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Indymedia is a collective of independent media organizations and hundreds of journalists offering grassroots, non-corporate coverage. Indymedia is a democratic media outlet for the creation of radical, accurate, and passionate tellings of truth.


Indybay Journalists Charged with Felony

Viewpoint Discrimination and Selective Prosecution at Work in Charges Against Independent Journalists

Santa Cruz County District Attorney Bob Lee has embarked on a full frontal assault against independent media in Santa Cruz by including four regular contributors to the independent news website amongst the eleven people charged with multiple felonies and misdemeanors after the occupation of a vacant bank building on November 30th, 2011. District Attorney Lee apparently believes it is his duty to dictate how events such as the occupation of the vacant bank at 75 River Street should be reported on by the media, and if he does not approve of the coverage, then journalists risk the DA bringing charges against them. Read More | Full Press Release from Indybay | En Español

Pictured: Bradley Stuart Allen and Alex Darocy are Indybay photojournalists and Indybay editors who were reporting on the occupation.

More Coverage: KPFA Evening News Speaks with Bradley Stuart Allen | Day Three of "Conspiracy" Frame-Up Hearing | Bogus Attack on Journalists Around November Protest Goes On and On | Preliminary "Conspiracy" Hearing for Two Reporters in the 75 River St. Persecutions | NPPA & Reporters Committee Seek Dismissal of Charges Against Photojournalist Covering Occupy Protest

Australia: Racial Discrimination and Apartheid - 17 Mar 2012

Opposition growing to racially discriminatory intervention in Northern Territory Aboriginal Communities

Legislation is currently before the Australian Senate to extend the Northern Territory Emergency Response (often called just The Intervention) in 73 aboriginal indigenous communities for another 10 years. The intervention was instituted in 2007 by the conservative Howard Government claiming it was to stop domestic violence and child abuse in indigenous communities. But others like John Pilger claim it was a land grab, about mining or "smashing Aboriginal organisations, demonising Aboriginal people and forcing migration". It arose from the Northern Territory Government Inquiry into the Protection of Aboriginal Children from Sexual Abuse. Investigative journalist John Pilger has debunked the reason for The Intervention with statistics saying in 2010: "Out of 7433 Aboriginal children examined by doctors, 39 were referred to the authorities for suspected abuse. Of those, four possible cases have been identified. In other words, as Professor Alastair Nicholson, a former chief justice of the Family Court, has pointed out, this is no more than the rate of child abuse in white Australia."

The Intervention was continued by the Rudd and Gillard Labor Governments. Initially supported by some aboriginal spokespeople, the top down intervention included extra policing in aboriginal communities, compulsory income management, compulsory acquisition of Aboriginal land, the assertion of extensive powers by the Commonwealth Government over Aboriginal communities, and alcohol and pornography restrictions in prescribed areas. It has been widely criticised as being inefficient, ineffective, has failed to delivered jobs to aboriginal people, racially discriminatory, a denial of fundamental human rights, that won't protect children.

The initial Intervention legislation in 2007 entailed suspension of the Racial Discrimination Act and was strongly opposed by the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission. A 2008 action plan by HREOC to modify the intervention was effectively ignored. In 2009 a United Nations Special Rapporteur on Indigenous Human Rights, James Anaya, criticised Australia finding the Intervention to be a "racially discriminatory treatment of indigenous individuals and communities" and "incompatible with Australia’s human rights obligations" (PDF report | Video News Report). In February 2012 a group of emminent Australians signed a Statement on Aboriginal Rights (PDF) for ending all discriminatory practices and opposing the extension of the Intervention.

Recent consultations with aboriginal communities for the extension have been flawed and perfunctory at best, as evidenced by the Senate Hearing at Maningrida 22 February 2012 (Video). Indigenous people and communities in the Northern Territory are fighting for their freedom. Seven leaders from aboriginal communities where the NT Intervention is in place said in January 2012 'Enough is enough' in a video Joint Submission to the Senate Committee (video).

