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New coalition effort will work to prevent future wars

The Peace House has helped create a new coalition called Americans Against the Next War, which is putting together a public education campaign to push back against the alarming level pro-war voices regarding US or Israeli response to Iran’s alleged nuclear weapons program. Like the Peace House, AANW supports diplomatic efforts to resolve differences, and far safer and more effective non-violent methods to convince Iran — and Israel — to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and work towards being peaceful neighbors.

One of the first successes of the new AANW group was the publication of an Op-Ed, written by the Peace House Director Nathaniel Batchelder, on a number of media sites, as well as in the Tulsa World and Norman Transcript.

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Op-Ed on Iran “threat” widely published

 An Op-Ed by Peace House Director Nathaniel Batchelder has seen widespread publication, both in Oklahoma news outlets and on a number of prominent web sites. The piece is a response to the alarmingly premature calls for military action against Iran to prevent development of a viable nuclear weapons program. It begins:

Pray cooler heads will guide America in the dialogue and decision-making over Iran’s position in the world.  Iran does not have nuclear weapons, and there is no certain evidence that such a program is under way.  Certainly Iran has the right to the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and the interests of world peace demand that these issues be resolved without military action that could launch a catastrophic war.

Here are some of the sites where you can find versions of the Op-Ed:
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A Farewell to Andrew Rice, Friday January 20

Image of Andrew RiceThe Peace House, Cimarron Alliance, Oklahomans for Equality, The ACLU of Oklahoma, Church of the Open Arms, Rep. Al McAffrey, and Oklahoma: Inside Out invite you To an evening celebrating the service of Sen. Andrew Rice.

Sen. Rice will be leaving Oklahoma at the end of the month, but we can’t let him leave without an opportunity for the community to express our appreciation for all that he has done for the people of Oklahoma. That’s why we want you to be with us for a very special live-audience broadcast of Oklahoma: Inside Out, the weekly podcast focused on the issues, culture, and people important to LGBT and allied Oklahomans.

Friday, January 20, 2012

The program recording will begin promptly at 7:00 p.m., so please arrive early.

Church of the Open Arms, 31st & N. Penn in Oklahoma City

This is a free event and open to all.

Please join us and invite your friends to be with us, too!

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Is Affirmative Action “preferential treatment”

Letter to a conservative friend considering State Question 759 – to be on all Oklahoma ballots in November:

When you ask, “Why can’t we treat everyone the same instead of treating some preferentially?” I want to ask,

“You mean that way it was in 1955?” – - when racism was the law of the land, and women seeking careers could only hope for employment in jobs like teaching or nursing? and few woman had ever been admitted to OU Law School? and millions were spent on men’s sports but only nickles and dimes on women’s sports?

A society that values the dignity and worth of all its members need have legislation protecting classes and groups whose dignity and worth are just not valued by the many – at least in hiring and contracting by public entities. President Truman shocked millions by ordering the racial integration of the Military Services. It’s worked out OK. Was President Truman giving preferential treatment to racial minorities? Some would say yes.

But – - at least in the hiring and contracting by public entities spending public revenues that everyone contributes to – - it does seem fair and reasonable to suggest that the social discrimination against women and minorities that remains so patently obvious should be addressed. Our state and federal institutions should not continue to discriminate against women and minorities who also pay taxes.

Oklahoma’s Affirmative Action statutes are voluntary compliance laws. There are no mandates, quotas, or set-asides for women or minorities. State agencies submit an annual plan on how they might reduce discrimination against women and minorities; that’s it. They do not even have to meet their own goals.

Discrimination against women and minorities in society is less than it was 25 years ago, but is still measurably not equal or fair. And, without general agreement that such discrimination is unacceptable, it will continue … and worsen. (Witness the Kansas State Speaker of their House of Representatives who recently sent out emails referring to Michelle Obama as “Michelle YoMama” and forwarded publicly a “prayer for the President” that comes from one of the Psalms, asking that a leader’s “days be short … that his children become fatherless and his wife become a widow.”) Such words can result in violence.

