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  • Polling Day: How much has changed in the last 115 years?

    As usual, Luke Akehurst has written a better polling day article than I could ever manage. His advice is filled with the sagacity we’ve come to expect. But as I read it, it reminded me of a section in my Labour Annual 1897 on how socialists should organise. You...

  • Ken vs Boris

    After months of campaigning, it’s time for Londoners to make up their minds about which Mayor will run our city in the next four crucial years. This is the time to look back on the records of both men: what each inherited, and their legacies. For Labour...

  • Time to get serious about London’s future

    The food bank in my Borough is doing record business. It is tucked away in Fulham’s shrub lined streets. Walk past the pastel painted houses and polished Range Rovers, and amongst this tapestry of wealth are people humbled by their predicament into...

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Recent Comments

  • treborc1: I think they see London as being the life blood of the
  • GuyM: A site for open debate Duncan, that's LL.I find the T
  • Daniel Speight:  Have you seen some of the abuse handed out to politic
  • Daniel Speight:  We could probably look at him as the last 'One Nation
  • treborc1: Swinging to which labour Party, because it does look mo