Thursday, October 15, 2009


I am now blogging here.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Off the radar

For the next few weeks posting will be sporadic at best as I am currently undertaking research for a forthcoming publication.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Very true

From the Harry's Place comments section. Click to enlarge.

Creating the BNP

Graeme Archer at CentreRight, has a great post on 'Creating the BNP: a step-by-step guide' (H/T: Right Not Racist):
you decide to make people feel guilty about symbols of national unity: only racists fly the flag, that sort of thing; you write long, hand-wringing articles in the press about ‘reclaiming’ the flag, which never quite spell out that which is obvious from your tone: that you have an instinctive disdain for the working-class, with their unthinking loyalty to country. Those flags! Flying from council-house windows! You never reflect on what would have happened to Britain in the mid-20th century were this not the case.
Read it here.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Well said!


The upcoming equality bill will make the British National party's (BNP) membership criteria illegal, Harriet Harman has confirmed.

Speaking during business questions opposite Alan Duncan, Ms Harman responded to concerns about the election of two BNP MEPs last week in the European elections.

Ms Harman said she was "shocked and horrified" by their success but went on to say its constitution - which bars non-whites from membership – would become illegal once the equality bill was passed.

"There is no place for a political party in this country to have an apartheid constitution and the equality bill will prevent this from being the case," she said.


She added: "There is no place in British national life and democracy for a party that excludes people on the basis of the colour of their skin".

An American Friend of the BNP

So, it turns out the Holocaust Museum gunman, James W. von Brunn, used to attend meetings of the 'American Friends of the BNP' fund raising organisation.

In 2001, CNN reported that the BNP raised more than $100,000 from its American Friends.

You can take a look at an archived copy of their website here, complete with links to Stormfront and a Holocaust denial outfit.

One of their magazines can be viewed here, and it offers an interesting glimpse into the world of Nick Griffin in the early days of his leadership of the BNP.

Nazi Terrorism

Cross posted from Harry's Place:

I have written here in the past that we ignore the activities of extreme ‘white nationalist’ groups at our peril. Many have accused me of alarmism and droned on about how the only threat these days is from Islamists. Not so.

In the US, a neo-Nazi has opened fire at the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC.

Then there’s this:

A white supremacist plot, aimed at using ricin as part of a biological weapon against ethnic minorities in the UK, has been thwarted by police after a father and son team have both been arrested under the Terrorism Act 2000. The lethal toxin was discovered in a sealed jam jar, after a six month investigation led to the dawn raids on two properties in County Durham.

Nicky Davison, 18, was initially arrested at his home in Grampian Court, Annfield Plain, on suspicion of inciting racial hatred; however he has since been re-arrested. Both father, named Ian Davison, and son are now being detained under the Terrorism Act. Senior police believe the pair to be part of a worldwide terror plot targeting ethnic minorities.

It’s not just brown skinned bearded fanatics that threaten society and we’d do well to remember this.