
The Human Embryo and Embyronic Stem Cell Biology
The Human Embryo and Embyronic Stem Cell Biology
On December 15, 2010, Renee Reijo Pera spoke to the CIRM Governing Board about her research studies of the human embryo and embryonic stem cells. Using time lapse video of the embryo's initial cell divisions, Pera's lab identified parameters that can accurately predict human embryo viability. These findings could improve the success rate for couples trying to have children through in vitro fertilization as well as reduce the number of embryos used in the procedure. Pera is director of Stanford's Center for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research and Education. She was introduced by Robert Klein, chair of the CIRM Governing Board. Series: "California Institute for Regenerative Medicine" [Science] [Show ID: 21940]

Embryonic Stem Cells
Embryonic Stem Cells
An overview of early development of a zygote to an embryo. Embryonic and somatic stem cells.

Embryonic Stem Cell Sources- Why We Don't Need Them | MetroMD
Embryonic Stem Cell Sources- Why We Don't Need Them | MetroMD
Alex Martin, MD discusses Embryonic Stem Cell Sources and why we don't need them anymore and the current applications of Autologous Stem Cell Therapy. Questions? Please call the MetroMD Institute of Regenerative Medicine in Los Angeles at (323) 285-5300 or email us at info@MetroMD.net. More information at MetroMD.net

Embryonic Stem Cell
Embryonic Stem Cell
Upload only for educational purpose. I don't own this animation. Got it from google. Stem cells, pluripotency, tropoblast, inner, mass cells, blastocyst, embryonic stem cell,Embryonic Stem Cell Derivation, embryonic stem cell research animation

Cloned Embryonic Stem Cells, FIRST (Brainstorm Ep26)
Cloned Embryonic Stem Cells, FIRST (Brainstorm Ep26)
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Benedict XVI: No embryonic stem cell research
Benedict XVI: No embryonic stem cell research
Pope Benedict XVI today confirmed the Catholic Church's support for and commitment to stem cell research, while reiterating the basic moral notion that real scientific progress cannot be had at the expense of human dignity, but must always serve the authentic human good. The Holy Father was addressing the participants in a major international conference that took place here at the Vatican this week under the joint sponsorship of the Pontifical Council for Culture and the biotech firm NeoStem under the heading: Adult Stem Cells: Science and the Future of Man and Culture. "Man, the agent of scientific research," said Pope Benedict, "will sometimes, in his biological nature, form the object of that re ...

Blood cells from Embryonic Stem Cells: Cornelis Murre - CIRM Science Writer's Seminar
Blood cells from Embryonic Stem Cells: Cornelis Murre - CIRM Science Writer's Seminar
(Part 2 of 9) Cornelis Murre, Ph.D., spoke at the Scientific Writer's Seminar, a workshop presented on September 17, 2008 at CIRM headquarters in San Francisco. Murre has a CIRM grant to develop an approach that would allow large-scale production of blood cells from human embryonic cells.

'Embryonic' and 'Adult' Stem Cell Research Explained by David Kupelian
'Embryonic' and 'Adult' Stem Cell Research Explained by David Kupelian
I learn for the first time the difference between embryonic stem cell therapy and adult stem cell therapy. The media did not explain that Rick Perry's stem cell therapy was "adult" not "embryonic." The media never explains the fact that embryonic stem cell therapy is not working, it's a disaster, and adult stem cell therapy is working. The media has an "irrational infactuation with embryonic stem cell research" because they have to "perfume the stench of abortion." Also, Roe from Roe vs. Wade is now Anti-Abortion. - Victoria Jackson

Understanding Embryonic Stem Cells
Understanding Embryonic Stem Cells
Douglas A. Melton, Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator and professor of molecular and cellular biology at Harvard University, speaks on the controversial topic of embryonic stem cells, or ES cells. ES cells are cells that can be isolated from early embryos, before they differentiate into specific types of cells. Because stem cells have the potential to generate fresh, healthy cells of nearly any type, there is interest in exploring their use to treat and cure various diseases. The societal controversy regarding human ES cells relates primarily to their derivation from very early embryos. In addition, certain stem cell lines are developed using a cloning technique called somatic cell nuclear transfer, which can generate cells that are an exact genetic match to a patient.

Embryonic Stem Cells
Embryonic Stem Cells
www.whatisanumbilicalcord.com This video examines umbilical cord blood and uses of embryonic stem cells.

Human Embryonic Stem Cell Successes .MOV
Human Embryonic Stem Cell Successes .MOV
embryonic stem cell successes, seattle times january 24th 2012

Advanced Cell Technologies: Human Embryonic Stem Cell Trials
Advanced Cell Technologies: Human Embryonic Stem Cell Trials
Fintan Walton talks to Gary Rabin, Chairman & CEO of ACT about Human Embryonic Stem Cell Trials.

Embryonic stem cell therapy in China (www.esctherapy.com)
Embryonic stem cell therapy in China (www.esctherapy.com)
Since 2002, ESC therapy has treated over 10000 patients with degenerative diseases, injury and cancer, now it has move on to help people to delay ageing as disease usually comes from weaken and aged cells. ESC therapy provides young healthy cells to replace aged and mutated cells in order to prevent disease and delay ageing.

Geron's Embryonic Stem Cell Clinical Trial for Spinal Cord Injury
Geron's Embryonic Stem Cell Clinical Trial for Spinal Cord Injury
Dr. Jane Lebkowski, executive vice president and chief scientific officer at Geron Corporation, gave the keynote address for the 2011 CIRM Bridges Trainee Meeting. Last year, Geron began the first clinical trial in the world using human embryonic stem cells. CIRM recently approved a $25 million loan to Geron to assist in this trial. The embryonic stem cells used in the trial are being tested as a potential therapy for spinal cord injury. Lebkowski reviewed the work leading up to the trial and gave the latest update on its progress. Lebkowski was introduced by Art Torres, vice chair of the CIRM Governing Board, and Pat Olson, executive director of CIRM scientific activities.

Life Is For the Living: The Fight for Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Life Is For the Living: The Fight for Embryonic Stem Cell Research
The Fight for federal funding of Embryonic Stem Cell research

Cardiovascular Derivatives of Embryonic Stem Cells in Cardiac Repair and Drug Discovery
Cardiovascular Derivatives of Embryonic Stem Cells in Cardiac Repair and Drug Discovery
Christine Mummery, PhD -- Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands; From the SBS Symposium Screening Stem Cells 2009: From Reprogramming to Regenerative Medicine. Held in Boston, MA, USA - September 2-3, 2009.

Stem Cells Explained - Part 1 - Pluripotent Stem Cells.wmv
Stem Cells Explained - Part 1 - Pluripotent Stem Cells.wmv
Stem Cells Explained - Pluripotent Stem Cells

The Truth about Embryonic and Adult Stem Cell Research -- Lesson 1
The Truth about Embryonic and Adult Stem Cell Research -- Lesson 1
The Maryland Coalition for Ethical Research brings you this first in a video series explaining embryonic and adult stem cell research, with an emphasis on dispelling myths perpetuated by the media and politicians.

US scientists unveil new cloning method for embryonic stem cells
US scientists unveil new cloning method for embryonic stem cells
DOWNLOAD HERE: newsdirect.nma.com.tw US scientists have succeeded in producing embryonic stem cells using a new cloning technique. They injected genetic material from a diabetic patient's skin cell into a donor egg, and stimulated it to develop enough so stem cells could be extracted. The result is stem cells with 69 chromosomes - one set of 23 more than a normal human's 46 - meaning they cannot be used for cell replacement therapy yet. Source: CNN, Financial Times