath茅drale engloutie"
The composer Claude Debussy needs little introduction. As a pianist, he was noted for his avoidance of the crisp, dry and articulated style which typified French pianism of the nineteenth century. His style of playing was simple, highly tone-conscious and completely uncluttered by over-expressive angst. This piece is number ten in the first book of Préludes. The recording is a piano roll recording made by Debussy for Welte in 1913 (just three years after the work was composed). The piano rolls for Welte are amongst the most accurate we have, conveying the original performed dynamics, attack and pedalling rather faithfully, and when a good roll is played on a properly conditioned piano, the problems of dubious rhythmic bumpiness which infect many roll playbacks can vanish. This rendition seems as fine as we could hope for. Debussy makes important changes to the music here, doubling the tempo when bars are notated in 3/2 (the prevailing tempo being 6/4).

20th Century Battlefields: Ep 1 "1918 Western Front" (1/6)
20th Century Battlefields: Ep 1 "1918 Western Front" (1/6)
Dan and Peter Snow visit the scenes of some of the 20th century's greatest battles. Combining state-of-the-art computer graphics and real-life experience of what it must have been like to fight, they uncover the story behind these world-defining conflicts. Episode 1: 1918 Western Front Peter and Dan travel to the Western Front in France to investigate the battle that gave Britain and its allies decisive victory in World War One - Amiens.

Cannibals of the South Seas, 1918
Cannibals of the South Seas, 1918
Customs of the inhabitants of Toman Island(?) in the south seas in the 1920s, probably extracted from Martin Johnson's film Among The Cannibal Islaes of the South Pacific (1918). Topurchase a clean DVD or digital download of this film for personal home use or educational use contact us at questions@archivefarms.com. To license footage from this film for commercial use visit: www.travelfilmarchive.com

Etninen puhdistus 1918
Etninen puhdistus 1918
Venäläissotilaiden kohtalo Suomessa vuonna 1918 Lähde: Heikki Ylikangas, Tie Tampereelle, s. 436-438

The Influenza Pandemic of 1918
The Influenza Pandemic of 1918
Scientists have built an organism from scratch in an experiment that raises questions about the very nature of life. The research, reminiscent of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, will horrify many religious leaders, politicians and philosophers. The world's first synthetic organism is a tiny polio virus constructed artificially in the laboratory. But it is a first step towards creating more complex forms of life. Within a century, some scientists believe it will be possible to 'reconstruct' species that have become extinct, or create totally new organisms. The researchers who created the version of the polio virus said they wanted to prove how easy it would be for terrorists to make deadly biological weapons. A team at the University of New York at Stony Brook assembled the virus and then injected it into mice. The animals were just as they would have been by a naturally-occurring polio virus, and then killed. 'The reason we did it was to prove that it can be done and it now is a reality,' said Dr Eckard Wimmer, leader of the research team, which reports its findings today in the journal Science. 'This approach has been talked about, but people didn't take it seriously.' The polio virus is tiny in genetic terms, but building an artificial replica took several years. The scientists followed a genetic 'recipe' for polio downloaded from the Internet and using genetic material - DNA --from a mail-order supplier to use as building blocks. They made a series of small genetic <b>...</b>

GIANT 1918 Hit and Miss Engine
GIANT 1918 Hit and Miss Engine
This is another RAM TOUGH PRODUCTION. This it a GIANT 1918 Hit and Miss Engine that was used in a grits mill. and it still runs GREAT to be from 1918!!! This was at the 17th Annual Old Fashion Planter's Day. (March 28-29, 2009) at Ammon, North Carolina

1918 Gnome rotary engine running
1918 Gnome rotary engine running
November 7, 2009, finally got the engine running right. It has an ignition selector switch that allows it to run at 1/2 power, 1/4 power, and 1/8 power. This engine will be used in a replica 1918 Nieuport 28.

