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Updated May 1, 2012 - 7:32 PM EDT
US Underreporting NATO-Afghan Troop Clashes
  NATO-Afghan Raid Kills 2 Villagers, Sparking Protests
White House: Drone Strikes 'Legal and Ethical'
  Pakistan Summons US Diplomat Over Drone Strike
  Drone Victims' Defender Speaks
Israeli DM: All Options on the Table Against Iran
  Gulf States Provoke Iran With Military Exercises Using False Pretext
  At Baghdad Talks, West Should Lift 'Illogical Sanctions,' Says Iran Aide
Egypt Presidential Frontrunner: Israel Treaty Dead
  Abbas to Press UN: 1,200 Palestinians Remain on Hunger Strike
  Will Calls for War With Iran Harm Netanyahu in Upcoming Vote?
Rebels Kill Over 20 in Syria Attacks
US Fueling Hatred, al-Qaeda or Not
Mali Heading Closer to Civil War
Role of Philippines in US Imperial 'Pivot' in Asia May Expand
The CIA's Misuse of Secrecy  by Jameel Jaffer & Nathan Freed Wessler
Declare Victory and Get Out of Afghanistan Already  by Jeffrey Simpson
We Japanese Americans Must Not Forget Our Wartime Internment  by George Takei
We Were Right About the Costs of War  by Rep. Ron Paul
The Fog of More  by Jonathan E. Hillman
President Obama, 'Warrior in Chief'  by Robert Wright

More Viewpoints

1st Obama Acknowledgment of Use of Armed Drones
Poll: Muslims No Fans of al-Qaeda
Audit Finds Some US Funds Went to Iraq Insurgents
ACLU: White House Admission of Drone Strikes Doesn't Justify Legality
Anti-Terror Law's Focus on Arabic Names Can Disrupt Bank Accounts
Veterans and Brain Disease
Report: Iran Says US Stealth Fighter Deployment to UAE Damages Security
Former Israeli PM Calls for US to Lead Any Iran Strike
Experts Believe Iran Conflict Is Less Likely
Hashemi Trial Begins Thursday in Absentia
Iraq's Sagging Safety Net
Iraq Seeks to Buy Trains, Solicits Bids From Alstom, Datong
18 Militants Killed in Yemen Fighting
Yemeni Al-Qaeda Sect Says It Seized 20 Tanks
Diplomats Say Yemen UN Envoy Meets Ex-President in an Effort to End His Meddling
Middle East
Lieberman: Yisrael Beiteinu Will Become Second Largest Party in Knesset
Bahrain Orders Retrial for Hunger Striker, Protest Leaders
Lebanese Skier Mistakenly Shot by Syrian Border Guards
DR Congo
Bosco 'Terminator' Ntaganda Takes Over DR Congo Towns
Congo Army Clashes With Wanted General, Five Dead
Junta Spokesman: Counter-Coup Attempt in Mali
Deadly Attack on Nigeria Police in Jalingo, Taraba
Ugandan Army Says Sudan Is Backing Joseph Kony's LRA
ECOWAS Imposes Sanctions on Guinea-Bissau Junta Leaders
US Military
$50M Secret Warship to Be Auctioned for Scrap Metal
Soldier Missing From Vietnam War Identified
Bin Laden Killing
Obama Brags Up bin Laden Killing
Brennan: Bin Laden Left Distraught by Drone Strikes
Depressed bin Laden Thought About 'al-Qaeda' Name Change, White House Says
A Year After bin Laden Raid, Pakistan Still Harboring US's Biggest Enemies
Pakistan Army Believes in 'Strong Democratic System': Gen. Kayani
Residents Flee Karachi 'War Zone'
Obama Calls on China to Improve Human Rights as Activist's Fate Debated
EU Urges China 'Restraint' Over Activist Chen Guangcheng
Suu Kyi Backs Down Over Myanmar Parliamentary Oath
Bomb Explodes in Market in Southern Nepal, Killing 4 People
South Korea Arrests Chinese Sailors in the Yellow Sea
Verdict Delayed for Thai Media Site's Webmaster
Sarkozy to Sue Over Claim Gadhafi Funded Campaign
Graves of Muslim Soldiers Desecrated in France
NATO Confident About Missile Shield
Germany Struggles With Homecoming of Afghanistan Vets
Ukraine Cautions Berlin Over Euro 2012 Boycott Threat
Tymoshenko Case: Europe Pressure on Ukraine Intensifies
Chavez Says Venezuela Should Quit OAS Rights Body, Which Has Criticized His Government
Guatemala Charges Former Police Official in 1980 Spanish Embassy Fire
Read more

Justin Raimondo
China's 'Reformist' Crooks

Kelley B. Vlahos
Waking Up to the Drones

Philip Giraldi
Washington Felons Fret Over Hanky-Panky in Cartagena

Ivan Eland
Proliferation Intelligence or Proliferation of Intelligence?

Nebojsa Malic
Between Hope and Despair

Charles V. Peña
Coming to a Neighborhood Near You

David R. Henderson
Is Iran a Threat?

Ran HaCohen
Was Elliott Abrams Hitler's Senior Advisor?

Additional Contributors
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