

Viva Espagna

Use a Travel Guide to Plan Your Next Trip

Finance Blog - Could debt management help if interest rates rise

Away in the Capital

Girlie Weekend Away


Roaming Around Rome

A Short Trek Across the Irish Sea

Florence is an Italian Must See!

Another Idea for Accommodation in Rome

Warsaw on a Shoestring

Barcelona the Bountiful

The Lure of the Web

Where to Stay When Visiting Berlin and Other German Cities

Go on Safari in Kenya

Selecting Different Places to Stay in LA

Florida Has So Much To Offer Its Visitors

Rome the Eternal City, where it all started

The Most Flexible Accommodation

Why be Lonely?

Attracting People to Your Blog

Finding a Title for Your Blog

Benefits of the iPhone 4

Successful Blogging

Choosing a Blog Topic

Stag and Hen Parties:

Tips to give your motorbike a tune up at home

Harris County Housing Authority and Guy Rankin

Caravan insurance explained

Get a Car Hire For Your Next Vacation

Find the Top 10 Sites for Interracial Dating

Blogs serve as an online journal, linking to other sites and news stories...

Viva Espagna

It is no wonder that so many Brits head off to Spain for their annual holidays. Since packages holidays first became so popular in the 1950's and 1960's, Spain has been firmly on our map. Although the package holidays are still very popular, we now have added options such as taking a low-cost flight down there for little more than the cost of a decent meal and then booking our hotels or villas separately.

So what draws us to this part of the world just a couple of hours by plane? Yes, just two hours by plane and yet a world away, which is part of the attraction. Life goes at a totally different pace, people are more relaxed and work to live, and not our usual live to work ethic.

The Spanish eat incredibly well and incredibly healthily too. The Mediterranean diet of fresh fruit and vegetables, fish, olives and olive oil is delicious, not too fattening (in moderation!) and very healthy. (more...)

Use a Travel Guide to Plan Your Next Trip

Introduced more than a decade ago, online travel guides have become a popular one-stop solution for UK residents who are considering a trip. From shopping to hotels to restaurants to activities, a reputable travel guide can help you plan your holiday from beginning to end. More importantly, perhaps, they can help travellers save money.

How do they this? Well, for one thing they offer price comparisons of airfares, hotel and car rental services for nearly any city in the world. A good guide will also include reviews and links to currency exchange brokers, so you can trade in your pounds for euros or dollars before you leave for the airport.

Of particular interest to many tourists in these difficult economic times are bundle deals. A bundle deal is when an airline, hotel and car rental agency gets together and offers customers good discounts if they buy all three services at once. Bundle deals are often easier to find when travel declines. (more...)

Finance Blog - Could debt management help if interest rates rise

If you're a homeowner, there's a good chance you'll have benefited from the low base rate (the rate which is set by the Bank of England and which influences mortgage costs). After all, it's been down at 0.5% since 5th March 2009, and millions of mortgage holders have seen the monthly cost of repaying their mortgage drop to levels they couldn't have expected a few years ago.

However, as they say, 'What goes down must come up'. The base rate can't stay so low forever - and what happens when it goes up again?

People on fixed-rate mortgages, of course, won't be affected until they come to look for a new mortgage, or reach the end of their fixed-rate term. But for anyone with a tracker or SVR (Standard Variable Rate) mortgage, it's a much more immediate issue. (more...)

Away in the Capital

London is always a good place for a weekend or holiday away, as there is always so much to choose from, and you will never be bored. In the words of that great Clash song London calling, this vibrant city calls many people from all walks of life and from many different countries with its culture, its history and its nightlife. Love it or loathe it is is just one place that you cannot stay away from, it has this magnetic attraction.

What is it that appeals to so many people? For many foreign visitors such as the Americans and the Japanese it is the history, steeped in the Kings and Queens of England and no visit would be complete without a trip to the Tower and Buckingham Palace to see the Crown Jewels and the Beefeaters.

For others it is a shopping and lifestyle mecca and many wealthy foreigners buy second homes in the capital as they love the fast upbeat pace of life. The choice of shops is incredible from market stalls and small eclectic shops through to the designer shops and vast department stores. (more...)

