
Crikey Says: Obama’s win/win

And in today’s effort to energise a disillusioned base, Barack Obama will be opening a Pinterest account,” tweeted our reliably cynical Bernard Keane this morning …

Economy more of a puzzle as unemployment rate falls

The growing strains in the Australian labour market were underlined this morning in the latest employment figures, which showed that while the unemployment rate fell to its lowest in a year, that was due to people leaving the workforce faster than new jobs were created.

Idiot’s Guide to Convergence: spectrum in a post-broadcasting era

The Convergence Review has laid the groundwork for a post-broadcasting future in spectrum allocation.

Costello comeback: a political partnership ends badly

There is nothing implausible in the idea that Peter Costello might be “bored and frustrated” and regretting his decision to quit politics.

News prowling as Kohler rejects Fairfax offer for sites

Web-based business publisher Australian Independent Business Media remains firmly on the market after it rejected a low-ball 75% takeover offer from Fairfax Media.

‘You overpaid, overeducated parasite’: ANU climate scientist emails

Abusive emails and accounts of threatening behaviour towards climate research staff have been released by ANU following an FOI request. Graham Readfearn reveals what they say.

Gina’s kids spend Mother’s Day wondering what she’s up to

Gina Rinehart’s children — John Hancock, Hope Welker and Bianca Rinehart — will spend Mother’s Day wondering what exactly their mum is up to as a bitter legal war continues.

The Power Index: union heavies, Paddy Crumlin at #8

No-one else in the union movement can spin a yarn like Paddy Crumlin, the boss of the militant Maritime Union of Australia. “If you can get a seat next to Paddy Crumlin you grab it,” explains Michael O’Connor, national secretary of the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union. “The next day your guts will be […]

Labor hands out the wedges, Coalition gratefully accepts

For once Labor has managed to wedge the opposition on handouts, and the opposition was happy to help.

Rupert among the missing as News reports 47% net profit jump

It was a third no-show in a row from Rupert Murdoch at News Corp’s latest quarterly profit briefing, this time for the three months to March in which the company reported a 47% jump in net profit.

The Urbanist: what’s the TV news cycle doing to cycling?

These two ABC News 24 presenters are embroiled in controversy after claiming on Monday morning that car “doorings” of cyclists aren’t always solely the driver’s fault — they reckon sometimes the cyclist is at fault too. Many cyclists are outraged. The video even turned up on the popular international site Bike Snob NYC where it was eviscerated by the […]

Aid trimmed in budget … first cut may not be the deepest

Where Australia provides core funding for vaccination programs and malaria treatments, cutting back on those savings will have an immediate impact, writes international public health lecturer Joel Negin.

Minister’s Tarkine decision a threat to Tassie devil

Tony Burke is expected to decide whether two further components of Venture Mineral’s mining plans for the southern Tarkine require formal approval, write Deb Wilkinson and Andrew Macintosh from ANU.

Paul Barry: will Rebekah Brooks tell all on PM texting?

Rebekah Brooks, who has been arrested on suspicion of phone-hacking, corruption and perverting the course of justice, is said to be ready to tell Lord Leveson all about the text messages she and Britain’s PM sent each other.

Guy Rundle: Rundle: Greece, four words, four lies and an ongoing shit fight

The second act of the Greek/European tragedy/farce started this morning.

Your Say: Daily Mail readers' feedback: The federal budget as investment strategy

Crikey readers have their say.

Morning Market Report: Local market up as losses overseas continue

The S&P 500 closed down 0.67% to a two-month low and the Nasdaq was down 0.39%.

Media briefs: Sheridan’s grovel … News backs Murdoch … AAP’s Treasury spat …

The ABC announced this morning that 7.30’s host, Leigh Sales, will be returning to the program after six months maternity leave. Plus other media news of the day.

Political snippets: Accounting for the environment

A new document released by the ABS is designed to inform government decision-makers, policy analysts, scientists, industry and other groups on how environmental accounts could be used and further developed in Australia.

Video of the Day: Obama says ‘I do’ on same-sex marriage

I’ve been going through an evolution on this issue,” Barack Obama told the ABC’s Robin Roberts, before going on to become the first US president to officially endorse same-s-x marriage.

Tips and rumours: Tips and rumours

From the Crikey grapevine, the latest tips and rumours … Family affair in Queensland bureaucracy. There’s a prominent Brisbane family that seems to have four of its members on the public payroll. Do they all deserve to be there? AC/DC going to the top (of Swanston). Rumours are still swirling around AC/DC and a possible […]

First Dog on the Moon

Australia: where the most ignorant are the loudest

Back in Paul Keating’s day, if a talkback caller was clueless on a subject, the prime minister would berate them and refuse to engage. Now the complete opposite happens, writes Jonathan Green.

Paddy Crumlin: union heavy who punches above his weight

No-one in the union movement can spin a yarn like Paddy Crumlin, the boss of the militant Maritime Union of Australia, writes Matthew Knott.