This is the official website of Gallery, the open source web based photo album organizer. Gallery gives you an intuitive way to blend photo management seamlessly into your own website whether you're running a small personal site or a large community site.


Gallery 3.0.3 and Gallery 2.3.2 Security Releases are available!

We're releasing both Gallery 3.0.3 and Gallery 2.3.2 as security releases. Several researchers, working independently, discovered possible encryption-related vulnerabilities. Low-risk XSS vulnerabilities limited to the administration area were also reported. We thank the following individuals for reporting these issues: James 'albino' Kettle, George Argyros & Aggelos Kiayias, and Emanuel Bronshtein. They will be receiving bounties for these issues. Read our Bounties page for details and how to submit any security issues you find. The CVE id for these issues is CVE-2012-1113.

We recommend that all users of Gallery 2 and Gallery 3 upgrade as soon as possible.

3rd Party iPhone App for Gallery

A team of developers has released a new version of their native iPhone/iPad app for Gallery 3.

viGallery allows you to manage your photos and albums straight from your iOS device.

Take a look on the app store: viGallery and on their info/support page.

It isn't open source and it does cost $4, but it looks like a nice way to work with Gallery 3 from your Apple devices. Read on for features and requirements.

Gallery interview on SourceForge's 'The Anvil' Podcast

A week or so ago, Chris Kelly (ckdake) was interviewed on's podcast 'The Anvil' about Gallery for the Blog. Check it out: The Anvil Podcast: Gallery.

Take a short survey on Gallery permissions

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University are using Gallery to learn more about how people use access-control permissions in online photograph sharing systems.

If you would like to contribute, please take their survey which should take less than 5 minutes to complete.

Check out this forum topic for more details.

Xotof 2, Now on the Android Market, Amazon Appstore, and Kindle Fire

The Xotof Team have been busy working on their Gallery 3 Client, getting it to as many users as possible.

Xotof already works on your favorite Android phones and tables, and they have just received approval to run on the Amazon Kindle Fire.

If you're a Gallery 3 user with an Android device or a Kindle Fire, head over the Android Market or Amazon Appstore and give Xotof a try.

Xotof, Gallery 3 on Android!

Adam Minchinton and Magne Zachrisen just released a Beta version of their upcoming Gallery 3 Client for Android: Xotof.

Like Gallery 3, they focused on usability and simplicity and the app looks pretty fun and easy to use with most of the UI focusing on your photos. Check out their website for more details or post bugs on their forum.

Here's a quick summary of the major features:

  • Supports multiple gallery installations
  • Smart caching, and loading of images
  • Zoom/Pan images
  • Inbuilt slide show
  • Uploading of single or multiple images
  • Robust connection handling
  • Honeycomb support