
Datacide Fundraising!

February 7th, 2012

The next issue of datacide is in preparation – and again we need to finance printing and mail-outs.
The last issue was mainly financed with the parties at Knochenbox we organized in collaboration with Cagliostro in Berlin. Last year however we only did the release party and one other event which broke even but didn’t contribute to the datacide fund.
Sales do contribute a bit, but cash from single orders and from wholesale is a slow drip, and the latter most of the time is on a SOR basis which often only makes sense to chase up when a new issue is out.
In short: although there is some money in the war chest, we are quite far from our target, and still need to raise a considerable amount for the next issue.

How you can help:
You can donate money via paypal to datacide(at)
If you don’t have or don’t like to use paypal, write to the same address and find out about other options.

You can subscribe to datacide by sending EUR 10.00 (or more) to us for a subscription of 3 issues. Please state which issue you want your subscription to start with. You can include back issues in the subscription, but note that only issues 10 and 11 are still available.
So for example – if you don’t have them yet – you could take out a subscription starting with number 10, so you would receive numbers 10 and 11 immediately and 12 when it comes out.

You can advertise in datacide. If you have anything to sell or to promote, consider putting an ad in the next print edition. Write for our very reasonable rates.
Attention record labels or book publishers: We usually will accept records or books as payment!
Attention zines: we are interested in ad swaps!

You can donate stuff
which we can sell!
Got records, books, anything of interest you don’t want anymore? We set up an ebay account of which all proceeds go towards making the next issue – and more – happen!
If you think you have something for us, let us know.

Datacide can not exist without the solidarity and support of its readers!

Most read Datacide articles in 2011

January 10th, 2012

… And more charts: these were the 10 most read articles on this web site during 2011:

1. From Subculture to Hegemony: Transversal Strategies of the New Right in Neofolk and Martial Industrial by Christoph Fringeli

2. Shaking The Foundations: Reggae soundsystem meets ‘Big Ben British values’ downtown by John Eden

3. Tortugan tower blocks? Pirate signals from the margins by Alexis Wolton

4. We Mean It Man: Punk Rock and Anti-Racism – or, Death In June Not Mysterious by Stewart Home

5.COIL – Interview from 1986 plus Introduction by Christoph Fringeli/John Balance

6. Dance Before The Police Come by Neil Transpontine

7. What The Fuck – Operation Spanner by Jo Burzynska

8. The Brain of Ulrike Meinhof by Christoph Fringeli

9. Dope smuggling, LSD manufacture, organised crime & the law in 1960s London by Stewart Home

10. Battlenoise! Review by Christoph Fringeli

Best of 2011

January 6th, 2012

Last years top tunes being played at datacide hq

Somatic Responses – Concrete Glider mix by Diskore
eMego 122V – Cindytalk – Hold Everything Dear
DM12004 dubs – Various – Accretion EP
Praxis 45 – Various – Anonymous Vol. 2
GuerillaLP01 – Donny+Current Value – Revolt and Riot
Sub/Version Digital 007 – Vile Enginez – Drum and fuck off
Blackmass Plastics – halloween gore mix
Grindplate09/Kritik 01 – Zombieflesheater: Tweng!
Subviolenz 007 – Nanotek/Nanotek & Machine Code: Venus/Nanomachine
SPB12019 – Karl Marx Stadt: 1999-2009

14.10.2011: Datacide Soliparty @ Subversiv

October 2nd, 2011

Friday, 14 October 2011

Presented Datacide and Cagliostro

Film: “Un Tigre de Papel” (Dir. Luis Ospina, Colombia 2007, spanish with english subtitles).
Starts 22h introduced by R.C. (Datacide)
Pedro Manrique Figueroa, pioneer of collage in Colombia, has never had a biographer. For a very simple reason: his life’s like an adventure novel that is both incomplete and contradictory. It’s just based on fragmented reminiscences and anectodes passed on by word of mouth. Taking Manrique Figueroa’s life as a pretext, this film takes the viewer on a journey through history from the year 1934 up until 1981, when the artist mysteriously dissappeared from view. “A Paper Tiger” is itself a collage, where art and politics rub shoulders, where truth and lies are placed side by side, where documentary and fiction intermingle.

Sigma, UK
Tato: (Live) – Italy
Base Force One: (Live)
Cannibal Brothers
starts at midnight
Hard dubstep to noisy breakcore, experimental broken beats to hardcore drum’n’bass

Record: Last but not least we celebrate the new release on Praxis “Anonymous Series Volume Two” 12″: Dance time is here folks, the artistic ballet of fucking it up and shaking the old world to the ground!

Datacide Magazine: All proceeds of the party will go towards the printing costs of the next issue of datacide – magazine for noise & politics

in the space of Subversiv e.V., Brunnenstrasse 7.
no sexism, no racism, no nationalism

Datacide mailouts & subscriptions

July 19th, 2011

Sorry for the delay in mailing out orders for the paper edition ordered in the last few weeks. The reason for this is, to be able to offer the price of EUR 4.00 including shipping, we have to collect orders to be able to do a “mass mailout”. After an initial surge in the first couple of months, orders have slowed down considerably and with this the frequency of mailouts.
To mail a single copy it would cost EUR 3.50 for postage alone, so we’d be left with nothing after paypal costs and shipping.
We’re thinking of adding an option for EUR 6.00 which would include immediate shipping.
The best option though to receive the paper edition immediately upon release and long before content is put up on the internet, is to take out a subscription for EUR 10.00 for 3 issues. This can include past issues (only numbers 10 and 11 are still available at this point though.
In any case the next mailout will go to the post office on thursday July 21. All orders received before midday on thursday will be included in this mailout. So if you don’t have a paper copy of datacide yet, send EUR 4.00 (or 10.00 for a subscription) before 12 noon on thursday via paypal to!

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