Monthly Archives: August 2010

Tuesday Poem: Anzac Day, Karamea, 2003.

Anzac Day, Karamea, 2003. Cows assembled for milking steam, remembering fallen comrades. Piebald in their uniforms, they hang wise heads, they low, they mourn. Milkers slip off gumboots, blazer up and head for the ceremony murmuring low at the War … Continue reading

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Tuesday Poem: Bad Secrets.

Bad Secrets Some bad secrets are dead weird: why did they take for the family album that picture of Baby Gwendoline Mansfield, cold in her shawl twenty four hours since her breathing ceased? What did it do to Katherine, three? … Continue reading

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Tuesday Poem: How to recognise a psychopath in the catfood aisle

how to recognise a psychopath™ in the catfood aisle there will be a plausible whiff of déjà vu look for the sign Hitler peed here first the numbers won’t add up there will be acolytes intense purring then slaughter how … Continue reading

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Tuesday Poem: the wasp, suicide.

the wasp, suicide. never still and quivering marked by violent warnings in the wings with a cyanide sting crawls the wasp, suicide a demon in disguise nom-de-plume Circe suicide swarms over apples simulating mercy wasp-cum-angel every angle covered fingering our … Continue reading

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