LINPACK is a software library for performing numerical linear algebra on digital computers. It was written in Fortran by Jack Dongarra, Jim Bunch, Cleve Moler, and Gilbert Stewart, and was intended for use on supercomputers in the 1970s and early 1980s. It has been largely superseded by LAPACK, which runs more efficiently on modern architectures.
LINPACK makes use of the BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) libraries for performing basic vector and matrix operations.
The LINPACK benchmarks appeared initially as part of the LINPACK user's manual. The parallel LINPACK benchmark implementation called HPL (High Performance Linpack) is used to benchmark and rank supercomputers for the TOP500 list.
31.7 trillion flops – pretty sporty HPC Blog Another world record has fallen. Asian Student Cluster competitors have broken the student LINPACK record with an amazing score of 31.7 TF/s. This barely tops the former record of 31.15 TF/s set at SC16 by the University of Science & Technology of China... .
Brainier students? Maybe. New hardware, almost certainly HPC Blog SMERSH! That was the sound of the Student ClusterCompetitionLINPACK record being shattered – in a huge way. How huge? Really huge. As in more than doubled ... .
This resulted in the fastest computation USC has ever processed, delivering a nearly 50 percent increase over its previous Linpack Benchmark results(2) ...http.// (2) The HPCC's previous Linpack Benchmark record of 7.291TFLOPS was achieved in April 2005, ranking it the fourth-fastest computer in a U.S.
The twice-a-year Top500 ranking rates the world's fastest supercomputers based on the Linpack benchmark, which tests the maximum number of floating point operations per second ... with a Linpack performance of 35.86 Tflop/s (teraflops, or trillions of calculations, per second).
The Flashmob 1 gathering of laptop computer users in San Francisco fizzled in its attempt to take a place in the Linpack benchmark of supercomputing, but it scored high in enthusiasm and fun, proving that hundreds of computers can be linked together for some uses.