- published: 11 Mar 2013
- views: 222
- author: CNMonline

Paramedic Careers - Life of an EMT
http://careersoutthere.com/being-a-paramedic-life-as-a-superhero-on-wheels/ Paramedic care...
published: 24 Sep 2011
author: CareersOutThere
Paramedic Careers - Life of an EMT
http://careersoutthere.com/being-a-paramedic-life-as-a-superhero-on-wheels/ Paramedic careers and the life of an EMT are discussed with paramedic Kelly Grays...
- published: 24 Sep 2011
- views: 6073
- author: CareersOutThere

Dash Cam Cop Attacks EMT
June 12, 2009: OKLAHOMA CITY -- OHP released the dash cam footage of the trooper involved ...
published: 13 Jun 2009
author: MClover420
Dash Cam Cop Attacks EMT
June 12, 2009: OKLAHOMA CITY -- OHP released the dash cam footage of the trooper involved in a scuffle with a paramedic. There was a stalled car on the side ...
- published: 13 Jun 2009
- views: 206852
- author: MClover420

Paramedic and EMT training
Differences between Paramedic (ALS) and EMT (BLS) training. Also the difference in Advance...
published: 08 May 2008
author: bellinghamfiredept
Paramedic and EMT training
Differences between Paramedic (ALS) and EMT (BLS) training. Also the difference in Advanced Life Support and Basic Life Support procedures. Bellingham Fire D...
- published: 08 May 2008
- views: 129808
- author: bellinghamfiredept

EMT (AEMT) Medical Patient Assessment Skill
EMTs Heather and Bonnie demonstrate how to pass the national registry skill test. NOTE: Do...
published: 05 May 2012
author: EMTr89
EMT (AEMT) Medical Patient Assessment Skill
EMTs Heather and Bonnie demonstrate how to pass the national registry skill test. NOTE: Don't forget to take BP before administering nitro like we did! If it...
- published: 05 May 2012
- views: 24890
- author: EMTr89

Oklahoma Highway Patrol fight with EMT.
We now have a blog! Visit http://amazingcopvideos.blogspot.ca for additional cop videos. S...
published: 08 Jan 2013
author: DailyCopVideos
Oklahoma Highway Patrol fight with EMT.
We now have a blog! Visit http://amazingcopvideos.blogspot.ca for additional cop videos. Subscribe to DailyCopVideos for new videos everyday! The best the in...
- published: 08 Jan 2013
- views: 1265
- author: DailyCopVideos

Kershaw Funxion: Outdoor, EMT & DIY Multi-Function Knife
Watch in HD** Thanks to BladeHQ.com for lending me a couple knives to include in this vide...
published: 27 Mar 2013
author: TheLateBoyScout
Kershaw Funxion: Outdoor, EMT & DIY Multi-Function Knife
Watch in HD** Thanks to BladeHQ.com for lending me a couple knives to include in this video for comparison. The Kershaw Funxion is an interesting multi-fun...
- published: 27 Mar 2013
- views: 3285
- author: TheLateBoyScout

How EMT's Get Ready For Work
A candid behind the scenes look at how Emergency Medical Technicans get ready for a long d...
published: 01 Mar 2012
author: Paul Falavolito's Video Blog
How EMT's Get Ready For Work
A candid behind the scenes look at how Emergency Medical Technicans get ready for a long day on the ambulance. This is dedicated to everyone in EMS.
- published: 01 Mar 2012
- views: 23375
- author: Paul Falavolito's Video Blog

EMT Practical - Abdominal Evisceration
How to stabilize an abdominal evisceration for emergency transport. Video taken from skill...
published: 25 Apr 2011
author: stevepanet
EMT Practical - Abdominal Evisceration
How to stabilize an abdominal evisceration for emergency transport. Video taken from skills class for the EMT Practical.
- published: 25 Apr 2011
- views: 8460
- author: stevepanet

EMT 1-4: Overview of the Human Body and Physiology
Module 1-4 of the Wisconsin EMT Curriculum - Overview of the Human Body and Physiology....
published: 20 Jul 2012
author: WCTCEMS
EMT 1-4: Overview of the Human Body and Physiology
Module 1-4 of the Wisconsin EMT Curriculum - Overview of the Human Body and Physiology.
- published: 20 Jul 2012
- views: 19203
- author: WCTCEMS

EMT Medical Assessment
Visit us at http://www.fmambulance.com/education.htm....
published: 25 Jun 2012
author: FMAmbulanceEMEC
EMT Medical Assessment
Visit us at http://www.fmambulance.com/education.htm.
- published: 25 Jun 2012
- views: 27167
- author: FMAmbulanceEMEC

