Fundraising for the East Africa Crisis Appeal is now closed, the UK public donated £75 million and our members will be spending the funds raised up until July 2013.

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Recent Appeals - Updates

  • 30/01/2012

    Wajir: Clive Jones, Chairman of DEC, reflects on his recent trip to north Kenya where he visited a project in Wajir to see the difference safe water can make for a local community.

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  • 20/01/2012

    East Africa: 6 months on from the food crisis which resulted in famine in parts of Somalia DEC members are using the funds raised to help people in most need.

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  • 11/01/2012

    Somalia: DEC Chair Clive Jones visited Mogadishu to meet with aid workers and see first hand the current relief work in the conflict troubled capital.

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How we spend your money

The DEC raises funds for its 14 member charities which are the UK's leading aid agencies.  We spend in the order of 90% of the money we raise on overseas aid work including supplies, staff and transport.

The DEC never spends more than 5% of the money it raises on fundraising. Our member agencies never spend more than 7% supporting their aid efforts from the UK.  This means the minimum spent on aid delivered overseas is 88%.

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What we do

The DEC brings together the leading UK aid agencies to finance relief for people affected by major disasters in poorer countries.

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DEC Blogs

DEC member the British Red Cross writes about hunger in parts of West Africa and the questions about why it’s still happening.
More than 13m people in Niger, Mauritania, Mali, Chad & Burkina Faso face struggle for food.

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