
What is a Region?
What is a Region?
How do you define a "region?" In this brief clip, California Jones explains the many ways that geographers use the term "region" to describe an area or a group of people. This intrepid explorer also explains the four major regions of California. This clip comes from Dig Into History with California Jones: California Regions available at www.digintohistory.com

Budapest Business Region - Get Engaged
Budapest Business Region - Get Engaged
hot Budapest Business Region image film Directed by Isti Madarász Music by Balkan Fanatik feat. Prophet Produced by AERA Property and Destination

How to use WorldEdit WorldGuard Region Protection - Minecraft Multiplayer Server Mod
How to use WorldEdit WorldGuard Region Protection - Minecraft Multiplayer Server Mod
Follow me on twitter.com WorldEdit: forums.bukkit.org

Ski Region Simulator 2012 - Gameplay
Ski Region Simulator 2012 - Gameplay
In "Ski Region Simulator" there is an almost endless variety of gameplay possibilities. In career mode you enter a huge winter landscape to experience the day to day running of a Swiss Alpine ski resort. In this accurately modelled world you are free to explore, manage the resort in real-time, and watch the outcome of your decisions.

Minecraft- Pokémon Kanto Region
Minecraft- Pokémon Kanto Region
Big project. We're making the entire Kanto region in Minecraft, meaning everything is 3D.Some of the stuff needs work, but it's coming along nicely. Server link: www.minecraft.net

Ski Region Simulator
Ski Region Simulator
"In Ski Region Simulator there is an almost endless variety of gameplay possibilities." ~ The Game's developer. "It's a thing, it's definitely a thing." ~ Me "Yeah this shouldn't be a thing." ~ Me after playing for 2 minutes. Outro music by FantomenK - www.newgrounds.com

Destructoid - X-MEN DESTINY details revealed! 3DS Region Locked! And HOW much are those games?! - Destructoid
Destructoid - X-MEN DESTINY details revealed! 3DS Region Locked! And HOW much are those games?! - Destructoid
DESTRUCTOID 0038 Today is a very special day. Why's that, you might ask? Well, because Tara had a post devoted to her on 4chan last night! Whether this is the pinnacle or the nadir of our lives, we're excited - so excited that we've brought you another episode full of great news. Like all legitimate news programs we start out with a retraction of some of Monday's lies, then move on to indie game Amensia: Dark Descent making some money, take a stop in the jail to talk about Wesley Snipes' new game called JULIUS STYLES, and of course spend time talking about the 3DS. The latest news is that the 3DS will be region locked, dissuading potential importers, and that the games will cost 49.99. Ouch. Story #1 - Amnesia Dark Descent has sold over 200000 copies! www.destructoid.com Super-scary downloadable game Amnesia: The Dark Descent has officially sold over 200000 copies, and in turn saved developer Frictional Games. Good job, guys. Story #2 - Wesley Snipes making a game from jail. www.destructoid.com Apparently it's called JULIUS STYLES, and will be available in the app store. The game also promises to pit your "street knowledge survival skills with your academic intellect and spiritual intuition. Story #3 - Gamestop tentatively prices 3DS games at $49.99. www.destructoid.com It's far from a confirmation, but Gamestop has priced the lead 3DS games at 49.99. How do you feel about this price point? Story #4 - 3DS may also be region locked. www.destructoid.com Another unconfirmed <b>...</b>

Outpherm Region - 6th Generation Pokémon
Outpherm Region - 6th Generation Pokémon
Art by pequedark-velvet.deviantart.com (More pokemon of the Outpherm Region: pequedark-velvet.deviantart.com ) Video and voice (c) Me, PyreflyDreamer (Guiled-Dragon on DA, and formally GGD on here)

Region Free Unlock (Coby-224)
Region Free Unlock (Coby-224)
A video showing how I unlocked my dvd player to play dvd's from all regions around the world (Region Free) DVD player Coby-224 Around $35 on Amazon www.amazon.com DVD tested with Dead Snow (Region 2) Reelsinema.info

EA SPORTS SSX: Region Gameplay - Rockies
EA SPORTS SSX: Region Gameplay - Rockies
Buy Now on Origin: bit.ly New gameplay footage in the Rockies region!

Riz Khan - Al-Shabab: A regional threat?
Riz Khan - Al-Shabab: A regional threat?
Is al-Shabab taking its fight beyond Somalia and into the Horn of Africa and does it pose a regional threat?

