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Che Guevera on Film and the ‘Politics of Salvation’

Posted on 18 November 2009 by Ari Patrinos

We have probably all heard the old canard that “everything is political”.  For Florentine philosopher Niccolo Machiavelli, absolutely nothing existed above politics. Even Christian salvation itself, in Machiavelli’s day the sole prerogative of the Roman Catholic Church, was itself political.  One’s salvation depended on the blessing, and consequently the political favor of the Roman Church. [...]

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DVD Review: Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Prices

Posted on 24 September 2009 by Clayton

The 98 minute film gives you a brief history of Wal-Mart but talks more about it’s negatives using CEO Lee Scott’s own words, statistics and the words of former workers and supervisors. The way the megastore magnet keeps its price low may shock you.

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GeoReview: MILK

Posted on 19 June 2009 by Rame

When telling a story about a gay or lesbian political figure, a writer, director and producer has to work extra hard to not feed into the social stereotypes of homosexuality, as well as be sure the story is the essence of the movie, not the sexual orientation. So, when I sat down to watch the [...]

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