Girlie Weekend Away

For a group of girls who want to go away together either for a fun weekend or a Hen party, New York is a perfect option, as it has all the ingredients necessary for a fun and female weekend escape.

It is just a short 6-hour flight away yet feels like the other side of the world, and there are cheap flights to be had from many of the major airlines.

There is plenty of Manhattan accommodation and New York cheap sleeps to be found and by spending a couple of hours on the internet you are sure to find a hotel perfect for you and the girls. (more...)


Most Brits like a beer and that is why so many of them head out to that famous festival every year, the Oktoberfest, held in Munich. This festival is held over a 16 day period each year, not surprisingly – given its name – in September/ October, as it finishes on the first Sunday in October.

As a close neighbour of ours, it is easy to either drive up through the Channel Tunnel, or hop on a plane. There are plenty of hotels and Rentals in Munich to choose from but it pays to book well in advance as everything gets very booked up nearer the time of the festival.

Many cities in the world hold a similar Oktoberfest, but the Munich one is the original, dating way back to 1810, and many say it is still the best. Over 6 million people visit each year, most from Germany, but a large proportion from neighbouring countries and even as far away as Japan, American and Australia. (more...)

Roaming Around Rome

For a romantic weekend, what better place than historic Rome? From the moment you step off the plane you will not fail to be enchanted by the sights, the atmosphere and the food!

Explore Rome at leisure, and take the time to soak up the unique atmosphere. Take a coffee on a pavement cafe and watch the chic inhabitants of this magnificent city go by.

Visit those iconic attractions: magnificent St. Peters Basilica and the popular Trevi Fountain where people throw coins in the hope of returning to Rome. Make time to visit the Sistine Chapel with its famous ceiling painted by none other than Michelangelo. (more...)

A Short Trek Across the Irish Sea

Dublin holds a traditional charm for many English people and it is considered a great place to spend a weekend away or even longer. Just a short hop across the Irish Sea from Liverpool or Wales by ferry or a quick flight from most UK airports, it is easy and fairly inexpensive to reach.

One of the great things about the city is the wealth of Dublin accommodation for all budgets. This city of half a million people has a huge range of hotels, from B and B's right through to 5 stars, as well as serviced apartments, either in the city centre or just outside in the countryside which can make a great base for exploring the country.

Some go to see the attractions such as Dublin Castle. Many like to combine this with the unique atmosphere of the place. (more...)

Florence is an Italian Must See!

When in Italy, visiting Florence is an absolute must. I cannot begin to describe the wealth of history and culture that awaits you – although I will certainly try my best.

The Italian Renaissance was one of the most prolific periods in all of art history and much of it is still to be found today in Florence. You will not fail to be amazed by some of the world's greatest masterpieces such as Michelangelo's David and Botticelli's Venus and the numerous Madonnas with babies which adorn nearly every room.

For the first time, figures in the sculptures and paints were portrayed as life-like rather than as a symbol and we can see the painstaking effort that goes into the works. We have seen these works so many times before in magazines and posters, yet to see them first hand still takes your breath away. (more...)

Another Idea for Accommodation in Rome

Click out of those boring hotel websites just for a second and pin your lugholes back for a totally different accommodation concept: rented apartments. Yes, rental apartments are definitely starting to take the world by storm as people have actually become indifferent to staying in nondescript hotel rooms for nights on end.

Rome rentals are the perfect idea for people who are looking for a lot more space when they are away and like to keep hold of far more luxury. Apartments are always scrutinised before they are accepted onto a company's books and this helps to ensure that they are well appointed and fit for purpose.

They come in a variety of sizes: from simple and convenient one bedroom apartments, to much larger properties that are able to cater well for groups travelling together. They always offer the facilities you would be used to at home and this gives you the chance to cut back on that eating-out budget which can be exceptionally expensive in Rome. (more...)

The Lure of the Web

How many times have you seen links to click here for cheap sleeps or click here for cheap accommodation and how many times have you wondered whether it is just too good to be true. Well, the truth of the matter is that there are just some great deals to be found, as long as you are careful and make sure that they are reputable companies.

