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So I am 17, and I am a gay boy. I was talking to this guy for a while over the internet, we met, and we both really hit it off. Well one thing that I didn't really notice is how feminine his body was. Well we were texting, and he told me that he was a FTM (female to male) transgender individual. The issue I am having is that I really like this guy, but I don't like females. And while he has a female anatomy, he still acts completely male. So I was wondering what a smart way to experiment, to see if it would work, would be, while at the same time not hurting him. Please let me know... I really like this guy, but hate his body parts.

A little more background: I am a pretty sexual person, so it makes a kind of a big deal to me. I can watch straight porn and enjoy it. I can imagine having sex with a vagina. I never have experimented with a girl. I have always been with boys, and have always acted as the "bottom."

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S.E.X. by Heather CorinnaS.E.X. by Heather Corinna"The Our Bodies, Ourselves for the MySpace generation, a comprehensive course in sexuality and sexual health for teens of any orientation and their parents, teachers and counselors. In a society that all too often scolds and belittles teenagers deserving of more credit, S.E.X. is revolutionary." ~ Curve Magazine

The All-You-Need-to-Know Progressive Sexuality Guide to Get You Through High School and College covers everything from ovulation to orientation, body image to birth control, masturbation to misogyny, the clitoris to cohabitation, STIs to WTFs. CLICK HERE to find out more about this in-depth, inclusive, positive book and where you can get one, or hop to Amazon to nab yours now.