Melbourne Indymedia is a platform for grassroots media-makers to create radical, accurate, and passionate coverage of struggles and movements working for social, environmental and economic justice. We rely on you to create the articles. All articles published on Melbourne Indymedia also appear on Indymedia Australia. To get involved in the Australian or Melbourne collectives contact us.

A very anarchist Melbourne May Day

May Day - an international day of workers protests and celebration - came to Melbourne today in a small but anarchic way. May Day in Australia is not what it once was but is still carried forward by elements of the trade union movement and the broad left including anarchists.

Blocking the abusers: New comment moderation policy on Australian Indymedia

A steady and swelling inflow of racist and otherwise abusive comment to this site has prompted us to take protective action. We had to choose between keeping the site open and quickly responsive, at the risk of being overwhelmed by the abusers, or putting up some barriers that might slightly inconvenience the visitors who do the right thing.

We, the editorial collective, the small group of people who run this site, have opted to put in some restrictions.Just as we do with articles, we now look at comments before we allow them to appear or bin them.

Veterans group condemns hollow remembrance on ANZAC Day

"You do not honor the dead through mindless flag waving, rewriting history or promoting new wars," said Hamish Chitts, East Timor veteran and spokesperson for Stand Fast -- a group of veterans and former military personnel who oppose the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Related: Aborigines commemorated colonial battles and massacres in Australia | ANZAC Day Statement from Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group
Background: ANZAC DAY – Glorifying war and empire | The ANZAC Myth Booklet | Simpson and his donkey: the radical truth | 'Australia Day' and 'ANZAC Day' | ANZAC Day and the promotion of Militarism: WSWS

Renters stress hits the Blackwood - time for a renters alliance Australia-wide

Gerry Georgatos
We have all heard about mortgage stress however renters' stress has received comparatively little mention according to Lea Keenan, coordinator of the WA Renters Alliance. Ms Keenan said that rising rents are not confined to Perth and the north west however "are just as out of control in the south west."

Bridgetown renter, Louise Fleay said that she relocated two years ago from Perth for the promise of less financial pressures in terms of cost of living including "cheaper and fairer rents". She was paying $350 in rent in Perth and two years ago was paying $220 in Bridgetown however this has risen to $270 per week.

Launch of Fin Free Ranges to save the sharks

On April 13th 2012, Fin Free Ranges was launched in Belgrave with a showing of the documentary Sharkwater The aim of Fin Free Ranges is to work with local government, businesses and the community to help rid the Shire Of Yarra Ranges of the ecologically destructive delicacy of Shark Fin soup and to raise awareness of the plight of the worlds Sharks
Related:Fin Free Ranges on Facebook -- Sharwater Documentary

Surveillance and harrassment of anti-coal protestors stepped up in Victoria and nationally

Surveillance and harassment of direct action protestors campaigning against coal in Victoria and nationally is increasing. This week saw the Fairfax press reveal that ASIO has been spying on domestic green groups at the behest of Federal Resources Minister Martin Ferguson. The evidence was obtained through documents through FOI. Apparently non-violent green groups are seen as a bigger threat to power infrastructure than terrorists! This is symptomatic of how the profit margins of large corporations is equated with national interest. This report comes as the Victoria Police Intelligence Group visited Paul Connor from Quit Coal at his home: Listen to interview. Earlier this year it was also revealed that Martin Ferguson had been encouraged by major power companies to increase surveillance of green protestors.

Secret Afghan-Australian agreement exposed - plans to keep our troops in Afghanistan long term

Defense Minister Stephen Smith recently took a trip to Afghanistan, with a range of reasons cited in the Defense Department media release. What wasn't mentioned there - or anywhere else by the Gillard government - was the finalising of a draft Australian/Afghan Strategic Agreement for post 2014, due to be signed in just five weeks. That was discovered by Melbourne peace activist Simon Moyle in a tweet from TOLOnews, an Afghan news organisation. It appears the Gillard government is keeping this agreement under wraps, hoping no one will notice. After Simon emailed to some journos the story ran in the Age on the 14th of April.

Spread the word: post the Age article to social media, and tell everyone you know that this is happening, we have about a month to cause a ruckus that might bring some transparency, and then accountability.

Interim conclusions from a PhD researcher in Australian Deaths in Custody

Gerry Georgatos
As my PhD progresses in researching Australian Deaths in Custody - I have visited Immigration Detention Centres - visited adult prisons - interviewed former detainees of the Immigration detention centres network - interviewed former prisoners of adult custodial jurisdictions.

No coal mine in Bacchus Marsh - locals and activists halt exploratory drilling

Locals and activists from Quit Coal stopped exploratory drilling in Bacchus Marsh today, 50km west of Melbourne. About 20 people occupied a drilling rig belonging to Mantle Mining on the side of Glenmore Road, near the corner of Daisybank Lane, Bacchus Marsh.

Two people locked themselves to the Mantle Mining exploratory drilling rig this morning: Paul Connor climbed to the top of the rig and unfurled a banner which read ‘No New Coal Bacchus Marsh’. Bacchus Marsh mother Natasha Mills, who is pregnant with her second child, locked herself to the bottom of the rig and told reporters "I felt a responsibility to stop drilling today because I’m determined to protect my family from a dangerous coal mine, and I don’t want my children’s future to be marked by run-away climate change."

Background: Our neighbour the coal mine? Bacchus Marsh | Quit Coal | Quit Coal Flickr Photostream | Moorabool Environment Group | Sourcewatch: Bacchus Marsh coal project

Memorial for Indigenous freedom fighters gathering momentum in 2012 - videos

On January 20, 2012 about 150 people gathered in Melbourne to commemorate the lives of two indigenous Australian freedom fighters and push for a permanent monument to be erected in their honour. Speeches were made after a solemn welcome to country was given by Bunwurrung elder Caroline Briggs. The momentum for a permanent memorial is gathering: this year three councilors from Melbourne City Council attended and expressed their support.

Background story | Photos of Five years Commemorating Freedom Fighters Tunnerminnerwait and Maulboyheenner | Lest We Forget - The Tunnerminnerwait and Maulboyheenner Saga (PDF) | 2011 Commemoration | 2010 Commemoration | Callout for Aboriginal Tent Embassy Canberra | Treaty Republic