But how can this be? How can they offer prices that low? There are various factors and one is pure competition. There are so many budget hotels and accommodation out there and they just have to be competitive to win the customers. You may not get the frills and luxury of the more expensive hotels but you get a clean bed and a roof over your head.

Another reason is late availability – if hotels have not sold all their rooms, they might as well take a low price to fill the vacancy, even if they do not make much money. At least then they get the chance to sell add-ons such as breakfast rather than having an empty hotel. (more...)

Warsaw on a Shoestring

Modern Warsaw is often referred to as 'The Phoenix City' because, like the magnificent bird of mythology, the city rose from the ashes of its wartime devastation. Like so much of Poland, Warsaw was virtually obliterated during the Second World War, but 20 years later it was rebuilt as the modern capital of the country and the ninth largest city in the European Union.

Fortunately not all of Poland was razed in 1944 and the cultural heart of the country continued to beat strongly. Krakow, the old capital city, escaped wartime damage and this beautiful medieval city is one of Poland's greatest attractions. It is only a couple of hours by train from Warsaw and a day trip to Krakow is a must for the culture-loving visitor.

No longer a communist country, Poland is proud of its cultural heritage and Warsaw especially boasts many museums, galleries and heritage sites, as well as thirty major theatres known for their avant-garde performances. This makes Warsaw a popular tourist attraction and, with so many places to sleep for cheap in Warsaw a visit can be managed on the smallest budget. Indeed Warsaw has been judged as one of the cheapest and best cultural destinations for visitors. (more...)

Barcelona the Bountiful

I fell in love with Barcelona on my third visit to Spain. Wherever you travel in Spain, you get that wonderful Mediterranean mixture of the old and the new existing side by side in perfect harmony. Barcelona epitomises that fascinating mixture in its architecture and culture. It is the second largest city in Spain and the Catalonian capital.

Barcelona nestles on the shores of the Mediterranean, on the north-east coast of the Iberian peninsula and beckons visitors in that tantalising way that only Mediterranean towns and cities can. One visit to Barcelona and you are hooked!

Its most fascinating aspect is Las Ramblas – a road that cuts deep into the heart of the city and offers an exciting array of stalls, bars, restaurants and street entertainment from morning until late into the night; not to mention hotels full of character and charm offering best to stay on the Ramblas. However, you need to keep a tight rein on your purse-strings as market prices can vary dramatically. (more...)

Where to Stay When Visiting Berlin and Other German Cities

Compared to most world capitals, Berlin is a relatively young metropolis. Though there is evidence that it was settled as early as the 11th century, it was not officially documented until the 13th century. Berlin did not become the capital of the German Empire until 1871. The city later grew into a metropolis during the Industrial Revolution.

Today, Berlin is the largest city in Germany with a population of 3.4 million people. It is also the second most populous city in the European Union. Each year, more than three million tourists come to Berlin, which makes it the fifth most visited city in Europe after London, Paris, Rome and Madrid.

While it does not have the global reputation of the aforementioned, since the Wall came down in 1989, Berlin has become one of Europe’s most important cities when it comes to business. In fact, Berlin is one of the top three convention cities in the world. So, When visiting Berlin and other German cities, it is best to book your room weeks in advance. (more...)

Go on Safari in Kenya

The etymology of the word 'safari' can be traced back to an Arabic word for journey. The word later traveled to Africa where it became 'long journey' in Swahili. When these long journeys became popular with adventurous Englishmen in the 19th century, the word entered English.

At the time, a safari was a hunting expedition, often for big game, often in Kenya. These trips could be extremely dangerous and many adventurers were injured or even killed by wild game in the African plains.

For this reason and many more, guests started leaving their guns at home and began taking their cameras instead. In fact, the term safari today often means an observational trip. Do people Go on a safari for a change? While these observational safaris are far safer than hunting expeditions, there is still an element of danger. After all, there are no cages to constrain them. Going on safari always means that you are entering an animal's natural habitat. You are the outsider. (more...)

Selecting Different Places to Stay in LA

Anyone who is planning a trip to Los Angeles will be anxious to choose the right place to stay. In order to do this you should know that there are lots of different places to stay for your next trip to L.A. Here are some of the places to stay that you will be able to choose from.