EMT-B Practical Chest Pain Scenario
How to do a Chest Pain Medical Assessment for EMT-B. FYI: Yes, I know I missed a few thing...
published: 07 Aug 2012
author: Conor Hotchkiss
EMT-B Practical Chest Pain Scenario
How to do a Chest Pain Medical Assessment for EMT-B. FYI: Yes, I know I missed a few things, but in my defense it was my first video and as long as you corre...
- published: 07 Aug 2012
- views: 2943
- author: Conor Hotchkiss

published: 16 Aug 2012
- published: 16 Aug 2012
- views: 409652
- author: THÙY TÚ NGUYỄN
Vimeo results:

inter // states
Paul Frankland, aka Woob, has been one of my favorite ambient/electronic artists for a lon...
published: 04 Sep 2010
author: Samuel Cockedey
inter // states
Paul Frankland, aka Woob, has been one of my favorite ambient/electronic artists for a long time. He has made me the honor of providing "Paradigm Flux", a new track of his, as the soundtrack for this new time lapse piece.
Paul is among the most acclaimed ambient musicians of his generation and has created several milestones of the genre, including the well loved Woob 1194 and Woob 4495 albums on the late Nottingham-based em:t label.
If you like great evocative, cinematic ambient music combining organic elements with world and dub influences, by all means check out his latest album, "Repurpose": http://woob.bandcamp.com/album/repurpose
"Paradigm Flux" is available here: http://woob.bandcamp.com/album/paradigm-flux-ep
You can also find an interview regarding the process of making time lapse movies on his blog here: season9.wordpress.com/2010/08/06/floating-point-an-interview-with-samuel-cockedey/
Selected time lapse sequences are available for licensing on the Getty Images website: gettyimages.com/Search/Search.aspx?contractUrl=2&language;=en-US&assetType;=film&p;=cockedey&src;=standard
All rights reserved to their respective owners.

Avalanche Skier POV Helmet Cam Burial & Rescue in Haines, Alaska
In April of 2008 I drove from Lake Tahoe to Haines, Alaska up the Al-Can highway through B...
published: 14 Sep 2009
author: Chappy
Avalanche Skier POV Helmet Cam Burial & Rescue in Haines, Alaska
In April of 2008 I drove from Lake Tahoe to Haines, Alaska up the Al-Can highway through British Columbia and the Yukon with an enclosed 4-snowmobile trailer and a ton of gear. I told myself the year before after a few years of getting "shut out" with heli time, that I wouldn't come back up without snowmobiles....instead of sitting around drinking myself into oblivion on a "down day."
Well thank God we did that because we definitely had down days again right from the get-go. The sledding up at Haines Pass is out of control good. Even staying closer to town like below Old Faithful is great. Can't say enough about how much fun it is to ride snowmobiles up there with no trees.
So the first legit day after that main snow storm cycle, we still went out snowmobiling one more time wanting to let the snow set up a bit more....while another part of our group went up in the bird. Actually two groups went up in the bird, and the first group did all the normal day-after-storm-cycle snow pit and snow quality tests.
The first group decided that while the dangers remained elevated, that it was good to go. They all made some of the sickest pow turns in their lives I was told. The next group then - a couple hundred meters or so over - set up for their descent.
The guy in the video was the first one to drop from their group and while not a guide, he had a lot of Utah and AK backcountry experience. He had a Black Diamond Avalung on, but as you can tell from the video while he's talking as he's dropping in, it wasn't in his mouth to start. He tried to shove it in the instant of starting to get sucked down, but it didn't stay in fully during his ragdoll descent. It was just off to the corner of his mouth he said, and he definitely got some snow / ice in his mouth still.
So as he drops in you can also see the sluff to the skier's right immediately start building....and that's actually the chute that was the intended route down. For whatever reason - well pure, unadulterated powder will do it to you - he didn't go make some strong "skier cuts" into the upper pack to do one final snow check as instructed by the main guide who was doing the "tail gunner" work.
Instead he just sent it. And it didn't take more than a few turns out on this big shoulder above this cliff band to break loose.
This was a decent sized avalanche. 1,500 feet the dude fell in a little over 20 seconds. The crown was about 1 - 1.5m. The chute that he got sucked through to the skier's right was flanked on either side by cliff bands that were about 30m tall. He luckily didn't break any bones and obviously didn't hit anything on the run out.
He was only buried for 4 and a half minutes which is incredibly short. I cannot stress these next sentences enough; that in and of itself to be unburied in ONLY 4:28 is miraculous if you have any understanding of being caught in an avalanche and what it takes to be found. It could literally be some kind of "world record" just on how good the guide and supporting cast of other skiers was in getting to him. It also shows why you should ALWAYS be going with people trained in avalanche rescue / first aid....as well as why you'd want to be going with a guided heli operation. Sure this was terrifying for him, but he would've probably been dead if not for going with a guide.
He also got very lucky to be honest. In the time that he's buried, you can hear his breathing already accelerate. The ruffling noise back and forth is his chest rising and falling and the noise that his jacket makes. The intermittent whimpering noise you hear is him trying to swallow and get some air since the avalung wasn't fully in his mouth and instead just to the corner of his mouth. Still sends chills up the back of my neck. Oh...the luck? They located him so fast because his right glove came off just before he came completley to rest and there was an excellent visual of course.
And then the digging out is utterly amazing. I don't think that you could've paid a Hollywood crew to stage something better. The fact that he could've been facing any 360 direction and yet he's looking right up into the sun-filled blue sky with that first full scoop away of the shovel is borderline spiritual.
This is simply a very sobering and unbelievable video. However, you should take away from this video all the positive things that you can learn from it. Yes there are risks to the backcountry - but with proper gear, training, and guide(s) with avalanche and EMT training - you can greatly lower your chances of getting caught in an avalanche in the first place.....and coming back alive if you ever were to get caught in a slide.
Respect Mother Nature for sure. Learn from this. But just like a Craig Kelly in the snowboard world or a Shane McConkey in the ski world who died out in the backcountry (Craig via avalanche and Shane via ski B.A.S.E. jumping), they left this earth while doing the things that they were truly passionate about. A

