Sustainable coffee is produced on a farm with high biological diversity and low chemical inputs. It conserves resources, protects the environment, produces efficiently, competes commercially, and enhances the quality of life for farmers and society as a whole.
                                                      -- Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center, First Sustainable Coffee Congress.

I previously reported on the Rainforest Alliance Cupping for Quality award that was presented at the Specialty Coffee Association of America’s (SCAA) annual trade show in Portland, Oregon late last month. There were several other awards relating to sustainability handed out at the SCAA meeting, and here are a few of them.

Rainforest Alliance Change Agent Award
This is a new award, and will honor coffee industry sustainability champions. It will be presented at the same breakfast as the Cupping for Quality awards each year at the SCAA event. The first recipient is Chad Trewick, Director of Coffee and Tea for Caribou Coffee. Chad has been a driving force in Caribou’s  encouragement of  farmers worldwide to achieve Rainforest Alliance certification. As reported earlier, Caribou is the first major U.S. coffeehouse to source 100% Rainforest Alliance certified coffee. Here is an interview Chad gave after his award, and another he did earlier with RA.

SCAA Sustainability Award
This is given annually by SCAA’s Sustainability Council, and went this year to Thanksgiving Coffee Company for their project “Responding to Climate Change: Building Community-Based Reliance.”  Thanksgiving worked with Rwanda’s Dukunde Kawa Cooperative, which has over 1800 producers, doing site-specific climate risk assessments, and deploying best practices such as shade intercropping, erosion control, and watershed conservation. A full description of the project is here.

Descriptions of some of the previous winners can be found here, here, and  here.

Best New Product and People’s Choice Award – Equipment for Origin
C-sar Online Tools by Cropster GmbH, for their online database system that helps producers track, manage and improve quality; communicate and collaborate with partners and customers; and assists with certifications, accounting, and other logistics. I’m all for transparency, traceability, and tools for farmers.

The Best New Product – Sustainability was not awarded this year, but the Best New Product – Packaging was sustainability related: the Natural Kraft Biotrē® Side Gusseted Bag by Pacific Bag. There is a fair amount of both interest and confusion on sustainable (especially biodegradable) packaging products, so I thought it was worth a mention.

This bag is  made of Biotrē Film, 60% (by weight) biodegradable materials made from renewable resources such as wood pulp. Pacific Bag says the outer paper portion will break down in several months in a backyard compost pile. They have a series of videos on YouTube that show the paper portion was gone in about five weeks. The rest of the bag is a polymer film (derived from fossil fuels, unfortunately) that is supposed to take a five to ten years to degrade in a “landfill environment.”

Two things need to be pointed out here. First, if only part of this bag (which also has a degassing valve which is not biodegradable) will break down in your backyard compost pile, why would you put it in there in the first place? Off to the landfill it goes. Second, I think that if it were to go to a large commercial composting unit of a landfill, then the bag might break down in five to ten years. It seems unlikely that it will break down much at all in a typical municipal landfill, which are packed very tightly and do not allow much or any aerobic activity which is required for most biodegradation. So, another product that is a step in the right direction, but no silver bullet.

Congratulations to all individuals and companies working towards sustainability in the coffee industry.


Posted in Coffee news and miscellany



Posted in Coffee news and miscellany


The Rainforest Alliance Cupping for Quality award is designed to recognize coffees carrying the Rainforest Alliance seal and to highlight the linkage between sustainable farm management practices and cup quality. There are now two annual cuppings and awards, divided by geography. In December, coffees from the southern hemisphere compete. The April cupping covers countries in Latin America, as well as Ethiopia and India.  The following results were announced this morning at the annual Rainforest Alliance Sustainable Coffee Breakfast at the Specialty Coffee Association of America’s annual event in Portland, Oregon.

This year, the April cupping evaluated 90 coffee samples (highest yet!) from 9 origins. Here are the top ten:

  1. Idido (Yirgacheffe) Ethiopia — 86.13
  2. Wottona Buituma (Sidama), Ethiopia — 84.88.  This co-op is one of the Sidama Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union. Also certified organic.
  3. Grupo Supia Zona La Quiebra, Colombia — 84.85
  4. Gidibona Sheicha, Ethiopia — 84.83. Another member of the Sidama Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union. Also certified organic.
  5. Green Coffee Agro Industry, Ethiopia — 84.75
  6. Grupo Aguadas Zona Viboral, Colombia — 84.70
  7. Manantiales del Frontino, Colombia — 84.48. Part of the Colombian Mountain Coffee group, with 138 ha in the Valle de Cauca that includes a number of varietals, including Geisha/Gesha.
  8. El Injerto, Guatemala — 84.45
  9. Adame Gorbota, Ethiopia — 84.18
  10. Las Mercedes, El Salvador – 84.13

That’s a pretty tight pack, with an average score of 84.74. Weird weather made it kind of a tough year in Central America, which may account for the fact that the winning score and the top ten average were both lower than the previous five-year averages (88.28 and 85.20).  The winning scores for each country except the Dominican Republic (see the rest below) were also below average.

The top scorers from the other countries represented were:

  • Nicaragua — La Laguna, 83.65
  • Mexico — Grupo de Productores AAA, 83.35
  • Costa Rica — Finca Santa Anita, 83.93
  • Honduras — Platanares, 82.60
  • Dominican Republic — Spirit Mountain Ecological Reserve & Organic Coffee Plantation, 82.05

Previous results are available here in the archives in the Coffee Awards and Competitions category.


Posted in Coffee awards and competitions,Rainforest Alliance


ResearchBlogging.orgLandscape context and scale differentially impact coffee leaf rust, coffee berry borer, and coffee root-knot nematodes. Avelino, Romero-Gurdian, Cruz-Cuellar, and DeClerk. 2012. Ecological Applications.

In ecology, context is important. Ecosystems are comprised of many interdependent organisms, and those interactions are influenced by the environment at different scales. In the case of coffee pests, that can mean the conditions on an individual coffee plant, in a particular patch of coffee, or on one or many neighboring farms. This study looked at how the surrounding landscape — up to 1500 m around coffee plots — impacted the incidence of several coffee pests.

The authors looked at 29 small plots of coffee within larger plantings in Costa Rica. They wanted to see how different land use practices at different scales might influence coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix), the coffee berry borer (Hypothenemus hampei), and root-knot nematodes (in the genus Meloidogyne).

Populations of the virtually immobile root-knot nematodes did not appear to be correlated with landscape. Not surprisingly, coffee plots embedded in a landscape with a high proportion of other coffee plots facilitated the movement and spread of coffee berry borers.

I found the response of coffee leaf rust to be the most interesting: there were increased epidemics of coffee leaf rust in areas where coffee plots were in a landscape that had open uses such as pasture. The rust spores are spread by wind. The air turbulence produced by gaps of pasture among plots of coffee promoted the release of the rust spores which then dispersed in the landscape.  When the wind turbulence released clusters of spores, they did not travel as far and resulted in locally intense outbreaks of rust.

The landscape-scale effects on the rust and borer varied depending on the distance of the plots from the various landscape features, and also fluctuated during the season, so the effects of landscape are not simple; these are outlined in the paper. However, the results suggest that growing coffee in plots that are separated from others by native forest could hinder the spread of both the borer and the rust, as well as act as reserves and corridors for other biodiversity.

Avelino, J., Romero-Gurdián, A., Cruz-Cuellar, H., & Declerck, F. (2012). Landscape context and scale differentially impact coffee leaf rust, coffee berry borer, and coffee root-knot nematodes Ecological Applications, 22 (2), 584-596 DOI: 10.1890/11-0869.1


Posted in Research on coffee growing