Rental apartments – these are excellent value and can sleep between 1 to 8 people on average. Rental apartments also are available in lots of different prices so anyone will be able to find a price to suit them.

Hotels - these are commonplace in LA and it is not difficult to find one that is right for you. As with rental apartments hotels vary widely in price and it will not be too hard to get one in your price range. (more...)

Florida Has So Much To Offer Its Visitors

Travelling to Florida is a fun experience because there is so much to see and do. The warm climate and the beautiful sea breezes truly make it one of the most unique places in the United States. Florida is its own little heaven that almost appears to be a special extension of the southern half of the United States.

Florida has so much to offer its visitors in terms of beaches and resorts. Everyday feels like warm summer in Florida as it is humid year round. It can get a little colder in the winter months but their version of frosty is like most people's summers.

The beaches and weather are clearly the focal point of Florida tourism. There are too many different beaches to list and each one offers its own special setting. The clear warm blue water also offers as a great place to go surfing and swimming. (more...)

Rome the Eternal City, where it all started

Rome's reputation is well deserved. It was the mother and model of many European towns. London was the Roman Londinium, Paris was Parisiorum, Lyon was Lugudunum, Milan was Mediolanum and so on.

Rome was also the model of subsequent urban planning and layout, and of architecture. Yet probably in housing Romans excelled and inspired all European towns. They invented apartment buildings, plumbing, the sheer concept of bathing and of gardening. Also in the following eras Rome and Italy inspired housing and interior decoration. High standard Rome apartments were the accommodations of British travellers in the Grand Tour. You find many apartments for rent in Rome, you should seek reputable owners and agents.

You find attics or pentouses with terrace, but also charming units with patios also in the centre. The location is important, you should stay in one of the famous areas of the centre, like the Spanish Steps, Piazza Navona or Campo de' Fiori. (more...)

The Most Flexible Accommodation

Whether for business or for leisure, those travellers looking for flexible accommodation in nearly any major city would do well to consider a furnished apartment over a hotel. The reasons are quite compelling.

Whether it is a case of Rome rentals Paris apartments or Berlin flats, furnished apart hotels are becoming increasingly popular. People love the freedom of their own apartment, whatever the size and there are now many reasonably priced chains of Apart Hotels throughout Europe, as well as some great deals on private rental apartments.

In these times of economic uncertainty, cost is one important factor. Furnished apartments often work out reasonably priced compared to hotel rooms, particularly if there is more than one traveller to share the costs. It also means that you can prepare your own food instead of having to eat out at expensive restaurants and bars. (more...)

Why be Lonely?

When loneliness sets in, when the days meld into each other, each night tainted with frustration. When empty meals for one prevail, and a beating heart craves a companion, sitesfordating.net is a friend.

Teasing out the joys of life can be a trial alone. A filo-fax of dated numbers, a mobile phone engorged with the loving texts of yesteryear; only serve to remind that new love is needed. Of course new love is out there.

The no strings attached flings can weaken the soul, make stale the will to find the ying and the yang, but opportunity to find the partner is out there. The one is out there on a relevant dating site. This world is a competition, give yourself the competitive edge. (more...)

Attracting People to Your Blog

If you have recently started a blog and you are struggling to attract more than just a few followers, you are probably feeling a little disheartened with your enterprise. Before you consider giving away your iphone in a bid to attract some attention to your site, you will want to take some basic steps that will help you to gain a wider readership.

Begin by thinking about your site content. It is always a good idea to write chiefly about what you know. If you aren't following this basic rule there is a chance that your following is small because the blog itself is not informative or accurate enough to hold the attention of potentially interested readers.

Once you have cleared this hurdle, you will want to read up as much as you can on ways to optimise your content. Research SEO techniques on the internet; remember to stick to reputable pages, and apply the best of the methods to your page. (more...)

Finding a Title for Your Blog

If you have recently come up with a great idea for a blog, but you have as yet to think of a title that is equally as great, try to resist the urge to throw your laptop at the wall in frustration. Titling a blog is not always easy, however, there are a few important guidelines to follow in the interest of success and, once taken into account, these should help you to find the right words.