Quantizing Regions - Pro Tools 9
Quantizing Regions - Pro Tools 9
Over 1.25 million app downloads! bit.ly You can quantize the regions in your Pro Tools session the same way you would quantize a MIDI track. This is a way of shifting notes over to snap them to the timeline grid of the track's tempo. It will help you get perfect timing with your audio regions. This technique works especially well with drum and percussion notes. Start off by selecting the region you want to quantize. It's important to know that when you quantize a region, Pro Tools will snap the beginning of the region to the nearest gridline. This can cause problems if your notes start later in the region. Therefore, you'll need to cut up the region so that each audio wavelength is separate. Press the Tab key to make your play marker jump to the very beginning of the next wavelength. Once your play marker is in the right spot, press the "B" key on your keyboard. This will split the region where you've marked it. You now have a region that begins with the wavelength. Continue splitting up the region at the beginning of every following note. You can keep pressing Tab and "B" to do this. Now select the regions you want to quantize. You can select multiple ones or just do one at a time. Then go to Region--Quantize to Grid or use the hotkey Apple+0. The selected region will snap to the beginning of the closest grid mark. Read more by visiting our page at: www.mahalo.com

Minecraft: Pokemon Kanto Region w/ Ze & Sly - Episode 1: Pallet Town/Viridian City
Minecraft: Pokemon Kanto Region w/ Ze & Sly - Episode 1: Pallet Town/Viridian City
Leave a like, comment, and favorite for FINALLY doing a series with Sly! AND POKEMON MUSIC! (I actually edited in ALL those tracks X__X) www.youtube.com Sly: www.youtube.com www.twitter.com Map: www.minecraftforum.net

The World Atlas - INDIA REGION
The World Atlas - INDIA REGION
The Atlas steps into the digital age. This is a new one-of-a-kind World Atlas covering all parts of the globe with animated maps from Rand McNally and in-depth cultural and historical information. Each episode is dedicated to different countries, containing four distinct features - physical geography, political geography, popular locations, and thematic maps. In this episode, you will visit India Region.

Pokemon Black & White Unova Region in MINECRAFT - Part 3 (Route 6, Wellspring Cave, Nacrene City)
Pokemon Black & White Unova Region in MINECRAFT - Part 3 (Route 6, Wellspring Cave, Nacrene City)
Click here for part 2 - www.youtube.com Pokemon Black & White Unova Region in MINECRAFT - Part 3 featuring: - Route 6 - Wellspring Cave - Nacrene City Created by: www.youtube.com www.youtube.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Facebook - www.facebook.com Twitter - twitter.com Website - www.nintendobuzz.com

Minecraft: Pokemon Hoenn Region w/ Ze & SSoHPKC - Part 1: Loot the Town
Minecraft: Pokemon Hoenn Region w/ Ze & SSoHPKC - Part 1: Loot the Town
Leave a like, fav, comment and stuffs for more Minecraft maps! www.youtube.com Seamus: www.youtube.com www.twitter.com Map: www.minecraftforum.net

Minecraft: Pokemon Kanto Region w/ Ze & Sly - Episode 2: Viridian Forest/Pewter City
Minecraft: Pokemon Kanto Region w/ Ze & Sly - Episode 2: Viridian Forest/Pewter City
Leave a like, comment, and favorite for FINALLY doing a series with Sly! AND POKEMON MUSIC! (I actually edited in ALL those tracks X__X) www.youtube.com Sly: www.youtube.com www.twitter.com Map: www.minecraftforum.net

Export Audio Region as Files - Pro Tools 9
Export Audio Region as Files - Pro Tools 9
Over 1.25 million app downloads! bit.ly Exporting audio regions as files allows you to select multiple regions (or just one region) and export these files all together or just one at a time. For instance, you may have a track, such as a single vocal track, with a section that you wish to isolate and export. Click on the region you wish to select. This will highlight the audio file in the Regions Bin (which you can open by clicking on the small arrow at the bottom right corner of the screen). Right-click on the top bar of the Regions Bin and choose Export Regions as Files from the drop down menu that appears. Choose the File Type you wish to create along with the Format, Bit Depth and Sample Rate, then click Export. Read more by visiting our page at: www.mahalo.com

Minecraft: Pokemon Hoenn Region w/ Ze & SSoHPKC - Part 2: First Gym Parkour
Minecraft: Pokemon Hoenn Region w/ Ze & SSoHPKC - Part 2: First Gym Parkour
Leave a like, fav, comment and stuffs for more Minecraft maps! www.youtube.com Seamus: www.youtube.com www.twitter.com Map: www.minecraftforum.net