Life After Death PowerPoint
Performer: Don McMillan
Check out his homepage at http://www.technicallyfunny.com/
Also hi...
published: 21 Aug 2009
author: EMT Media
Life After Death PowerPoint
Performer: Don McMillan
Check out his homepage at http://www.technicallyfunny.com/
Also his YouTube site at http://www.youtube.com/donmcmillancomedy

never (made as part of the Canon's The Story Beyond the Still competition)
Older Ja...
published: 12 Feb 2010
author: Ruben Latre
never (made as part of the Canon's The Story Beyond the Still competition)
Older Jack: John Unruh
Older Julia: Jan Pessano
Younger Jack: Ned Benkert
Younger Julia: Alissa Dumsch
EMT Worker: Jonathan F. Barbot
Girl's Voice: Lassiter Wall
Casting: Liz Lewis Casting Partners
Sound Design: Rainmaker Studios
Music by: Johan Johannsson
Rights and Clearances: The Rights Workshop
AC: Nick DeGrazia
AC: Adrien Romero
Gaffer: Daniel Choy Boyar
Grip: Jetain Mahendra
Grip: Gary "Redd" Burell
Grip: Brandon Barron
Electric: Patricia Clark
Effects: Kai Lee
Catering: Ania Acevedo
Production Coordinator: Liz Koenig
Production Company: Kipany Pictures
Writer/Producer: Melissa Levins
Director/DP/Editor: Ruben Latre
Shot on location at:
The Brooklyn Navy Yard
Floyd Bennett Field
The William Beaver House
Shot on the Canon 5D with Canon Lenses: 24 (1.4), 35 (1.4), 50 (1.4), 85 (1.2), 100 Macro (2.8)
Youtube results:

EMT Basic Review DCAP BTLS
www.emtsecrets.com Relying on the right study materials is absolutely essential for succes...
published: 22 Jun 2012
author: mometrix
EMT Basic Review DCAP BTLS
www.emtsecrets.com Relying on the right study materials is absolutely essential for success on the EMT test. What you see in the video is only a tiny sample ...
- published: 22 Jun 2012
- views: 3610
- author: mometrix

I do not claim credit for the pictures or songs. Songs from iTunes and pictures from Googl...
published: 28 May 2013
I do not claim credit for the pictures or songs. Songs from iTunes and pictures from Google images. My exit/expert project teaching presentation! :)
- published: 28 May 2013
- views: 1

Hài kịch Trấn Thành & Anh Đức - Mừng sinh nhật EMT lần 3
Clip hài kịch Trấn Thành & Anh Đức, mừng sinh nhật EMT lần thứ 3 tại nhà hát Bông Sen 14-0...
published: 17 Aug 2012
author: Korocross Namikaze
Hài kịch Trấn Thành & Anh Đức - Mừng sinh nhật EMT lần 3
Clip hài kịch Trấn Thành & Anh Đức, mừng sinh nhật EMT lần thứ 3 tại nhà hát Bông Sen 14-08-2012.
- published: 17 Aug 2012
- views: 35129
- author: Korocross Namikaze

EMT/EMR Trauma Skill.mp4
Visit us at http://www.fmambulance.com/education.htm....
published: 26 Jun 2012
author: FMAmbulanceEMEC
EMT/EMR Trauma Skill.mp4
Visit us at http://www.fmambulance.com/education.htm.
- published: 26 Jun 2012
- views: 10382
- author: FMAmbulanceEMEC