Pipes of Peace Paul McCartney 1914-1918
Pipes of Peace Paul McCartney 1914-1918
Basically a straight upload of Paul`s Christmas no 1 single in the UK,well it went to no 1 just after xmas if I remember correctly! A video depicting the famous 1914 Christmas truce between British and German troops.I added a little bit of first world war footage,intended not to mock or denigrate the brave souls who fought and lost their lives in the Great war.But as a show of respect...their names liveth forever more. PAUL McCARTNEY PIPES OF PEACE I LIGHT A CANDLE TO OUR LOVE, IN LOVE OUR PROBLEMS DISAPPEAR. BUT ALL IN ALL WE SOON DISCOVER THAT ONE AND ONE IS ALL WE LONG TO HEAR. ALL 'ROUND THE WORLD, LITTLE CHILDREN BEING BORN TO THE WORLD. GOT TO GIVE THEM ALL WE CAN 'TIL THE WAR IS WON, THEN WILL THE WORK BE DONE. HELP THEM TO LEARN (help them to learn) SONGS OF JOY INSTEAD OF BURN, BABY, BURN. (burn, baby, burn) LET US SHOW THEM HOW TO PLAY THE PIPES OF PEACE, PLAY THE PIPES OF PEACE. HELP ME TO LEARN SONGS OF JOY INSTEAD OF BURN, BABY, BURN, WON'T YOU SHOW ME TO PLAY (how to play) THE PIPES OF PEACE, (pipes of peace) PLAY THE PIPES OF PEACE WHAT DO YOU SAY? (what do you say?) WILL THE HUMAN RACE BE RUN IN A DAY? (in a day?) OR WILL SOMEONE SAVE THIS PLANET WE'RE PLAYING ON? IS IT THE ONLY ONE? WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO? HELP THEM TO SEE (help them to see) THAT THE PEOPLE HERE ARE LIKE YOU AND ME. (like you and me) LET US SHOW THEM HOW TO PLAY (how to play) THE PIPES OF PEACE, (pipes of peace) PLAY THE PIPES OF PEACE. I LIGHT A CANDLE TO OUR LOVE, IN LOVE OUR PROBLEMS <b>...</b>

20th Century Battlefields: Ep 1 "1918 Western Front" (2/6)
20th Century Battlefields: Ep 1 "1918 Western Front" (2/6)
Dan and Peter Snow visit the scenes of some of the 20th century's greatest battles. Combining state-of-the-art computer graphics and real-life experience of what it must have been like to fight, they uncover the story behind these world-defining conflicts. Episode 1: 1918 Western Front Peter and Dan travel to the Western Front in France to investigate the battle that gave Britain and its allies decisive victory in World War One - Amiens.

America Goes Over (1918)
America Goes Over (1918)
America Goes Over 1918 Vintage World War I Film

Airsoft War BAR 1918 THOMPSON M1A1 POW Scotland HD
Airsoft War BAR 1918 THOMPSON M1A1 POW Scotland HD
Im on FaceBook At www.facebook.com Main Channel www.youtube.com Alternative Channel www.youtube.com Im on Twitter at twitter.com Airsoft Gun Reviews www.youtube.comFilmed in between near Falkirk in central Scotland, if you wish to play here the game dates and directions etc are on the POW website at www.playersofwar.co.uk Airsoft guns can be bought at www.airsoftworld.co.uk For more information on playing Airsoft in the UK and elsewhere I recommend you use the forum on the following website http You will need to set up a login to use the forums, its free. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR WWII uniforms etc then take a look at these retailers and Forums www.atthefront.com American retailer, based in Kentucky, very good selection of WWII gear. www.ww2airsoft.org.uk The Comrades in Arms website, their forum is great for sales of Used WWII Uniforms etc. stores.ebay.co.uk Singapore based retailer with stunning selection of uniforms etc at great prices www.epicmilitaria.co.uk UK retailer brilliant selection of uniforms and equipment www.militaria-net.co.uk UK Retailer, I bought a lot from here, very fast service and they answer their emails. www.sofmilitary.co.uk Soldier of Fortune, UK retailer, amazing selection. WWII Russian kit can be had at www.tridentmilitary.com Modern Russian kit can be had from www.rusmilitary.com www.whatpriceglory.com American WWII uniform retailer based in Salinas CA Filmed using a Canon 1Ds DSLR camera, recorded at 1080p HD, edited and converted to 720p HD <b>...</b>