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The national website of the IWCA


Archive for January 2008

Oxford City Council elections on 1 May – the future is up to us.

Wednesday, J January 2008

With IWCA councillors in Oxford standing for re-election in May, the following lyrics, penned by veteran singer-songwriter and political activist Christy Moore from his album ‘Smoke and Strong Whiskey’ and reproduced in his recent book ‘One Voice’, serve as a timely reminder of what can be achieved when communities stand up to drug dealers and other antisocial elements. (more…)

Some are more equal than others…

Monday, J January 2008

In the land of ‘equal opportunities’ some are clearly more equal than others, if the grants by the London Development Agency (LDA) described as the Mayor’s ‘business arm’ are anything to go by. Under the guiding hand of Lee Jasper, the principle race adviser to Mayor Ken Livingstone, the LDA, has been doling out grants to his friends and cronies, as if there is no tomorrow. (more…)

Mind the gap

Friday, J January 2008

In a long forgotten interview published in a small left-wing journal over a decade ago, an IWCA representative predicted that in ten years or so, much of the welfare state including the NHS would be in the process of being done away with.

Almost certainly very few would have agreed with that prognosis then, though perhaps one or two more might see merit in the argument today, if the calamity currently being visited on working class dental patients is anything to go by. (more…)

‘The working class are twisted and it’s our job to untwist them!’

Monday, J January 2008

‘It is our responsibility as socialists to untwist the working class’, a somewhat bemused Cllr Stuart Craft was informed at an Oxford Trades Council meeting just before Christmas. (more…)