Finally, it must be obvious that the statewide votes in the last ten years, in Oklahoma – - for a Constitutional Amendment to ban gay marriage, and for a Constitutional Amendment to ban the use of Muslim Sharia law – -were transparent strategies to bring thousands of poorly informed voters to the polls to vote on these inflammatory issues …… and while there, to vote for the “Party-of-Family-Values-and-Christian-Morality.” It worked, and that Party has taken over the Oklahoma House, Senate, and every statewide elected post. It seems that the statewide vote on SQ 759 – - that would nullify Oklahoma’s Affirmative Action statutes – - is one more example of the same strategy. Some white voters are just pissed off by legislation that proposes to give more fair consideration to non-white people. And some men are just pissed off by legislation that proposes to give more fair consideration to women. I do not consider reducing obvious discrimination by state agencies “preferential treatment.” I call it agreement that racial and gender discrimination is beneath us as a society, and we ought to collaborate for a higher standard.

And – as has been pointed out – states that have repealed and reversed their Affirmative Action statutes have gone backwards in the fair consideration of women and minorities in hiring and contracting by state agencies.

Incidentally, on the other side: The Supreme Court has just upheld the principle of “Separation of Church and State” with its ruling that religious entities are free to hire or not hire anyone they choose according to their religious beliefs. In other words, the right of houses of worship to discriminate against women and minorities as they choose has been upheld. I support that ruling, just as I always support the principle of Separation of Church and State – the principle that: 1. No one religion should be considered “the state religion” (E Pluribus Unum). 2. Religious entities should not be required by the state to conform to laws regulating life in society outside their religious community. (You and I would probably agree, however, that such religious freedom should not include the practice of sex with children, torture, slavery, prostitution, marriage with a minor, etc. etc. Sounds absurd, but there are extremists all around with extreme ideas.)

Onward, – - – Nathaniel “Batch” Batchelder, The Peace House in Oklahoma City

ATTACHMENT: Resolution to Vote NO on State Question 759

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Peace House float in King Holiday Parade

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An Invitation to Oklahoma Churches and Religious Organizations

State Question 759 will be on all Oklahoma ballots in November.

State Question 759 would nullify Affirmative Action statutes in Oklahoma.

(SQ 759 is brought to voters by the same crowd that brought us similar statewide votes to “Ban Gay Marriage” and “Ban Muslim Sharia Law” in Oklahoma … strategies that resulted in big votes for “conservatives.”)

An educational RESOLUTION (attached) on SQ 759 has been prepared by COHRACentral Oklahoma Human Rights Alliance, of which the Peace House is a member.

The Resolution asks churches, houses of worship, organizations and businesses to take a stand opposing SQ 759, and urge members to Vote NO on SQ 759.

Yes, churches and 501(c)(3) organizations MAY take positions on legislative issues, spending up to but not more than 10% of their annual budget on such. Churches and 501(c)(3) organizations may NOT endorse candidates or any political party.

COHRA asks that signed Resolutions be returned to COHRA so that they may be tallied and reported in the media (return information is printed on the Resolution)

Resolution on SQ 759

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Religious tolerance part of our nation’s founding

This ALTERNET piece by Rob Boston, senior policy analyst at Americans United for Separation of Church and State, describes how the founders of our country advocated religious tolerance, not religious certainty.

5 Founding Fathers Whose Skepticism About Christianity Would Make Them Unelectable Today

To hear the Religious Right tell it, men like George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison were 18th-century versions of Jerry Falwell in powdered wigs and stockings. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Unlike many of today’s candidates, the founders didn’t find it necessary to constantly wear religion on their sleeves. They considered faith a private affair. Contrast them to former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich (who says he wouldn’t vote for an atheist for president because non-believers lack the proper moral grounding to guide the American ship of state), Texas Gov. Rick Perry (who hosted a prayer rally and issued an infamous ad accusing President Barack Obama of waging a “war on religion”) and former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum (whose uber-Catholicism leads him to oppose not just abortion but birth control).

There was a time when Americans voted for candidates who were skeptical of core concepts of Christianity like the Trinity, the divinity of Jesus and the virgin birth. The question is, could any of them get elected today? The sad answer is probably not.

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