Related: Stop the NT Intervention | Stand for Freedom | Stand for Freedom Campaign Video | Senate Report | ANTaR Background info on NT intervention
Australia Indymedia Coverage: Stronger futures will kill us: Maningrida | Stand For Freedom on Facebook | Aboriginal Catholic Ministry: Committee report ignores concerns | ANTaR concerned that community support was not obtained | National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ecumenical Commission: Stronger Futures or stronger policing | Uniting Church disappointed by Senate report

Climate IMC - Global Warming and Ocean acidification - 13 Mar 2012

Ocean acidity increasing at unprecedented rate not seen in last 300 million years

Correlation of CO2 in atmosphere, seawater and seawater pH (acidity)

In a new study marine scientists have warn that the rate of ocean acidification presently occurring is unprecedented in the last 300 million years. This is due to dissolving carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, much of which human activity has contributed over the last 200 years through the use of fossil fuels. The extent and rate of acidification enhances the prospect for a mass marine extinction event this century. Research in paleoclimatology and oceanography has revealed that anthropogenic climate change is driving Ocean Acidification threatening marine ecosystems.

Ocean acidification has been called the 'evil twin' of climate change with marine scientists warning climate negotiators in Durban of the necessity for climate mitigation action in December 2011, along with a statement on the IUCN website urging action to cut carbon emissions. New research in November 2011 from Australia's Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre showed the Southern ocean is warming and freshening.

Marine scientists warn ocean acidification is already impacting marine food webs which will lead to substantial changes in commercial fish stocks, threatening protein supply and food security for millions of people. The Northwest Oyster Die-off from 2006-2008 in the USA highlights the growing impact on commercial fisheries. The United Nations Environment Program estimates that 3 billion people use fish protein in their diet, with one billion people dependent on subsistence fishing as a primary food source.

Related: International Programme on the State of the Ocean (IPSO) | The Ocean in a high CO2 world | Takver: Ocean acidification articles | UNEP report - Environmental Consequences of Ocean Acidification: a threat to Food Security (PDF)


"Sissy ni watumishi wa community / We are servants of the community" — Nyagah wa Kamau / Stephen Nyash, RIP

Kenya Indymedia has reported that on Tuesday, February 21, radio journalist and organizer Stephen Nyash was shot dead in the Korogocho ghetto of Nairobi, where he had lived and worked for most of his life. Korogocho is the third largest slum in the world [1]. At writing, the motive for his murder is not clear.

Nyash was one of the founders of KOCH FM [2], a close partner of Kenya Indymedia. He was also a leader in "Koch Hope" and "Ghetto Films," which worked to empower the slumdwellers of Korogocho. He brought this wealth of experience to the fourth IMC-Africa Convergence in Senegal last March as a representative of Kenya Indymedia. He was also integral in organizing a "Conference of People" held in Korogocho to coincide with the Conference of Parties (COP-17) gathering on climate change. Fellow organizer John Bwakali writes, "From the moment that he knew about Kenya Indymedia, Nyash became not just an active participant but fellow leader of the movement… Upon return [from Senegal], he immersed himself into the vision and work of Kenya Indymedia." Read John's Full Reflection HERE [3] and his audio interview with Nyash [4] on the fight against State injustices.

To our knowledge, Nyash is the third Indymedia worker to be killed. On June 29th, 2004, 23-year old Lenin Cali Najera of Indymedia Guayaquil in Ecuador was assassinated by agents of the Ecuadorian government [5, 6]. On October 27, 2006 Bradley Roland Will of New York City Indymedia was assassinated by paramilitary forces of the Mexican government while documenting the on-going struggle of the people of Oaxaca. [7, 8]

Nyash will be buried on 3 March 2012. He is survived by his wife, three year old daughter, ten year old son and mother. Kenya Indymedia is accepting donations for burial expenses and the family's needs, and plans to set up a fund to continue his work toward justice for the oppressed particularly in the slums; peace at the community level and economic empowerment and protection of young people. For the short term, donations can be sent via paypal to

Italy: No Tav protests - 22 Feb 2012

NO Tav: Protests continuing against high speed train

No Tav protest poster

Thousands of people marched in the street in Italy on 18 february 2012, protesting against the arrest of 26 people who participated in the big demostrantions held in june and july against Tav project, the high speed train from Turin to Lion, which will cross Val Susa, Italy. No Tav has been protesting since 2003 against a train line which will cost a lot, is an environmental disaster, and is not useful because other lines are available, and only bolsters the builders business.

Far from being a 'Not In My Backyard' (NIMBY) protest, Val di Susa invloves young, old people, families, even the mayors of the surrounding towns. And is shared by many people all over Italy. On 3rd july 60 thousand people, coming from all over Italy, marched to prevent the start of works and hinder the european founding previewed for the first tunnel.

On 25th February there will be a national demonstration in Bussoleno, Val Susa, Italy.