To begin with, you will want to find something that is easy to remember and catchy. If you can, you want to use humour or clever wordplay in order to create interest. Incorporating puns and double entendres is a good means by which to render a title more exciting; try to work these in wherever possible.

In addition, you will want to remember to keep your blog's title as short and accurate as you can. The longer and more cumbersome the name is, the more likely people will be to forget it or mis-remember it. Also, you will want your blog's name to reflect its content in some way too; this will prevent confusion and disappointment in your readership. (more...)

Benefits of the iPhone 4

Every time a new iPhone comes onto the market there is mass excitement amongst technology lovers and the release of the iPhone 4 was no exception. People queued for hours to buy this new piece of technological advancement, technology blogs went crazy all over the world with excitement in the lead up to its release and in the aftermath of the release they went crazy with reviews.

Generally the iphone 4 is seen as superior to other previous models for a number of reasons. It is substantially smaller than the previous models and has a much sleeker finish.

A second benefit that has been blogged about is that it is much more suitable for multitasking on than the other iPhones. It allows the user to open a number of folders at the same time and this means it is much more like using a computer than a traditional phone handset in which it was really only possible to use one application at a time. (more...)

Successful Blogging

Starting a blog is a good idea in a variety of respects. Not only is this kind of online writing a means by which to express yourself and have your say, but it is also an excellent networking solution and, if you happen to be a freelancer, a great way of putting together an easily accessible portfolio.

While it is fairly easy to start a blog, ensuring that yours is a success is not quite as simple. If you are keen to create something that is pertinent and well-written with multiple followers, you will need to think about a few basic principles.

To begin with, you will want to consider your content. It is a good idea to focus your blog so that it is directed at something specific. If you happen to be a technology whizz and SIM Expert for example, you might want to consider writing about mobile phones and telecommunications. (more...)

Choosing a Blog Topic

If you are a freelance writer or web designer, or even an amateur in a field like horticulture, style or cookery, starting a blog is a great way to create a portfolio that is easily accessible to the online public. Your blog page will allow you to get your work and ideas out into the world and you might find this kind of exposure is very useful to your career.

However, while it is easy to decide to set up a blog, it is not always easy to know what precisely you should put in it. Choosing your focus can be difficult, especially if you are creating the page with a view to gain attention in your field of work.

The direction in which you decide to take your blog will dramatically affect your readership; if you choose to focus on an obscure topic, you might find that you need to offer a free iphone to every follower as an incentive to keep reading your work. (more...)

Stag and Hen Parties:

How to have your stag or hen party is really up to you. But to have the perfect party, it is helpful to know what different options are available, and to rely on the experience of other people! Stag and hen dos basically exist to celebrate the end of singlehood and to have a great time with your mates before you step into your two-some.

These days, stag and hen parties often mean going away for a couple of days, perhaps a weekend affair.Themed parties are also popular contenders for stag and hen dos. Planning a themed party for a number of your mates is not an entirely easy prospect. Many people plan their party with the help of professionals who have expertise and experience.

Such agencies are also usually packed with interesting ideas for your London stag weekends party, which means you can have smooth execution while at the same time incorporating your own ideas into your party. Themed parties can be wild and adrenalin filled to relaxing, intimate and quiet, depending on your taste. (more...)

Tips to give your motorbike a tune up at home

Motorbikes do need more maintenance than cars, mainly because they are open to the elements more and most are designed for out-right speed, high-revving engine speeds and have more delicate moving parts. With that in mind, all it takes is regular maintenance to have a motorbike that lasts for a long time and by giving it regular checks you can jump on any consumables that are need changed and check the overall condition of the bike. Not only does this mean that you can feel safer when you're trying to 'get your knee down' but if you sell it, the buyer will know that it's an honest bike and worth buying.

First of all, look after the chain. You need to clean it and lubricate it regularly. Without the chain working at its optimum performance, your bike will be worse on fuel, noisy and when it snaps, you will be stranded in the middle of nowhere. Investing in spare chains and looking after the one that's on there is the first most important part about your bike. With fully comprehensive motorcycle insurance you should have breakdown cover included, just incase they inevitable happens and you have a back up if you do break down on your bike. Saying that, around 1,000 miles is the recommended mileage for checking your chain. Remember, a lighter oil will resist dirt and be less likely to splatter.