More Information: No Tav | Italia Indymedia


Iran: US military provocations; the Threat of War Becomes Tangible

A new unprovoked military move by the US and its imperialist allies against Iran has escalated tension in the region and has brought us much closer the possibility of war than ever before.

A US armada of military ships and submarines has recently entered the Persian Gulf with the clear intent to disrupt the present global and regional military and diplomatic equilibrium [1]; the dynamic was already very unsteady — and this move is obviously NOT a step toward Peace. The insertion of these tremendous military forces has sent Iran into a state of emergency and activated its shoreline artillery and missile radar defenses.

Full Article by Cyprus Indymedia: Realities about Iran; the Empire Threatens War | Related from Philly IMC: So, how’s the anti-war movement doing?

Several actions around the world opposed this threat by the US government to support the Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran (CASMII): Washington, DC | New York City, NY | Boston, MA | Rogue Valley, OR | Portland, OR

KABUL: STOP THE WARS - 10 Oct 2011

Protesting Ten Years of US Occupation

Yesterday in Kabul the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan held a protest against the 10th anniversary of occupation of Afghanistan by USA. Below is a Statement and some pictures. Please publish them in Independent Media Center so peace loving and anti-war activists around the world know that people of Afghanistan also fight against occupation their county and for peace and democracy.


Informe sobre la situación en Santiago Xanica, Oaxaca, México

Los colectivos europeos Nodo Solidale (Italia), Colectivo Zapatista “Marisol” de Lugano (Suiza), Nomads de XM24 (Italia) que conforman la Plataforma Internacionalista por la Resistencia y la Autogestión Tejiendo Autonomías (PIRATA) organizaron una brigada de observación sobre la violación de los derechos de los pueblos nativos en el Municipio de Santiago Xanica, Oaxaca, México, en la que participaron también activistas de Francia y Estado Español. La brigada recorrió el municipio y los alrededores, tomando testimonios audio y vídeo de la parte afectada por las violaciones desde el lunes 14 de marzo hasta el lunes 21 de marzo de 2011.

La tarea que la Brigada Internacional se dio ha sido la de escuchar, entender, contar y hacer público lo que está ocurriendo en la comunidad de Santiago Xanica. En los últimos meses l@s pobladoras de Xanica han estado denunciando atropellos y abusos por parte de priístas y los grupos de poder en contra del local Comité de Defensa de los Derechos Indígenas (CODEDI Xanica), adherente a la Sexta, y en contra de la población en general.

Informe sobre la situación en Santiago Xanica, Oaxaca | Ingles: Report on the situation in Santiago Xanica, Oaxaca


Right-wing vigilantes take over Roma neighbourhood

On March 1st, uniformed members of the vigilante group Civil Guard (Szebb Jövőért Polgárőr Egyesület), an offshoot of the dreaded Magyar Garda, took control of a Romani neighbourhood in the village of Gyöngyöspata. They set up two checkpoints at the entrance to the neighbourhood and formed a human chain around the houses of Romani residents. The Civil Guard are supported by the right-wing Jobbik party, and now intend to set up chapters in other towns in Hungary, to expand their patrols.


Japanese disaster: Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Catastrophe

Sendai - Rescue Workers in Snow A gigantic earthquake and subsequent tsunami struck Japan on 11 March. Thousands of people were buried under buildings or died in the flooding. In many of Japan's more than 50 nuclear reactors cooling systems broke down. This caused several hydrogen explosions and at least partial fuel rod meltdowns in the reactor blocks one to three of the Fukushima Daiichi nuke. Around the globe the high-risk technology and its future are being protested against and debated . Switzerland is putting a moratorium on construction of new nuclear power plants. In neighbouring Germany the Neckarwestheim nuke will be closed down permanently and seven other old ones temporarily. On Monday 14 March more than 110,000 people demonstrated against nuclear power in more than 450 towns across Germany. Update 15.03. 14:30: In the cooling basin of Block IV fire broke out, radioactivity got into the atmosphere. High radiation levels are measured, personnel were evacuated from the control room. Cooling in Blocks V and VI is not working properly.

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Washington Targets OWS
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Puerto Rico

PC: 1ero de mayo 2012
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Monday, May 7, 2012, Rally with RFK Jr.
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ACLU-NC Submits Brief in Support of Indybay's Bradley Stuart Allen and Alex Darocy
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Santa Cruz, CA

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