Brakes and brake pads are next. As come under a constant barrage of dirt, dust and road grime, you need to clean them, check them and make sure they work perfectly. Lubricate the brake pedal and lever, check the cable doesn't stretch and replace the parts that make you unsure if they are good or not. (more...)

Harris County Housing Authority and Guy Rankin

Having a human friendly heart along with an intelligence to appropriately respond to nature's call to action is a rare and much cherished gift. In times of need and natural crisis, only those stand closer to our hearts who take extra care and effort for revival and progression of our lost treasures. Harris County Housing Authority lead by Guy Rankin presents a tried and trusted source of affordable living and natural disaster task force management.

Innovative and quick in response, Harris County Housing Authority mission statement is to provide a place to live for the naturally wrenched or otherwise deserted Americans. Their quick and innovative housing development programs are unmatched in response, quality and affordability. Taking their scope throughout the country, Harris County Housing Authority has provided shelter to 250,000 displaced Americans side by side 1.7 million residents in Texas only.

Being a government non-profit organization, under the supreme leadership of Guy Rankin, Harris County Housing Authority staff promptly responds to provide basic amenities, saving lives of thousands of people. Guy Rankin's professional disaster management programs on hurricane Ike in Houston, 2008 and hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, 2005 earned him Award of Merit in 2010 by The International Association of Business Communicators. Guy Rankin's team still works consistently in transferring the displaced from transitional setting to real homes which they can call their own. (more...)

Caravan insurance explained

What better feeling is there than packing up your family and belongings and taking to the open road in your trusty little caravan? You won’t have to worry about where to stop and where to stay because the caravan has everything you need for those long trips. Caravan insurance should be a priority if you are one of those travelers. It allows you peace of mind that your investment and belongings are safe and you can spend the time enjoying a holiday with your family instead of worrying about the safety of your things all the time.

You can find Caravan Insurance easily by starting with an online search. Once you are presented with your results list you should go through it and pick out at least three different insurance providers that you think are best suited to you and your needs.

Visit their websites to learn more about them and the kind of cover they offer. If you only require insurance for while you are on the road then find out about short-term insurance for your caravan. This will ensure that you are covered for the whole time you are away and while you are home, you won’t have the added financial pressure of insurance premiums. (more...)

Get a Car Hire For Your Next Vacation

When it comes to vacationing, many people cannot bring there own vehicle because they are using a plane, train, or bus to go to their destination. In order to get around, they may to use public transportation or use another family member's vehicle." To make vacationing more convenient, you can get a car hire . With a car hire, you can rent any type of vehicle that you want. The good thing about renting a vehicle is that it is affordable. In order to rent a vehicle for your next vacation, you can go online to car hire websites. Browse through the pictures to see which vehicle you would like to rent. Click on the vehicle that you want and pay the fee.

The good thing about getting a car hire is that you can pay for it ahead of time, so when you reach your destination, all you will have to do is pick it up. The vehicle is already filled with gas and oil, so that you do not have to worry about it breaking down. Also, if you happen to get in a car accident, the car is insured and you and your family will be taken care of.

Another option you may want to do is to rent a car to get to your destination. Instead of paying to fly, you can save some money by renting a vehicle. Some travelers may want to fly halfway and use the rental the rest of the way. (more...)

Find the Top 10 Sites for Interracial Dating

Many single people are looking for dating sites that are legit. There are so many dating sites on the Internet that do not offer a single person anything. The single person will end up talking to someone who just wants sex or are already married. A single person who wants to settle down wants to find a legit dating site that will allow them to meet their future spouse.

Reviews Blog is a blog that announces new products and new categories that will be appear on the blog site. When it comes to interracial dating, a single person can find the top 10 interracial dating sites for him or her. The interracial site has been reviewed by editors who base there opinions on what they have seen from the site, such as member profiles and cost. The reviews will allow single people who are looking for a reputable site to see what the editors have to say.

To find out more about the dating site, you can click on the dating site to get a feel of what type of people are on the site. Many dating sites allow you to search for other singles for free before joining. Once you find the interracial dating site of your choice, you can either join for free or pay. (more...)


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